Why validateField function not works on drop down select field in netsuite? - netsuite

I have a simple client script to validate select field, even if I put only false to return its always validate ( you can pass to next field, there is no focus)
Is it a known problem with that select fields?
function validateField(scriptContext) {
var field = scriptContext.fieldId;
if (field === 'custbody_select') {
return false
return false


Logstash conditional to check that field is an object?

When I know name of one of fields in expected object, I can use
if [check_if_this_is_an_object][known_field_name] { # object } else { # not an object }
But I would like a way to do a general check, without known field name.
You will need to use a ruby filter is you do not know the name of any of the fields within the object. If you just need to check one field you could use
ruby {
code => '
field = event.get("foo")
if field.respond_to? "each"
answer = true
elsif field.is_a? LogStash::Timestamp
answer = true
answer = false
event.set("[#metadata][fooObject]", answer)
If you need to check multiple fields then use a script file. The script would be
def register(params)
#fieldName = params["field"]
def filter(event)
field = event.get(#fieldName)
if field.respond_to? "each" # Array or Hash
answer = true
elsif field.is_a? LogStash::Timestamp
answer = true
else # boolean, integer, float or string
answer = false
event.set("[#metadata][#{#fieldName}Object]", answer)
and then call it using
ruby {
path => "/home/user/isObject.rb"
script_params => { "field" => "foo" }
ruby {
path => "/home/user/isObject.rb"
script_params => { "field" => "bar" }
and then you can write a conditional using [#metadata][fooObject] or [#metadata][barObject]

Tabulator - How to set value inside cellEdited function

I am using the Tabulator plugin and am using the editorParams function to select from a list of options. If a value isn't selected (eg: Cancelled) I want it to revert to the old (previous) cell value and do nothing, but calling cell.setValue() keeps retriggering the cellEdit function and it gets stuck in a loop.
table.on('cellEdited', function(cell) {
var cellOldValue = cell.getOldValue();
var cellNewValue = cell.getValue();
var row = cell.getRow();
var index = row.getIndex();
if (cellNewValue == 'none-selected') {
} else {
if (confirm('Are you sure?')) {
// ok, do something
} else {
This just keeps triggering the prompt. Any solutions, thank you?

How to make sublist field mandatory?

This is my pageInit function
function poTransPageInit(type) {
// alert('page init');
var field= nlapiGetLineItemField('item', 'field');
field.isMandatory = true;
what I do wrong here?
It is true that the isMandatory method is not available in Client Scripts. As a work around you could get the field's value and check the length.
function validateLine(type){
if(type == 'sublistInternalID'){ //sublistInternalID = sublist internal id, i.e. 'item'
//get the sublist field value of mandatory column
var name = nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('line', 'fieldId'); //line = line #, fieldId = internal id of field
//if value length is greater than 0, then there is a value
if(name.length > 0){
return true;
} else {
alert('Please enter a value for Name field');
return false;
field.isMandatory is SuiteScript 2.0. In SuiteScript 1.0, you would use field.setMandatory(true), but apparently that function is not available in client scripts.
You could try moving this logic to a User Event script.

Angular - TypeError Cannot set _id to Null Value

Has a transaction function that worked in first pass and at 2nd pass, got "TypeError: Cannot set _id to Null value. Both passes were to create a new transaction. Besides, system seemed to indicate that there was value for variable that was being used to assign to_id. In this case,
print"this.selectedLeave_id" and saw value as expected. However, Angular right away in next statement complaining that Null value was set to "this.SLTran.leave_id".
Below pls find code and any help is appreciated.
if (this.selectedLeaveTran_id != 0) // means first loaded all trans and then select from table to modify
this.sLTran = this.tempSLTran; // tempSLTran was from row selected to be modified
this.sLTran.leaveType = this.tempLeaveType; // from dialog box edited data
this.sLTran.leaveStartDate = this.tempLeaveStartDate; // from dialog box edited data
this.sLTran.leaveEndDate = this.tempLeaveEndDate; // from dialog box edited data
this.sLTran.numDaysRequested = this.tempNumDaysRequested; // from dialog box edited data
console.log('2-2.5 inside onSubmit Leave Tran for update :',this.sLTran);
this.staffLeaveDataSvc.updateSLTran(this.sLTran).subscribe((sLTran:staffLeaveTran) => {this.sLTran = sLTran});
{ // a new tran
console.log('2-2.4 inside onSubmit Leave Tran selectedLeave_id for new tran:',this.selectedLeave_id);
this.sLTran.leave_id = this.selectedLeave_id; // first established the leave_id associated with this new tran
this.sLTran.leaveType = this.tempLeaveType;
this.sLTran.leaveStartDate = this.tempLeaveStartDate;
this.sLTran.leaveEndDate = this.tempLeaveEndDate;
this.sLTran.numDaysRequested = this.tempNumDaysRequested;
(sLTran:staffLeaveTran) => {
this.sLTran = sLTran

How to pass values for multi select custom fields using RESTlet in Netsuite?

I can pass values for select, text box and etc but not for multi select. I can update values for multi select. But i can't create a record by passing values for multi select.
This is the code :
$datastring = array(
"gu_action"=> "create",
"companyname"=>"Jerald Vend",
custentity36 is multiselect control. It's label is Course
when i pass single value , It works fine.
when i try to pass multiple values for multi select like the below code , i am getting error like "Please enter value(s) for: Course"
$datastring = array(
"gu_action"=> "create",
"companyname"=>"Jerald Vend",
The Code is : https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ganeshprabhus/a3ebd67712913df3de29/raw/3a6df6a3af8642fceacb3a4b8e519ad96a054e69/ns_script.js
The value you pass is in correct format. In this case the RESTlet code should have the compatibility of handling the multiselect filed. The field set value api that used in the RESTlet should be
This is the api can be used to set multiselect field value. As per the github refernce you shared. under the create_record function
/********************** Creation *********************************/
function create_record(datain) {
var err = new Object();
// Validate if mandatory record type is set in the request
if (!datain.recordtype) {
err.status = "Failed";
err.message = "Missing recordtype";
return err;
var record = nlapiCreateRecord(datain.recordtype);
for ( var fieldname in datain) {
if (datain.hasOwnProperty(fieldname)) {
if (fieldname != 'recordtype' && fieldname != 'id') {
var value = datain[fieldname];
// ignore other type of parameters
if (value && typeof value != 'object') {
record.setFieldValue(fieldname, value);
} //recordtype and id checking ends
} //for ends
var recordId = nlapiSubmitRecord(record);
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'id=' + recordId);
var nlobj = nlapiLoadRecord(datain.recordtype, recordId);
return nlobj;
The quoted code should be
record.setFieldValues(fieldname,value) // fieldname : custentity36 , value : 1,3
