Camera Angle on Vue3 open Layers - vue3-openlayers

I'm trying to produce an interactive map with the ability to be tilted ( or pitched in mapbox) by using library from vue3-openlayers but I can't seem to find any parameters on that. Is there any way I can achieve this?
<ol-map :loadTilesWhileAnimating="true" :loadTilesWhileInteracting="true"
style="height:100%; width:100%">
<ol-view ref="view" :center="latlong" :rotation="rotation" :zoom="zum" :projection="projections" />
<ol-source-osm />
<ol-zoom-control />
<ol-zoomslider-control />
<ol-vector-layer :updateWhileAnimating="true" :updateWhileInteracting="true">
<ol-geom-multi-point :coordinates="coordinates"></ol-geom-multi-point>
<ol-style-circle :radius="radius">
<ol-style-fill :color="fillColor"></ol-style-fill>
I tried on using mapbox as alternative but seeing as the free version have limited usage, I'm trying to find a way on using my previous method


Spring File Inbound Channel Adapter slows down

I have a spring-integration flow that starts with a file inbound-channel-adapter activated by a transactional poller (tx is handled by atomikos).
The text in the file is processed and the message goes down through the flow until it gets sent to one of the JMS queues (JMS outbound-channel-adapter).
In the middle, there are some database writes within a nested transaction.
The system is meant to run 24/7.
It happens that the single message flow, progressively slows down and when I investigated, I found that the stage that is responsable for the increasing delay is the read from filesystem.
Below, the first portion fo the integration flow:
<logging-channel-adapter id="logger" level="INFO"/>
<transaction-synchronization-factory id="sync-factory">
<after-commit expression="payload.delete()" channel="after-commit"/>
<service-activator input-channel="after-commit" output-channel="nullChannel" ref="tx-after-commit-service"/>
<!-- typeb inbound from filesystem -->
<file:inbound-channel-adapter id="typeb-file-inbound-adapter"
prevent-duplicates="${fs.typeb.preventDuplicates:false}" >
<poller id="poller"
<transactional synchronization-factory="sync-factory"/>
<channel id="typeb-inbound">
<wire-tap channel="logger"/>
I read something about issues related to the prevent-duplicates option that stores a list of seen files, but that is not the case because I turned it off.
I don't think that it may be related to the filter (filename-pattern) because the expression I use in my config (*.RCV) is easy to apply and the input folder does not contain a lot of files (less than 100) at the same time.
Still, there is something that gradually makes the read from filesystem slower and slower over time, from a few millis to over 3 seconds within a few days of up-time.
Any hints?
You should remove, or move files after they have been processed; otherwise the whole directory has to be rescanned.
In newer versions, you can use a WatchServiceDirectoryScanner which is more efficient.
But it's still best practice to clean up old files.
Finally I got the solution.
The issue was related to the specific version of Spring I was using (4.3.4) that is affected by a bug I had not discovered yet.
The problem is something about DefaultConversionService and the use of converterCache (look at this for more details
Upgrading to a more recent version has resolved.

How to change canonicalization method

does anyone know how to change the CanonicalizationMethod property in xadesjs? I know it is using xmldsigjs underneath but I cannot find a solution to change it. I mean the CanonicalizationMethod for the whole SignedInfo property (not the transforms for the references). Currently (by default) I get a document that has CanonicalizationMethod set to C14N:
<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
I want to change it to EXC-C14N:
<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
Is it even possible?
Ok, I've found a solution. In case anybody needs it, you can directly assign it with:
let signedXml = new XAdES.SignedXml();
signedXml.XmlSignature.SignedInfo.CanonicalizationMethod.Algorithm = "";

Error adding capability in windows phone app

I am working on a Windows phone app in Visual studio 2012 and finding difficulties showing pub center ads. I have searched that we need to add certain capabilities reference : Windows phone ads not working, I have added all the capabilities but while adding "ID_CAP_MEDIA_LIB" its throws an error
"The Name attribute is Ivalid - The value "ID_CAP_MEDIA_LIB"is Invalid
according to its datatype 'string' - The enumeration constraint
Any help would be appreciated
Hum this capability doesn't not exit.
<Capability Name="ID_CAP_MEDIALIB_AUDIO" />
<Capability Name="ID_CAP_MEDIALIB_PLAYBACK" />
<Capability Name="ID_CAP_MEDIALIB_PHOTO" />
You need =>
You can add an event handler to the Error Event on the AdControl, by catching that or adding a break point and drilling into the error event args you can normally pinpoint what the specific problem is or which capability your app is lacking during development.
As MatDev8 alluded to, it's probably best just to add capabilities through the wpmanifest UI.

Why Bing Map not showing

I have added all the required references like Bing Map and Others. I have added the credential as well.
The problem : There is no map showing
What need to be done?
<bm:Map Credentials="Am5qxl1jqY2FumxPaUtRWPUasxxxxxxxxxxxx " x:Name="myMap"
MapType="Aerial" ZoomLevel="12"
Width="600" Margin="383,0,383,-593">
&lt bm:Location Latitude="40.72367" Longitude="40.72367" />
Set HomeRegion="US" in <bm:Map />
Here is the list of supported regions in Bing Map.

WSO2 - Using get-property() function in Property/Xquery Mediators

Our current service has 7 operations. when writing an outbound xquery "local entry" in wso2, we're trying to retrieve the name of the current operation being executed (how can this be so difficult?).
After reading what i could find in wso2's documentation. it appears as if we need to set up both a Property and an Xquery mediator. supposedly the property mediator would pull the value doing something like get-property('OperationName') and then this would be referenced and passed thru the Xquery mediator.
The other idea was that we needed to define it as a variable in the "Local Registry entry definitions" and than it would be around at all parts of the sequence.
I've tried for 2 days but haven't quite got it.
Please tell me what I'm missing...
Did you try the following xquery sample[1]? I modified the query mediator to get the operation name as follows.
<variable xmlns:ax21="http://services.samples/xsd" xmlns:m0="http://services.samples" name="code" expression="get-property('OperationName')" type="STRING" />
this worked fine. I could see the getQuote in the response message.
