Creating a Custom Receiver - my App ID doesn't work with Cactool v.2 - google-cast

I'm following the tutorial, but after registering my basic receiver with my own App ID, my app isn't castable in the Cactool v.2 sender simulator (in step 8 of the tutorial).
I'm using a Chromecast with Google TV HD device, and it works with the default App ID (CC1AD845) but when I switch to mine, the cast button no longer appears.
I've whitelisted my device and I've registered my App.
Testing my device via the Cactool works fine with the default App ID.
I was able to get a cow-orker to successfully test it on a 2nd or 3rd Generation Chromecast, but the Cactool ( doesn't work locally with my custom, unpublished App Id.
Is there a version of the Cactool that DOES work with Generation 4 Chromecast devices, or is there a Sender utility other than Cactool v2 that can be used to test/develop?
Update: I purchased a 3rd Generation Chromecast device and was able to get the Cactool v2 to work (after registering it and restarting it) so the issue is definitely with the 4th generation device.


Unable to capture image in .Net MAUI

I am new to .Net MAUI and I never used the xamarin. I am trying to create a simple app (focused on android mainly) which records the audio and then plays it for them. So far, only one package has worked for me in this matter i.e. "Plugin.AudioRecorder" ( but, this package is not working with xiaomi devices. It is responding to the button click and navigating to the command but its startRecording function do nothing.
Here is my code.command snippet
I also need the audio transcription but that is a different story.

Web Push notifications across multiple devices

I was following this guide to setup Web Push notifications in our web app:
But unrelated to ASP.NET core, I would like to know if it is possible if these push notifications can be received across multiple devices, since I cannot seem to get this working (yet) during my first tests.
Let's say:
A user logs in into browser, for example Chrome (with same user, both mobile and desktop)
Registers for web push notifications on our app (on desktop)
we send a notification to the registered user
--> Can push notifications both be received on mobile AND desktop?
--> Is that registration linked to a device, or linked to the logged in user from browser? (or other?)
Currently I don't think it's possible to do this. (if someone would be able to show me otherwise, I'll update this)
The reason is because that when you subscribe for web push notifications, a serviceworker (= in background running javascript file) needs to be installed on your device to receive the notifications. If you allow notifications on desktop (for example), this doesn't mean the serviceworker will be installed on mobile.

TV turned on when chromecast app receiver is loaded

I developped a chromecast receiver application that simply loads a web page from a local web server. The default app being the Backdrop, when the latter is launched (e.g. after the chromecast is turned on), I simply launch my app by its registered app id.
For some reason, if the TV is turned off, and the chromecast switches from the Backdrop to my receiver app, the TV turns on and shows the loaded page. I suspect this is a CEC related issue, but I wonder why this doesn't happen with the Backdrop too?
The only code I use in the receiver page is:
I'm using the API v2.0.0.
This is not the typical use of the Cast SDK so its likely you might run into issues. CEC is used for turning on TV's when it makes sense but unfortunately doesn't work consistently good across various manufacturers.

Why am I getting a LAUNCH_ERROR, NOT_FOUND when attempting to play to an audio-only Google Cast device?

I recently purchased a LG Music Flow H3 to test my Google Cast app with an 'audio-only' device. I've enabled audio-only device support within the Google Cast Dashboard and I've registered the device for development. My app works as expected when played to Google Chromecasts, however when attempting to load the receiver app on the LG device I get the following error:
Thinking that perhaps 3rd-party devices can't be registered for development, I went ahead and published my app. Unfortunately this did not address the problem.
Upon further investigation, I'm noticing that other Google Cast apps (i.e. Songza, TuneIn, Pandora, etc. on both Android & iOS) aren't able to play to the LG Music Flow H3 either.
I discovered that the only way to get the H3 to play from Google Cast apps (both my app and others) is to first run the LG Music Flow multi-room audio app. Running the LG Music Flow app appears to effect the device's _googlecast._tcp zeroconf service discoverability. And sometimes the H3 shows up in zeroconf yet you still can't play to the speaker unless the LG Music Flow app is running.
This seams like very strange behavior. I called LG Tech Support, and they recommended I return the device and exchange it for a different one. I did this, and I still get the same result.
Is this how Google Cast on 3rd-Party devices is intended to work? Have I encountered a buggy 3rd-party implementation?
This is not the intended behavior for sure. You are supposed to be able to launch your 3rd party application on the speaker.
And it works for me.
The fact you are not able to use any other 3rd party apps (TuneIn, Pandora etc) indicate this is a some general problem and not specifically with your app.
Couple of steps I would try:
- Setup you H3 speaker on Wifi (vs Ethernet) and get the latest SW version using the Music Flow app.
Have you Factory reset the device? if you did, you will need to go through setup again. I have noticed Google Cast becomes enabled only after first complete setup.
Please try rebooting, and than try casting apps like TuneIn or Pandora and than see if this works (without using the MusicFlow app). I have noticed in the past that if some app is loaded and is behaving badly (for example uses tons of memory) it will put the speaker into a bad state that don't allow any app to work until reboot. So perhaps when you are casting your app, it gets into a bad state causing other apps to fail afterwards.
Have you made sure not to consume to much memory? avoid graphics or video?

Sharepoint 2013 Device Channel Mobile device access with different master page not working

I have created device channels, so that i can access my sp2013 website with a different master-page while accessing with mobile device. But still when i access the site, from different mobiles i get the same master page applied that is also the default master page.
I have done the following :
Created device channels(created 2 device channels)
Now i applied the different master page for mobile devices
I have tried to access my site via :
Sony Xperia Arc S (Android 4.1)
IPad 3
Iphone IOS 4.0
Did you make sure the "Automatic Mobile Browser Redirection" feature was deactivated in site settings on the site you are trying to access?
edit: After testing I found that this feature only works for Site Master Pages. If your page isn't a publishing page then it will take on the Master Page set for the System Master page. Unfortunatley the only device channel available there is "All Channels"
Try using "iPad" as device inclusion rule. instead of full device name. It worked for me.
for more info:
