Embedding a zoom box in an SVG image - svg

I'd like to make my SVG images interactive, with a zoom box that can be moved around by hovering or clicking the mouse in certain areas. Can this be done in a single SVG file, so that I can embed this interactive SVG image in a pdf?

You mean like this? Zoom and Pan


How to show svg picture as a cursor

We have cursors in design in form of circle. But when we took svg picture from design and reconvert it to .cur format we got cursor with smashed edges.
We need sharp circle
What can we do?
Dont's take svg picture from design and just google the image you want. Just google a file you want and save it as yourchoice.cur name and use it in your code.

Text Icon Transparency issue with SVG file

I am trying to create a simple SVG icon (composite path) using Adobe Fireworks.
Icon shall comprise of a circle with an alphabet in its centre.
The background of circle is supposed to be transparent but that of that should be would be the outline color of circle.
When i am trying to merge both elements as composite path using Join then the text fill is lost.
Icon is supposed to be a Single Composite Path only as it is then required to be imported in my Javafx application.
I am attaching both expected icon and current icon being created for understanding issue
Any possible solution for same would be really helpful
Thanks in advance

OpenModelica svg icon for blocks

The svg icon of a block is not displayed. Here's how I set it:
I switch to Icon view
Click on Bitmap
Draw a rectangle
In Bitmap properties I select the svg file through Browse (the option for svgs exists). The svg file is in the same folder as the .mo file.
Click Ok and the svg icon is not displayed - I get nothing (like a white icon - I can only see the corners of the bitmap rectangle). The svg file was created in Inkscape and saved as Plain svg.
Is this svg icon option not implemented yet but will be in the near future? or am I doing something wrong?
The svg option was there by mistake. The supported formats for bitmap are PNG, BMP and JPEG. I have fixed it now in r18662.

Pixlelated borders when i save image as GIF with Transparent In Illustrator

World Map Images in Adobe Illustrator CS5
I have an image Map in illustrator CS5 which i want to save in GIF so as to reduce its size for web use. But when i save it, the map boundaries are having some white pixels all along the map boundaries of map.
I really dont know why has happened to it, but cant save it in Png-8, png-24 formate due to size constraint.
Any meaningful answer will be highly appreciate and thanks in advance.
Is your background a non-changable color? Maybe you can save the image with the same color as a background.
The problem is gifs don't support true transparency.
If this doesn't work can you provide the image you are trying to save (gif and png, I don't have AI right now)? Maybe there will be something I can do about the size or clearing the gif's edges.
transparent GIFs don't have an 8-bit alpha channel, like PNG does: a pixel in a GIF is either there, or it's not: if it's there, you can't see through it. This often means that an edge between transparent and non-transparent areas looks blocky.
There are two ways to deal with this... either use a PNG 24 (and the Illustrator Save for Web feature will help you to make it smaller), or in Illustrator create a background color layer behind your image before you export to GIF. If this background color layer is the same as the website you put the image on, the edges will blend nicely.

Glyph Sizes in FontForge SVG Importing

I created a set of svg glyphs for a font I am building, in Inkscape.
They look fine in Inkscape, and fill the full canvas. But when I import them into FontForge, they appear tiny - around 1/10th of the size they should take up.
Can anyone explain why this is happening, and what I can do to fix it?
This happens because your artboard in inkscape has many more units than the font's cartesian grid space.
Open Inkscape
From the File menu, select Document Properties.
Set units to pixels (px) and document dimensions to 1000 x 1000, click OK
Set a horizontal guide at 200px
Draw a glyph – the hardest part! :-)
Save the drawing as an SVG
Open FontForge
From the File menu, select Import, chose SVG, find your drawing, click OK
Inkscape now has a template, 'FontForge Glyph' that should make this more convenient.
There are some bugs in the FontForge.This is a way to solve it.
