Alert Signal to Bybit from tradingview - webhooks

Sorry for my lack of Knowledge
But I need a signal from tradingview to bybit that will be going through a webhook, that longs when the alert longs and shorts when a alert shorts But it closes the previous trade when entering a new one. It also needs to be trading at a 12x Leverage.
Thanks For any Help that anyone can provide, Like an answer or a place i can get the answer.
I tried the Bybit code that it provided but it doesnt do the job. also tried some of the suggestions tradingview had, also tried youtube aswell


translate detect API is giving timeout

need some help here please...over the last 1-2 weeks, I've been getting regular delays in my translations. (It's been working correctly for months, without timeouts) I'm getting:
FetchError: network timeout at:
I'm using node.js framework, and I see several of these per day now, each day.
(please note, I am not seeing any errors on "translate", but just on the "detect")
any help possible?
ok so after looking long and hard, and nobody answering...I decided that I would try something else. I went to the v3 interface, which allows for detection and translation in the same call, and I avoided the detect interface of v2. This looks like it is working, as the delays I faced from detect call ( and not translate ) are gone now. Hope someone else can benefit.

Intrusive DevExpress Dialogue

I must first say I have had a ticket open on DevExpress support for several days now with no resolution. I thought maybe other developers here have the same problem, and maybe even a solution.
While using the 30 Day Trial, whenever a DevExpress component is create, or something, an immovable and large dialogue pops up on the screen, on the same thread (I think) that created the component. If there is an error or breakpoint in the code that triggered that dialogue, all is lost. The debugger is unresponsive, and the evaluation dialogue is unresponsive. To make matters worse, it always appears centre screen, obscuring the error message, as in the image attached. My only recourse is to restart VS, but what then? The same debugging sequence has the same effect again. At this rate I will need 300, not 30, days to evaluate the product.
EDIT: I have posted a ticket at, and they are working on it.
According to my experience, a Trial Screen is expected when using a Trial Version.
However, the mentioned issue is not a proper behavior and should be changed.
In any case, I believe that only DevExpress support can assist you with this issue and put you on the right track in the most effective manner.
If you has already posted an inquiry to the support, share the corresponding link here.
Once you get a valuable response from the support team, post a new answer here and accept it to close the SO issue.

How can I drag rows from a DataGrid and drop them in Excel?

I'd like to be able to drag and drop from a DataGrid in a Flash application into an Excel spreadsheet. Is this possible? If so, how do I implement this?
Edit: Nine days without so much as a comment is pushing me to believe one of the following things:
This question is so easy to answer that everyone who reads it thinks, "Ah, the next guy will get it. This taco isn't gonna eat itself."
No one knows what Microsoft Excel is.
I'm so inept at coding for Flash that everyone who reads this question promptly dies from a stroke brought on by uncontrollable, hysterical laughter. Kind of like what happens when a person is exposed to the Joker's laughing gas.
The entire internet has been suddenly and completely vacated creating a vast, digital wasteland (except for me, obviously).
Adobe's PR person in charge of their Twitter account recently posted something highly offensive and everyone has finally gotten organized and successfully boycotted something without inviting me to the party.
Anyone want to clue me in to which one is, in fact, the truth?
Or maybe just tell me that what I want is stupid/impossible/not worth the effort?
The simple answer is no, it is not possible. Have you ever coded AS4? I spent 6 months coding stupid loops that randomly draw colored lines. It was terrible. Get out while you still can. I was coding some tangents outside by my school when a couple of engineering grads started making trouble. I coded one bad batch and my professor said "You're moving with the retards to coding 101" I hopped on my segway and rode home. I then hung myself.

CodeCollaborator for Excel?

Previously I have used CodeCollaborator for code reviews, and it was a great joy for most kind of code in text files.
However, I have a need to have multiple people review an excel file, across timezones, and for whatever amount of review functionality in Excel, it just isn't enough.
One person's feedback using comments is already busy enough. I don't want to have everyone's comments on the same screen.
While a colleague suggests that CodeCollaborator could handle excel files, after visting the site, I'm less convinced that it could handle excel.
Would anyone know if CodeCollaborator would work? If not, are there alternatives that would do what I want?

Improve Concentration/Workspace?

How do you get yourself in the "zone" for programming? As a CS undergrad I've been finding it difficult to get focused in. I think part of my problem is I do not have "proper" workspace living in the dorms. Any ideas or tips? (Perhaps good thinking music, whiteboards? etc)
The best way I found yet is to turn off the Internet. Since opening my browser and browsing to some random site has become almost a reflex, I deactivate my network card for the time I need to work. This way I have the time to realise what I am doing before it is too late. The Internet must be the number one "Zone Killer" I know...
Truthfully, nobody can tell you about you, they can only tell you about them. That may help, or it may not.
I've seen people able to get "in the zone" on a commuter train car. I've seen people who have it broken when the air conditioner kicks in.
Here's what works for me:
Need no people talking to me. I can't keep the ideas juggling while explaining them or having other ideas tossed in to the mix. I know, pair programming can be great - but I've never been "in the zone" while pair programming.
Music is okay, but no playlists with wildly different styles, or songs I absolutely love.
It almost always kicks off when I'm frustrated by something but then have an idea how to solve one aspect of the problem... then things flow from there.
I need a desk clean enough that nothing on it distracts my attention and makes me think - no dev magazines with interesting tech on the cover, no dishes with mold on them, etc.
I need about 20 square feet to get up, pace for 2-3 steps, then sit back down. Too much room gets me too far away from the computer. Too little room and I feel confined.
As soon as I solve the problem, I'm normally out of the zone. A phone call or person at my desk will break it. Stopping to answer email "toast" will kill it too.
But again, this is me. All of this may actually be the reverse for you - You'll find it eventually, I'm sure. Just don't give up, and don't take personal anecdotes and advise or internet blog posts as absolute truth - "the zone" is very much a personal thing.
One small thing which helped me a lot was to get noise cancelling headphones. These are a bit pricey, but being able to switch on silence is great!
