scikit-learn cross_validate: reveal test set indices - scikit-learn

In sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate , is there a way to output the samples / indices which were used as test set by the CV splitter for each fold?

There's an option to specify the cross-validation generator, using cv option :
cv int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None
Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs
for cv are:
None, to use the default 5-fold cross validation,
int, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
CV splitter,
An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.
For int/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either
binary or multiclass, StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases,
KFold is used. These splitters are instantiated with shuffle=False so
the splits will be the same across calls.
If you provide it as an input to cross_validate :
from sklearn import datasets, linear_model
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes()
X =[:150]
y =[:150]
lasso = linear_model.Lasso()
kf = KFold(5, random_state = 99, shuffle = True)
cv_results = cross_validate(lasso, X, y, cv=kf)
You can extract the index like this:
idx = [test_index for train_index, test_index in kf.split(X)]
Where the first in the list will be the test index for the 1st fold and so on..


calibrated classifier ValueError: could not convert string to float

id review name label
1 it is a great product for turning lights on. Ashley
2 plays music and have a good sound. Alex
3 I love it, lots of fun. Peter
I want to use probabilistic classifier (linear_svc) to predict labels (probability of 1) based on review. My code:
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
from sklearn import datasets
#Load dataset
X = training['review']
y = training['label']
linear_svc = LinearSVC() #The base estimator
# This is the calibrated classifier which can give probabilistic classifier
calibrated_svc = CalibratedClassifierCV(linear_svc,
method='sigmoid', #sigmoid will use Platt's scaling. Refer to documentation for other methods.
cv=3), y)
# predict
prediction_data = predict_data['review']
predicted_probs = calibrated_svc.predict_proba(prediction_data)
It gives following error on, y):
ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'it is a great product
for turning...'
I would appreciate your help.
SVM models cannot handle text data directly. You need to extract some numeric features from the text first. I recommend reading some content on NLP such as Bag of Words and TF-IDF. In any case, for the example you're suggesting, a functional minimal pipeline would be:
from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
#Load dataset
X = training['review']
y = training['label']
linear_svc = make_pipeline(TfIdfVectorizer(), LinearSVC())
# This is the calibrated classifier which can give probabilistic classifier
calibrated_svc = CalibratedClassifierCV(linear_svc,
cv=3), y)
# predict
prediction_data = predict_data['review']
predicted_probs = calibrated_svc.predict_proba(prediction_data)
You probably also want to clean the text a bit by removing special characters, lowercasing, stemming, etc. Take a look at spacy the library for text-processing.
Try this:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
X = training['review']
y = training['label']
prediction_data = predict_data['review']
tfv = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1, stop_words = 'english') + list(prediction_data))
X = tfv.transform(X)
prediction_data = tfv.transform(prediction_data)
Then build the model:
linear_svc = LinearSVC()
calibrated_svc = CalibratedClassifierCV(linear_svc, method='sigmoid', cv=3), y)

Why is my sklearn linear regression model producing perfect predictions?

I'm trying to do multiple linear regression with sklearn and I have performed the following steps. However, when it comes to predicting y_pred using the trained model I am getting a perfect r^2 = 1.0. Does anyone know why this is the case/what's going wrong with my code?
Also sorry I'm new to this site so I'm not fully up to speed with the formatting/etiquette of questions!
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Import and subset data
ml_data_all = pd.read_excel('C:/Users/User/Documents/RSEM/STADM/Coursework/Crime_SF/Machine_learning_collated_data.xlsx')
ml_data_1218 = ml_data_all[ml_data_all['Year'] >= 2012]
'Unemployed_total_male_MOE'], inplace=True)
# Taking care of missing data
# Delete rows containing any NaNs
# Defining X and y
X = ml_data_1218.drop(columns=['Year']).values
y = ml_data_1218['Burglaries '].values
# Encoding categorical data
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
transformer = ColumnTransformer(transformers=[("cat", OneHotEncoder(), [0])], remainder='passthrough')
X = transformer.fit_transform(X)
X = pd.DataFrame.sparse.from_spmatrix(X)
# Split into Training set and Test set
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=0)
# Feature scaling
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
sc_X = StandardScaler()
X_train.iloc[:,149:] = sc_X.fit_transform(X_train.iloc[:,149:])
X_test.iloc[:,149:] = sc_X.transform(X_test.iloc[:,149:])
# Fitting multiple linear regression to training set
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
regressor = LinearRegression(), y_train)
# Predicting test set results
y_pred = regressor.predict(X_test)
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
r2_score(y_test, y_pred)
So turns out it was a stupid mistake in the end: I forgot to drop the dependent variable (Burglaries) from the X columns haha, hence why the linear regression model was making perfect predictions. Now it's working (r2 = 0.56). Thanks everyone!
With regression, it's often a good idea to run a correlation matrix against all of your variables (IVs and the DV). Regression likes parsimony, so removing IVs that are functionally the same (and just leaving one in the model) is better for R^2 value (aka model fit). Also, if something is correlated at .97 or higher with the DV, it is basically a substitute for the DV and all the other data is most likely superfluous.
When reading your issue (before I saw your "Answer") I was thinking "either this person has outrageous correlation issues or the DV is also in the prediction data."

W2VTransformer: Only works with one word as input?

Following reproducible script is used to compute the accuracy of a Word2Vec classifier with the W2VTransformer wrapper in gensim:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from gensim.sklearn_api import W2VTransformer
from gensim.utils import simple_preprocess
# Load synthetic data
data = pd.read_csv('')
data = data.head(10)
# Set random seed
# Tokenize text
X_train = data.apply(lambda r: simple_preprocess(r['text'], min_len=2), axis=1)
# Get labels
y_train = data.label
train_input = [x[0] for x in X_train]
# Train W2V Model
model = W2VTransformer(size=10, min_count=1)
clf = LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=0.1), y_train)
text_w2v = Pipeline(
[('features', model),
('classifier', clf)])
score = text_w2v.score(train_input, y_train)
The problem with this script is that it only works when train_input = [x[0] for x in X_train], which essentially is always the first word only.
Once change to train_input = X_train (or train_input simply substituted by X_train), the script returns:
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 10 into shape (10,10)
How can I solve this issue, i.e. how can the classifier work with more than one word of input?
Apparently, the W2V wrapper can't work with the variable-length train input, as compared to D2V. Here is a working D2V version:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from gensim.utils import simple_preprocess, lemmatize
from gensim.sklearn_api import D2VTransformer
data = pd.read_csv('')
X_train = data.apply(lambda r: simple_preprocess(r['text'], min_len=2), axis=1)
y_train = data.label
model = D2VTransformer(dm=1, size=50, min_count=2, iter=10, seed=0)
clf = LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=0.1, random_state=0), y_train)
pipeline = Pipeline([
('vec', model),
('clf', clf)
y_pred = pipeline.predict(X_train)
score = accuracy_score(y_train,y_pred)
This is technically not an answer, but cannot be written in comments so here it is. There are multiple issues here:
LogisticRegression class (and most other scikit-learn models) work with 2-d data (n_samples, n_features).
That means that it needs a collection of 1-d arrays (one for each row (sample), in which the elements of array contains the feature values).
In your data, a single word will be a 1-d array, which means that the single sentence (sample) will be a 2-d array. Which means that the complete data (collection of sentences here) will be a collection of 2-d arrays. Even in that, since each sentence can have different number of words, it cannot be combined into a single 3-d array.
Secondly, the W2VTransformer in gensim looks like a scikit-learn compatible class, but its not. It tries to follows "scikit-learn API conventions" for defining the methods fit(), fit_transform() and transform(). They are not compatible with scikit-learn Pipeline.
You can see that the input param requirements of fit() and fit_transform() are different.
X (iterable of iterables of str) – The input corpus.
X can be simply a list of lists of tokens, but for larger corpora, consider an iterable that streams the sentences directly from
disk/network. See BrownCorpus, Text8Corpus or LineSentence in word2vec
module for such examples.
X (numpy array of shape [n_samples, n_features]) – Training set.
If you want to use scikit-learn, then you will need to have the 2-d shape. You will need to "somehow merge" word-vectors for a single sentence to form a 1-d array for that sentence. That means that you need to form a kind of sentence-vector, by doing:
sum of individual words
average of individual words
weighted averaging of individual words based on frequency, tf-idf etc.
using other techniques like sent2vec, paragraph2vec, doc2vec etc.
Note:- I noticed now that you were doing this thing based on D2VTransformer. That should be the correct approach here if you want to use sklearn.
The issue in that question was this line (since that question is now deleted):
X_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train)
Here, you overwrite your original X_train (list of list of words) with already calculated word vectors and hence that error.
Or else, you can use other tools / libraries (keras, tensorflow) which allow sequential input of variable size. For example, LSTMs can be configured here to take a variable input and an ending token to mark the end of sentence (a sample).
In the above given solution, you can replace the lines:
model = D2VTransformer(dm=1, size=50, min_count=2, iter=10, seed=0)
clf = LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=0.1, random_state=0), y_train)
pipeline = Pipeline([
('vec', model),
('clf', clf)
y_pred = pipeline.predict(X_train)
pipeline = Pipeline([
('vec', model),
('clf', clf)
]), y_train)
y_pred = pipeline.predict(X_train)
No need to fit and transform separately, since will automatically do that.

trying a custom computation of grid.best_score_ (obtained with GridSearchCV)

I'm trying to recompute grid.best_score_ I obtained on my own data without success...
So I tried it using a conventional dataset but no more success. Here is the code :
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.cross_validation import ShuffleSplit
from sklearn import grid_search
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
import numpy as np
lr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
boston = datasets.load_boston()
target =
param_grid = {'fit_intercept':[False]}
cv = ShuffleSplit(target.size, n_iter=5, test_size=0.30, random_state=0)
grid = grid_search.GridSearchCV(lr, param_grid, cv=cv), target)
# got cv score computed by gridSearchCV :
print grid.best_score_
# now try a custom computation of cv score
cv_scores = []
for (train, test) in cv:
y_true = target[test]
y_pred = grid.best_estimator_.predict([test,:])
cv_scores.append(r2_score(y_true, y_pred))
print np.mean(cv_scores)
I can't see why it's different, GridSearchCV is supposed to use scorer from LinearRegression, which is r2 score. Maybe the way I code cv score is not the one used to compute best_score_... I'm asking here before going through GridSearchCV code.
Unless refit=False in the GridSearchCV constructor, the winning estimator is refit on the entire dataset at the end of fit. best_score_ is the estimator's average score using the cross-validation splits, while best_estimator_ is an estimator of the winning configuration fit on all the data.
lr2 = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False)
scores2 = [[train,:], target[train]).score([test,:], target[test])
for train, test in cv]
print np.mean(scores2)
Will print 0.67770868005943297.

sklearn: Evaluating LinearSVC's AUC

I know that one would evaluate the AUC of sklearn.svm.SVC by passing in the probability=True option into the constructor, and having the SVM predict probabilities, but I'm not sure how to evaluate sklearn.svm.LinearSVC's AUC. Does anyone have any idea how?
I'd like to use LinearSVC over SVC because LinearSVC seems to train faster on data with many attributes.
You can use the CalibratedClassifierCV class to extract the probabilities. Here is an example with code.
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
from sklearn import datasets
#Load iris dataset
iris = datasets.load_iris()
X =[:, :2] # Using only two features
y = #3 classes: 0, 1, 2
linear_svc = LinearSVC() #The base estimator
# This is the calibrated classifier which can give probabilistic classifier
calibrated_svc = CalibratedClassifierCV(linear_svc,
method='sigmoid', #sigmoid will use Platt's scaling. Refer to documentation for other methods.
cv=3), y)
# predict
prediction_data = [[2.3, 5],
[4, 7]]
predicted_probs = calibrated_svc.predict_proba(prediction_data) #important to use predict_proba
print predicted_probs
Looks like it's not possible.
