Error while permanent deleting soft deleted blob through rest API - azure

Please help with error PermanentDeleteNotSupportedOnRootBlob
I generated SAStoken for BLOB with all permissions including Delete & Permanent Delete
While making API call using below blog
request url:
"https://[SAS URL]&deletetype=permanent"
Getting 409 error as "PermanentDeleteNotSupportedOnRootBlob"
x-ms-delete-snapshots in the header is "include"
Storage Account - 'Permanent Delete soft deleted blobs' option is enabled
Google does not return anything for PermanentDeleteNotSupportedOnRootBlob
Also tried with both Signing method as Account key & User delegation key and got same error

I tried to reproduce the same in my environment.
To permanently delete blob , their snapshot must also be soft deleted
For that Make sure to enable versioning for blobs while creating.
If already created, you can enable version from data protection configuration.
The blob can be deleted successfully
Make sure the versionId is given correctly.
For already existing blob, disable soft delete , undelete the blobs then enable all the above mentioned properties and delete again.
Otherwise one may come across 409 error.
Reference: Delete Blob (REST API) -permanent-delete Azure Storage | Microsoft Learn


Azure Data Explorer oneclick Ingest from blob container (UI)

I'm trying to configure and use the Azure Data Explorer OneClick Ingest from blob container (continous ingest).
Whatever I try the URL is never accepted, I always end up with this error:
Invalid URL. Either the URL leads to a blob instead of a container, or the permissions are incorrect. If you just grant permission, please wait couple of minutes and try again.
The URL I'm using follow that pattern:
I'm probably missing something, either in the URL syntax ou SAS generation.
Has anyone successfully used it? Any idea what could be wrong?
I finally found out what was the issue.
Probably due to the security in place on my Storage account I had to create in Azure Data Explorer Networking panel, a Managed private enpoint, pointing to my storage resource (and then approve that endpoint in the storage account Networking)

How to delete a leased blob in Azure?

I am publishing and subscribing to azure event hub, which uses blob in the container in a storage account. Messages are not published with this storage account but working with another storage account.
I could see the blob with the lease status as leased. I think deleting it and creating it again may solve the issue, so I tried to delete this and create a new one. But not able to delete it. I also tried breaking the lease but it again sets the lease status to leased.
Is there any way to solve this issue?
• I tried to reproduce your exact scenario by creating a blob container and uploading a blob in it. Then acquiring it on lease through REST API, breaking the lease and then finally deleting the blob through REST API itself all successfully. I used ‘Postman’ application as the REST API platform for this purpose and also used an application registered in Azure AD through which the token required for the blob operations to be performed was retrieved. Please find the below snapshots for your reference: -
a) Blob ‘ACMx7.pdf’ acquired on lease through appropriate blob owner and user authorization and header parameters.
b) Blob ‘ACMx7.pdf’ lease has been broken through appropriate header, i.e., x-ms-lease-action : break
c) Blob ‘ACMx7.pdf’ has been deleted after the lease has been broken by passing the headers in ‘Postman’ as below.
Please note that the lease given to the blob was given for an infinite period with reference from the below documentation links on using the required headers for the action required on the blob: -

Azure blob snapshots not getting deleted via logic app

While deleting old blobs using a logic app by giving the container path, we ran into an error message "Status code:409, "message": This operation is not permitted because the blob has snapshots”. This subsequently fails the running of the logic app. I tried to use delete blob by providing Id and Filename but the error persists. Is there any way to specifically delete blob and its corresponding snapshot using the logic app? Approaches to solving the issue are welcome. Blob's lifecycle management policy does not work for us.
You can use an Azure Function to delete your blob including this header in your request:
x-ms-delete-snapshots: {include, only}
Required if the blob has associated snapshots. Specify one of the following two options:
include: Delete the base blob and all of its snapshots.
only: Delete only the blob's snapshots and not the blob itself.
This header should be specified only for a request against the base blob resource. If this header is specified on a request to delete an individual snapshot, the Blob service returns status code 400 (Bad Request).
If this header is not specified on the request and the blob has associated snapshots, the Blob service returns status code 409 (Conflict).
Check documentation here.
You can try to filter and order your Blobs before remove your base blob, deleting snapshots first within your Logic App. is failing in configuration

While doing something I got option to execute shell commands from azure portal. It required to configure first time.
In first step it is giving option of selecting Subscription & create storage. When I select required subscription & click on create storage, it is giving error:
Error: 409
{"error":{"code":"StorageAccountAlreadyTaken", "message":"The storage account named ... is already taken"}}
Can't create a storage account. Please try again.
I tried multiple times but no avail.
I opened Show advanced settings & tried to play with combinations but here using existing storage account is disabled(in advanced settings) and create storage is also disabled.
strong text
PS I have rights to create storage account on subscription, so that is not an issue.
I also face the same issue before. You need to directly edit (manually type the name) the existing storage account in the box, just ignore the using existing checkbox. It seems like a UI bug.
When you add the existing storage account on the UI, please note that the cloud shell region matches the storage account region. You can see the Supported storage regions from
Refer to the familiar threads,
Unable to open Cloud Shell because of Storage Account error
Azure Cloud shell requires storage account

Azcopy error "This request is not authorized to perform this operation."

I copied a container to another storage account based on the document linked below.
(DataLake Storage Gen2).
When trying, I got the following error:
this request not authorized to perform this operations using this permission
If you are using AAD Token, this error is telling you that you need to add a role assignment to the user. Please go to Storage account -> Access Control -> Add -> Add role assignment, then add Storage Blob Data Owner to your login account.
If this problem persists, please provide more details.
I also faced the same problem. For me to work I just log out and log in again on the azcopy cli after doing the #BowmanZhu solution
azcopy logout
azcopy login --tenant-id xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
If you don't want to login that way there is always the option to add a SAS token at the end of the URL. If you don't want to attach the token always at the end you can try for permanent access by going through any one of these steps you find in the official documentation page.
After granting myself with role Storage Blob Data Owner on the container, then AzCopy will now behave itself and succeed in copying a file to the blob storage container.
go to storageaccount -> container -> Access control rules -> add role assignement -> Storage Blob Data Owner
In my case, my azure storage account vnet address was blocking the azcopy from copying the data over the storage account.
I added my client IP to allow a firewall address.
The SAS token has probably expired.
When I had this, I discovered it was because I'd used Azure Storage Explorer to generate a SAS that didn't have read permission, and I think it was trying to read the size/existence of a blob before writing it.
I got a clue from but ultimately I just regenerated a new SAS with read permission and it worked out..
I probably could ahve looked to modify the C# code using Azure Data Movement lib, to not perform a length check, but the spec was later changed to "don't overwrite" so the read permissions are probably needed anyway
Give appropriate permissions(read, write, create) while generating SAS tokens
as here
Had a similar issue. That's how was resolved
Command used was .\azcopy.exe copy "C:\Users\kriof\Pictures" ""
SAS token had default(Read) permission only. Adding Write permission
in Azure Portal, resolved the issue.
