Is eslint's "Unexpected any value in conditional. An explicit comparison or type cast is required." wrong here? - eslint

Evidently it's already a boolean. Can anyone guide me so as to why this is the case?
(Disclaimer: I'm aware that getBusines is spelled wrong; it's not my code.)


Right way to type as "Any"

Let's say I'm using gdscript static typing and for one function parameter I don't know in advance what I'm going to get. That's what typing.Any is for in python. How do I do it with gdscript?
It seems that Variant is not a valid type and I'm not sure about using Object for that purpose (since it could be a built-in)
Leaving the type blank obviously works, but the docs has a specific section called typed-or-dynamic-stick-to-one-style, and since we're already kinda short on good practices using gdscript I'd rather find another way
Any idea?
As of Godot 3.2, GDScript does not feature a Variant or any type hint yet. However, you can still use the Object type hint if you expect a variable to hold any object (or null, as Object is nullable by design). Object may not hold primitive types like int or bool though.
Therefore, you should just leave out the type hint for now.

python keeps saying that 'imput is undefined. how do I fix this?

Please help me with this. I'd really appreciate it. I have tried alot of things but nothing is working, Please suggest any ideas you have.
This is what it keeps saying:
name = imput('hello')
NameError: name 'imput' is not defined
You misspelled input as imput. imput() is not a function that python recognizes - thus, it assumes it's the name of some variable, searches for wherever that variable was declared, and finds nothing. So it says "this is undefined" and raises an error.
imput isn't a built-in function. Perhaps you're looking for input.

How to correct an Excel formula error

=O27&" "&IF(D27<>"",VLOOKUP(D27,성취기준1반!$B$4:$C$19,2)&" ","")&IF(E27<>"",VLOOKUP(E27,성취기준1반!$E$4:$F$19,2)&" ","")&IF(F27<>"",VLOOKUP(F27,성취기준1반!$H$4:$I$19,2)&" ","")&IF(G27<>"",VLOOKUP(G27,성취기준1반!$K$4:$L$19,2)&" ","")&IF(H27<>"",VLOOKUP(H27,성취기준1반!$N$4:$O$33,2)&" ","")&IF(I27<>"",VLOOKUP(I27,성취기준1반!$Q$4:$R$33,2)&" ","")&IF(J27<>"",VLOOKUP(J27,성취기준1반!$T$4:$U$33,2)&" ","")&IF(K27<>"",VLOOKUP(K27,성취기준1반!$W$4:$X$33,2)&" ","")&IF(L27<>"",VLOOKUP(L27,성취기준1반!$Z$4:$AA$33,2)&" ","")&IF(M27<>"",VLOOKUP(M27,성취기준1반!$AC$4:$AD$19,2)&" ","")&P27
this is working code
=O28&" "&IF(D28<>"",VLOOKUP(D28,성취기준1반!$B$4:$C$19,2)&" ","")&IF(E28<>"",VLOOKUP(E28,성취기준1반!$E$4:$F$19,2)&" ","")&IF(F28<>"",VLOOKUP(F28,성취기준1반!$H$4:$I$19,2)&" ","")&IF(G28<>"",VLOOKUP(G28,성취기준1반!$K$4:$L$19,2)&" ","")&IF(H28<>"",VLOOKUP(H28,성취기준1반!$N$4:$O$33,2)&" ","")&IF(I28<>"",VLOOKUP(I28,성취기준1반!$Q$4:$R$33,2)&" ","")&IF(J28<>"",VLOOKUP(J28,성취기준1반!$T$4:$U$33,2)&" ","")&IF(K28<>"",VLOOKUP(K28,성취기준1반!$W$4:$X$33,2)&" ","")&IF(L28<>"",VLOOKUP(L28,성취기준1반!$Z$4:$AA$33,2)&" ","")&IF(M28<>"",VLOOKUP(M28,성취기준1반!$AC$4:$AD$19,2)&" ","")&P28
this is doesn't workin code.
Why doesn't it work?
This is not an answer in terms of a solution, but an answer in terms of the method you could employ to find and solve the issue. Mainly because you have not provided a working verifiable example, data or detail of the actual error.
First I would remove the vlookups and replace them with the expected results - if that then functions as it should then each of the vlookups needs to be tested, if not then check the detail of the function.
Appreciate if you can assist by explaining.. "why this doesn't work?" part. It is an error message or the the expected value is _ but I got _ instead.. (:
One thing I noticed is that you don't define what will be the outcome if D28 is "". If you don't define it, it'll return 'FALSE' value instead of a String/text.
In your IF() function, you only say IF(d28<>"",<DisplayValueFrom성취기준1반>) it should be IF(d28<>"",<DisplayValueFrom성취기준1반>,<DisplaySomeThingElse>)

Does this Groovy closure token '->' have a name or a nickname?

Followup to this question. just refers to it as a token. Are there any informal monikers floating around like 'splat' and 'bang'?
It is informally known as "the arrow". I cite this post from 2008. Though I can't claim it is a standard idiom, I've never heard it called anything else (in conversation).
In the antlr parser script, it's called the 'closable block operator'
I don't know of a snappier name than 'arrow'
I've heard it called "Rocket" before.
Also a "Fat Rocket"/"Hash Rocket" would be '=>'
But this more applies to Ruby lingo.

How can to use fn:contains case-insensitive in JSL EL?

I trying to find out if one string contains another. But, unfortunately, fn:contains function is case-sensitive. Are there are any ways to make it case-insensitive?
I tried to put both into one case:
fn:contains(car.color.toLowerCase(), smartBean.txt.toLowerCase()) ? 'true' : 'false'
But it didn't work due to method's brackets. I also can't use f:to-upper inside f:contains function.
There's a fn:containsIgnoreCase(). Just use it instead.
#{fn:containsIgnoreCase(car.color, smartBean.txt)}
By the way, your failed toLowerCase() attempt should have been done as follows:
#{fn:contains(fn:toLowerCase(car.color), fn:toLowerCase(smartBean.txt))}
Using toUpperCase() works as good as well:
#{fn:contains(fn:toUpperCase(car.color), fn:toUpperCase(smartBean.txt))}
Perhaps you just made an EL syntax error.
Note that the ? 'true' : 'false' part is completely superfluous as that's already returned by the function.
For those just finding this, #BalusC's answer is correct - but structure has changed, see just fn:upper-case, fn:lower-case - don't see the ignoreCase option anymore but if you cast it one way or the other to compare, it will work.
