Gatby plugin to pull data from azure storage [closed] - azure

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Closed 5 days ago.
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Im developing a gatsby application. And i'm looking for a plugin that will help me pull data from azure storage container into gatsby.
The one plugin I found is depricated -
Is there anyone that can advise me, otherwise i'll have to use S3 bucket.
The gatsby-plugin-s3 plugin seems to used alot and updated frequently
Thanks and Kind Regards


Where should I store my files in nodejs so that they dont reset on redeplayment [closed]

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Closed 16 hours ago.
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I need to store a file using nodejs, and I need to store such that if I redeplay, the file is still there. I currently use mongodb to store files in base64 but then it takes up lot of space. Can anyone recommended me anything else where 1 folder doesen't change at all even after redeployment.
I currently use vercel for my hosting.
You can also suggest me some 100% free apis or a api with a free plan.

Humm payment integration nodejs

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Closed 5 days ago.
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I am trying to integrate Humm Australia buy now pay-later integration nodejs, but it is is unclear in their documentation how to do it. Can anyone help me out?
I have tried reading their documentation and finding content online but no luck so far

Hey Everyone, suggest me some free hosting platforms [closed]

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Closed 9 days ago.
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Suggest me some free hosting platforms like Heroku earlier it was free but now it become paid so I am trying to find the best alternatives for dynamic web hosting for free.
I have tried the firebase hosting but its needs to add the credit card details. So I am looking for hosting platforms that don't need to add card details like Heroku and it is easy to use.

Which framework can I use to autogenerate RestAPI from Database [closed]

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Closed 4 days ago.
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I read about SQLBinding in Azure Function app supporting Azure SQL Database to automatically generate APIs based on my database. But that’s preview at the moment.
Is there any framework I could use to do a similar approach in NodeJs Azure function runtime with Postgres oder MongoDb without the need to write the whole boilerplate code for myself?
BR Gerrit

Recommendable Node.JS provider? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I looking for a provider, where I can host my Node.js web site(s). I know there are a lot, but I would like to know which you can recommend, I would like to have the possebility to install packages like Handlebars,express, capchas and so on and they should always use the lastest node.js?
I would definitely recommend Heroku, it is free to use for small apps, and has everything you need as modules. Never had a problem, and the documentation is awesome. It has a neat interface too.
