I have added all the required references like Bing Map and Others. I have added the credential as well.
The problem : There is no map showing
What need to be done?
<bm:Map Credentials="Am5qxl1jqY2FumxPaUtRWPUasxxxxxxxxxxxx " x:Name="myMap"
MapType="Aerial" ZoomLevel="12"
Width="600" Margin="383,0,383,-593">
< bm:Location Latitude="40.72367" Longitude="40.72367" />
Set HomeRegion="US" in <bm:Map />
Here is the list of supported regions in Bing Map.
I'm trying to produce an interactive map with the ability to be tilted ( or pitched in mapbox) by using library from vue3-openlayers but I can't seem to find any parameters on that. Is there any way I can achieve this?
<ol-map :loadTilesWhileAnimating="true" :loadTilesWhileInteracting="true"
style="height:100%; width:100%">
<ol-view ref="view" :center="latlong" :rotation="rotation" :zoom="zum" :projection="projections" />
<ol-source-osm />
<ol-zoom-control />
<ol-zoomslider-control />
<ol-vector-layer :updateWhileAnimating="true" :updateWhileInteracting="true">
<ol-geom-multi-point :coordinates="coordinates"></ol-geom-multi-point>
<ol-style-circle :radius="radius">
<ol-style-fill :color="fillColor"></ol-style-fill>
I tried on using mapbox as alternative but seeing as the free version have limited usage, I'm trying to find a way on using my previous method
does anyone know how to change the CanonicalizationMethod property in xadesjs? I know it is using xmldsigjs underneath but I cannot find a solution to change it. I mean the CanonicalizationMethod for the whole SignedInfo property (not the transforms for the references). Currently (by default) I get a document that has CanonicalizationMethod set to C14N:
<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/>
I want to change it to EXC-C14N:
<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#" />
Is it even possible?
Ok, I've found a solution. In case anybody needs it, you can directly assign it with:
let signedXml = new XAdES.SignedXml();
signedXml.XmlSignature.SignedInfo.CanonicalizationMethod.Algorithm = "http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#";
I have tried using BotBuilder-Location to collect the user's location via the Bing Maps API. I have followed the instructions on BotBuilder-Location's GitHub repository and have managed to be able to display a map fron Bing Maps using the code from the example:
var options = {
prompt: "Where should I ship your order?",
useNativeControl: true,
reverseGeocode: true,
locationDialog.LocationRequiredFields.streetAddress |
locationDialog.LocationRequiredFields.locality |
locationDialog.LocationRequiredFields.region |
locationDialog.LocationRequiredFields.postalCode |
locationDialog.getLocation(session, options)
However, in the prompt for the location the string "botbuilder-location:TitleSuffix" keeps showing, and the dialog does not continue after showing the map but instead displays the string "botbuilder-location:MultipleResultsFound" (Screenshot of unexpected strings). I have tried this in the Emulator as well as on Skype and Facebook Messenger with the same results.
Does anybody know how to fix this?
Thanks and best regards!
This is known issue and it's reported here. There you will also find a workaround. The team behind the control is testing a potential fix.
The quality of the item excerpt of a search result seems to differ between Magnolia 5.4.1 CE and 5.4.3 CE. I have the same website/pages on both system. On 5.4.1, the excerpts look good and it actually shows the parts where the keywords occurs and highlights them, whereas on 5.4.3, the excerpts does not show this but instead shows weird UUIDs and author names, that should not be visible to a public user:
The content nodes on both systems have the identical content. I pretty much use the default installation of 5.4.1 and 5.4.3 CE.
Anybody else having this problem or knows a reason for this? Is it a bug? Any way to fix this without having to write my own SearchTemplatingFunctions or ExcerptProvider?
The code that I use for the search:
[#-------------- ASSIGNMENTS --------------]
[#assign queryStr = ctx.getParameter('q')!?html]
[#-------------- RENDERING --------------]
[#if queryStr?has_content]
[#assign searchResults = searchfn.searchPages(queryStr, '/mysubfolder') /]
[#assign recordsFound = searchResults?size /]
<h3><em>${recordsFound}</em> ${i18n['search.pagesFoundFor']} "${queryStr}"</span></h3>
<div class="list-group">
[#if searchResults?has_content]
[#list searchResults as item]
<a href="${cmsfn.link(item)}" class="list-group-item">
<h4 class="list-group-item-heading">${item.title!}</h4>
<p class="list-group-item-text">${item.excerpt!}</p>
================== Update ==================
It seems to be a know bug as per https://jira.magnolia-cms.com/browse/MAGNOLIA-6245 but it is said to be fixed (in June 2015). However I still have the issue. See my comment in the Jira Ticket: https://jira.magnolia-cms.com/browse/MAGNOLIA-6245?focusedCommentId=120828&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-120828
================== Update 2 ==================
I setup a new 5.4.3 locally, where the issue does not occur. The issue still occurs at the 5.4.3 instance at my hosting provider though (about which my original posting is about). I downloaded the repo-conf, and made a diff with my local repo-conf folder, there are no differences in either jackrabbit-memory-search.xml nor jackrabbit-bundle-mysql-search.xml.
I found the solution to the problem thanks to a hint in the Jira:
The lines
<!-- needed to highlight the searched term -->
<param name="supportHighlighting" value="true"/>
<!-- custom provider for getting an HTML excerpt in a query result with rep:excerpt() -->
<param name="excerptProviderClass" value="info.magnolia.jackrabbit.lucene.SearchHTMLExcerpt"/>
were also missing in the file
due to some mistake at the hosting provider's template which they use for setting up Magnolia.
Our current service has 7 operations. when writing an outbound xquery "local entry" in wso2, we're trying to retrieve the name of the current operation being executed (how can this be so difficult?).
After reading what i could find in wso2's documentation. it appears as if we need to set up both a Property and an Xquery mediator. supposedly the property mediator would pull the value doing something like get-property('OperationName') and then this would be referenced and passed thru the Xquery mediator.
The other idea was that we needed to define it as a variable in the "Local Registry entry definitions" and than it would be around at all parts of the sequence.
I've tried for 2 days but haven't quite got it.
Please tell me what I'm missing...
Did you try the following xquery sample[1]? I modified the query mediator to get the operation name as follows.
<variable xmlns:ax21="http://services.samples/xsd" xmlns:m0="http://services.samples" name="code" expression="get-property('OperationName')" type="STRING" />
this worked fine. I could see the getQuote in the response message.
[1] http://wso2.org/project/esb/java/4.0.2/docs/samples/advanced_mediation_samples.html#Sample390