how optimize execution time of query in azure data studio? - azure

I have the following query, but it takes a long time to execute.
How I can optimize time execution of this query using indexes?
FROM [Fibra].[SDStorico]
FROM [Fibra].[SD2]
Can someone help me?


Presto function APPROX_PERCENTILE get not exist result

We are using presto‘s APPROX_PERCENTILE to calculate quantiles, but the results are not in our data collection.
Could anyone help me with this?
Thank you!
-- test sql
SELECT APPROX_PERCENTILE(x, 0.5) FROM (SELECT * FROM (VALUES 44,46,156,178,198,308,317,359,368,371,392,468,495,504,509,519,526,534,566,600,617,207776,232837,251596,575799,606566,629862,690977,1247659,1274939,1410858,1475113,1606614,1705740,1764699,1802117,1935795,2388198,2471839,2495978,2646356) AS y(x));
but 55533 does not exist in the collection.

Parquet data to AWS Redshift slow

I want to insert data from S3 parquet files to Redshift.
Files in parquet comes from a process that reads JSON files, flatten them out, and store as parquet. To do it we use pandas dataframes.
To do so, I tried two different things. The first one:
COPY schema.table
FROM 's3://parquet/provider/A/2020/11/10/11/'
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::XXXX'
It returned:
Invalid operation: Spectrum Scan Error
error: Spectrum Scan Error
code: 15001
context: Unmatched number of columns between table and file. Table columns: 54, Data columns: 41
I understand the error but I don't have an easy option to fix it.
If we have to do a reload from 2 months ago the file will only have for example 40 columns, because on that given data we needed just this data but table already increased to 50 columns.
So we need something automatically, or that we can specify the columns at least.
Then I applied another option which is to do a SELECT with AWS Redshift Spectrum. We know how many columns the table have using system tables, and we now the structure of the file loading again to a Pandas dataframe. Then I can combine both to have the same identical structure and do the insert.
It works fine but it is slow.
The select looks like:
SELECT fields
FROM schema.table
WHERE partition_0 = 'A'
AND partition_1 = '2020'
AND partition_2 = '11'
AND partition_3 = '10'
AND partition_4 = '11';
The partitions are already added as I checked using:
select *
where tablename = 'table'
and schemaname = 'schema'
and values = '["A","2020","11","10","11"]'
limit 1;
I have around 170 files per hour, both in json and parquet file. The process list all files in S3 json path, and process them and store in S3 parquet path.
I don't know how to improve execution time, as the INSERT from parquet takes 2 minutes per each partition_0 value. I tried the select alone to ensure its not an INSERT issue, and it takes 1:50 minutes. So the issue is to read data from S3.
If I try to select a non existent value for partition_0 it takes again around 2 minutes, so there is some kind of problem to access data. I don't know if partition_0 naming and others are considered as Hive partitioning format.
AWS Glue Crawler table specification
Edit: Add SVL_S3QUERY_SUMMARY results
starttime: 2020-12-13 07:13:16.267437
endtime: 2020-12-13 07:13:19.644975
elapsed: 3377538
aborted: 0
external_table_name: S3 Scan schema_table
file_format: Parquet
is_partitioned: t
is_rrscan: f
is_nested: f
s3_scanned_rows: 1132
s3_scanned_bytes: 4131968
s3query_returned_rows: 1132
s3query_returned_bytes: 346923
files: 169
files_max: 34
files_avg: 28
splits: 169
splits_max: 34
splits_avg: 28
total_split_size: 3181587
max_split_size: 30811
avg_split_size: 18825
max_request_duration: 360496
avg_request_duration: 172371
max_request_parallelism: 10
avg_request_parallelism: 8.4
total_slowdown_count: 0
max_slowdown_count: 0
Add query checks
Query: 37005074 (SELECT in localhost using pycharm)
Query: 37005081 (INSERT in AIRFLOW AWS ECS service)
STL_QUERY Shows that both queries takes around 2 min
select * from STL_QUERY where query=37005081 OR query=37005074 order by query asc;
Query: 37005074 2020-12-14 07:44:57.164336,2020-12-14 07:46:36.094645,0,0,24
Query: 37005081 2020-12-14 07:45:04.551428,2020-12-14 07:46:44.834257,0,0,3
STL_WLM_QUERY Shows that no queue time, all in exec time
select * from STL_WLM_QUERY where query=37005081 OR query=37005074;
Query: 37005074 Queue time 0 Exec time: 98924036 est_peak_mem:0
Query: 37005081 Queue time 0 Exec time: 100279214 est_peak_mem:2097152
SVL_S3QUERY_SUMMARY Shows that query takes 3-4 seconds in s3
select * from SVL_S3QUERY_SUMMARY where query=37005081 OR query=37005074 order by endtime desc;
Query: 37005074 2020-12-14 07:46:33.179352,2020-12-14 07:46:36.091295
Query: 37005081 2020-12-14 07:46:41.869487,2020-12-14 07:46:44.807106
stl_return Comparing min start for to max end for each query. 3-4 seconds as says SVL_S3QUERY_SUMMARY
select * from stl_return where query=37005081 OR query=37005074 order by query asc;
Query:37005074 2020-12-14 07:46:33.175320 2020-12-14 07:46:36.091295
Query:37005081 2020-12-14 07:46:44.817680 2020-12-14 07:46:44.832649
I dont understand why SVL_S3QUERY_SUMMARY shows just 3-4 seconds to run query in spectrum, but then STL_WLM_QUERY says the excution time is around 2 minutes as i see in my localhost and production environtments... Neither how to improve it, because stl_return shows that query returns few data.
XN Partition Loop (cost=0.00..400000022.50 rows=10000000000 width=19608)
-> XN Seq Scan PartitionInfo of parquet.table (cost=0.00..22.50 rows=1 width=0)
Filter: (((partition_0)::text = 'A'::text) AND ((partition_1)::text = '2020'::text) AND ((partition_2)::text = '12'::text) AND ((partition_3)::text = '10'::text) AND ((partition_4)::text = '12'::text))
-> XN S3 Query Scan parquet (cost=0.00..200000000.00 rows=10000000000 width=19608)
" -> S3 Seq Scan parquet.table location:""s3://parquet"" format:PARQUET (cost=0.00..100000000.00 rows=10000000000 width=19608)"
select * from svl_query_report where query=37005074 order by segment, step, elapsed_time, rows;
Just like in your other question you need to change your keypaths on your objects. It is not enough to just have "A" in the keypath - it needs to be "partition_0=A". This is how Spectrum knows that the object is or isn't in the partition.
Also you need to make sure that your objects are of reasonable size or it will be slow if you need to scan many of them. It takes time to open each object and if you have many small objects the time to open them can be longer than the time to scan them. This is only an issue if you need to scan many many files.

how to implement timeWindow() in Apache Flink's StreamTableEnvironment?

I want to use flink time window in StreamTableEnvironment.
I have previously used the timeWindow(Time.seconds()) function with a dataStream that comes from a kafka topic.
For external issues I am converting this DataStream to DataTable and applying a SQL query with sqlQuery().
I want to do x second time window aggregations with SQL and then send it to another kafka topic
Data source:
val stream = senv
.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer[String]("flink", new SimpleStringSchema(), properties))
example of previous aggregation:
val windowCounts = stream.keyBy("x").timeWindow(Time.seconds(5), Time.seconds(5))
Current DataTable:
val tableA = tableEnv.fromDataStream(parsed, 'user, 'product, 'amount)
In this part there should be a query that makes an aggregation each X time
val result = tableEnv.sqlQuery(
s"SELECT * FROM $tableA WHERE amount > 2".stripMargin)
more or less my aggregation will be count(y) OVER(PARTITION BY x)
Thank you!
Ververica's training for Flink SQL will help you with this. In includes some exercises/examples that cover just this kind of query in the section on Querying Dynamic Tables with SQL.
You'll have to establish the source of timing information for each event, which can be either processing time or event time, after which the query corresponding to stream.keyBy("x").timeWindow(Time.seconds(5), Time.seconds(5)) will be something like this:
COUNT(*) AS cnt
FROM Events
x, TUMBLE(timestamp, INTERVAL '5' SECOND);
For details on how to work with time attributes, see the Introduction to Time Attributes.
And for more detailed documentation on windowing with Flink SQL see the docs on Group Windows.

RedShift Correlated Sub-query

Need your help. I am trying to convert below SQL query into RedShift, but getting error message "Invalid operation: This type of correlated subquery pattern is not supported yet"
SELECT CAST(dateadd(day, 1, Prev_Reading_Date) AS DATE) AS X
SELECT dim_date.calendar_date
) a
) as start_dt
FROM stage5
JOIN dim_date ON calendar_date BETWEEN '2020-04-01' and '2020-04-15'
WHERE Comp_Key =50906055
The same query works fine in SQL Server. Could you please help me to run it in RedShift?
Kiru - you need to convert the correlated query into a join structure. Not knowing the data content of your tables and the exact expected out put I'm just guessing but here's a swag:
FROM stage5
JOIN dim_date ON calendar_date BETWEEN '2020-04-01' and '2020-04-15'
JOIN ( SELECT MAX(X) as Max_X, MAX(calendar_date) as date FROM (
SELECT CAST(dateadd(day, 1, Prev_Reading_Date) AS DATE) AS X FROM stage5
cross join
SELECT dim_date.calendar_date from dim_date
) a
) as start_dt ON = dim_date.calendar_date
WHERE Comp_Key =50906055
This is just a starting guess but might get you started.
However, you are likely better off rewriting this query to use window functions as they are the fastest way to perform these types of looping queries in Redshift.
Thanks Bill. It won't work in RedShift as it still has correalted sub-query.
However I have modified query in another method and it works fine.
I am closing ticket.

Azure SQL Data Warehouse hanging or not responding to simple query after large BCP operation

I have a preview version of Azure Sql Data Warehouse running which was working fine until I imported a large table (~80 GB) through BCP. Now all the tables including the small one do not respond even to a simple query
select * from <MyTable>
Queries to Sys tables are working still.
select * from sys.objects
The BCP process was left over the weekend, so any Statistics Update should have been done by now. Is there any way to figure out what is making this happen? Or at lease what is currently running to see if anything is blocking?
I'm using SQL Server Management Studio 2014 to connect to the Data Warehouse and executing queries.
#user5285420 - run the code below to get a good view of what's going on. You should be able to find the query easily by looking at the value in the "command" column. Can you confirm if the BCP command still shows as status="Running" when the query steps are all complete?
select top 50
(case when requests.status = 'Completed' then 100
when progress.total_steps = 0 then 0
else 100 * progress.completed_steps / progress.total_steps end) as progress_percent,
(case when requests.resource_class is NULL then 'N/A'
else requests.resource_class end) as resource_class,
(case when resource_waits.concurrency_slots_used is NULL then 'N/A'
else cast(resource_waits.concurrency_slots_used as varchar(10)) end) as concurrency_slots_used
from sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests AS requests
join sys.dm_pdw_exec_sessions AS sessions
on (requests.session_id = sessions.session_id)
left join sys.dm_pdw_errors AS errors
on (requests.error_id = errors.error_id)
left join sys.dm_pdw_resource_waits AS resource_waits
on (requests.resource_class = resource_waits.resource_class)
outer apply (
select count (steps.request_id) as total_steps,
sum (case when steps.status = 'Complete' then 1 else 0 end ) as completed_steps
from sys.dm_pdw_request_steps steps where steps.request_id = requests.request_id
) progress
where requests.start_time >= DATEADD(hour, -24, GETDATE())
ORDER BY requests.total_elapsed_time DESC, requests.start_time DESC
Checkout the resource utilization and possibly other issues from
You can also run sp_who2 from SSMS to get a snapshot of what's threads are active and whether there's some crazy blocking chain that's causing problems.
