Use a different dto depending on whether a value is received or not - nestjs

I have a route that allows either to connect a merchandise to a product, or to create the product.
If we receive merchandiseProductId, we connect the product to the merchandise.
Otherwise we create the product.
The problem is that I have to put the fields required to create my product as optional, because if we pass merchandiseProductId then we don't create the product, we just connect it.
I would like that if I receive merchandiseProductId then I pass in the connectMechandiseProduct DTO, but if I don't receive it, I pass in createMerchandiseProduct.
Or, in my DTO, if I don't have merchandiseProductId then the Product fields are required, otherwise they are optional.
Thank you in advance for your help.


How do I create a Dialogflow custom entity that works like #sys.airport?

Since #sys.airport only exists for the default English locale, I want to create a custom entity that emulates it for other locales.
From what I've read here, you can put subentity types into the value fields, say, the system entity #sys.geo-city:city and a custom entity #usr.iata-code:iata, and it will match either one or the other.
But I don't understand how you would tell Dialogflow which city and which IATA code go together, so that Dialogflow (ES) would know to send the complete object {"city":"Amsterdam", "iata": "AMS"} to the webhook after matching either "Amsterdam" or "AMS", as it does happen with #sys.airport.
Thanks for any input!
It will be difficult to create a custom entity that works just like #sys.airport. The #sys entities are special and can do somethings custom entities can't, for instance, pairing values together.
As you pointed out, you can put multiple entities together in one single entity by using Composite Entities, but the only thing this does is allow you to recognize two values made up from other #sys or custom entities in a single entity. It doesn't give you the option to create pairs between the values of the entities.
If you would want to create something like this, you would need some code that does a look up in a dictionary or list. So when "AMS" is matched, the code fills in the missing property "Amsterdam" or vice versa.

Acumatica REST API - StockItem - how to use multiple product id in request

I am using the Acumatica REST endpoint https://companyName/AcumaticaERP/entity/Default/6.00.001 in my application
I am using the URL https://companyName/AcumaticaERP/entity/Default/6.00.001/StockItem?$filter=InventoryID eq '123456'&$expand=WarehouseDetails to fetch info about a Product and to get complete warehouse details
My query is how to use multiple product id's in single request, so that to get info about multiple products in single request to Acumatica Erp REST Url.
You can either use a generic GET request in order to have a list of all the records in that entity, you can append a specific ID at the end to select a single entity or you can use filters in order to restrict that list.
you might want to take a look at the following article from the Acumatica Help section:
Parameters for Retrieving Records :
but basically you will need to use different condition than "eq" in order to match more value. Even though there is no "in" condition

Set values in workorder created from Asset in Maximo

I would like to create work order using escalation once the asset is moved to some other location (like REPAIR) using move/modify. I do understand that we can trigger CREATEWO however I am not sure on how to set the values on some fields in work order like worktype, workact , etc. Also I am unable to pick the correct record which has performed move modify ( unable to fetch the exact record using ASSETTRANS table).
Let me know if anyone has done this before, thanks in advance!
It sounds like you have an Escalation calling an Action that calls the AppAction CREATEWO. Assuming that's correct..
First, create a Relationship in DB Config between the ASSET object and WORKORDER that will find the most recent work order against this asset. You can look at the NEWWORKORDER relationships on WORKORDER and TICKET as an example. For reference, I will assume you name this relationship MYNEWWORKORDER.
Next, create some Actions against the ASSET object that use MYNEWWORKORDER.<ATTRIBUTENAME> in the Parameter/Attribute field, where <ATTRIBUTENAME> is the name of the attribute (e.g. WORKTYPE) you want to supply a value for in the Value field.
Once that is done, create an Action of type Action Group where CREATEWO is the first member and the Actions you just made are the succeeding members.
Finally, update the Escalation to call your new Action Group instead of the numbered one that the Escalation application created for you.

ServiceStack: Is it expected to create a new class for each return type we expect?

I have a repository class called FooRepository which has the ability to get various objects from a database.
I currently have one business object class called FooObject, which contains all the properties that I care about (Id, Name, CreatedDate, etc)... but my problem is that since ServiceStack only allows one DTO per route, I find myself unable to create more than one API method on my service to get back different types of data from my repository.
So, is it normal in ServiceStack to create a bunch of DTOs that simply return different types of data from the same repository? In ASP/MVC, this is rather easy because there's no route mapping clash going on, and I can simply create 'X' number of methods without the need to tie them to a specific DTO.
Yes, each operation should have its own DTO. Keep in mind that the same DTO can be used for different HTTP methods(GET, PUT, POST, DELETE)

Function for listing user parameters

I want to add a form into my application for generating rules considering the attributes of Liferay Users.
Do you know a function for getting a list of this attributes? (List of parameter names)
1. Address,
2. FullName,
3. AccountId,
4. Create Date,
5. Employee Numbre,
6. And so on.....
Do you know a function for getting the type of each parameter? (Due to check type errors)
1. Address -> String
2. FullName -> String
Thank you,
AFAIK, there is not such a method. But even if it existed, it would not provide all the info you're going for, because some of it, is not an attribute of the User Class, or the corresponding 'user_' table in the LF database.
If you understand how ServiceBuilder Model works, you'll see that there's a complex Model running under the hood, and it's not working like attributes.
For example, there is no 'user.getAddress()'., Because, Address is a Complex Class, subclassing Contact, and keeps a FK to the User. If you want one of his addresses, You can only get all his addresses (User.getAddresses()), and iterate through them, check by ContantactType and e.g. get his "business address". Respectfully, you can't call 'user.setAddress(String)', not even a "user.addAddress(Address)". A working code would look much more like :
//update an existing Address
//then update the user, to store the changes.
The same goes for the birthday, the Phones, websites and facebook urls etc
For the rest of the 'Attributes' (names and Types), you should look here
You can get a User object by calling:
User u = userService.getUserById(0);
or check liferay docs for UserService
then you can use getters like:
you can get it from:
User user = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUser(userId);
