Tabulator - How to set value inside cellEdited function - tabulator

I am using the Tabulator plugin and am using the editorParams function to select from a list of options. If a value isn't selected (eg: Cancelled) I want it to revert to the old (previous) cell value and do nothing, but calling cell.setValue() keeps retriggering the cellEdit function and it gets stuck in a loop.
table.on('cellEdited', function(cell) {
var cellOldValue = cell.getOldValue();
var cellNewValue = cell.getValue();
var row = cell.getRow();
var index = row.getIndex();
if (cellNewValue == 'none-selected') {
} else {
if (confirm('Are you sure?')) {
// ok, do something
} else {
This just keeps triggering the prompt. Any solutions, thank you?


Angular - TypeError Cannot set _id to Null Value

Has a transaction function that worked in first pass and at 2nd pass, got "TypeError: Cannot set _id to Null value. Both passes were to create a new transaction. Besides, system seemed to indicate that there was value for variable that was being used to assign to_id. In this case,
print"this.selectedLeave_id" and saw value as expected. However, Angular right away in next statement complaining that Null value was set to "this.SLTran.leave_id".
Below pls find code and any help is appreciated.
if (this.selectedLeaveTran_id != 0) // means first loaded all trans and then select from table to modify
this.sLTran = this.tempSLTran; // tempSLTran was from row selected to be modified
this.sLTran.leaveType = this.tempLeaveType; // from dialog box edited data
this.sLTran.leaveStartDate = this.tempLeaveStartDate; // from dialog box edited data
this.sLTran.leaveEndDate = this.tempLeaveEndDate; // from dialog box edited data
this.sLTran.numDaysRequested = this.tempNumDaysRequested; // from dialog box edited data
console.log('2-2.5 inside onSubmit Leave Tran for update :',this.sLTran);
this.staffLeaveDataSvc.updateSLTran(this.sLTran).subscribe((sLTran:staffLeaveTran) => {this.sLTran = sLTran});
{ // a new tran
console.log('2-2.4 inside onSubmit Leave Tran selectedLeave_id for new tran:',this.selectedLeave_id);
this.sLTran.leave_id = this.selectedLeave_id; // first established the leave_id associated with this new tran
this.sLTran.leaveType = this.tempLeaveType;
this.sLTran.leaveStartDate = this.tempLeaveStartDate;
this.sLTran.leaveEndDate = this.tempLeaveEndDate;
this.sLTran.numDaysRequested = this.tempNumDaysRequested;
(sLTran:staffLeaveTran) => {
this.sLTran = sLTran

How can I set a Global Variable using an If statement within a function in node.js?

I'm new to JavaScript and I'm struggling tying a couple of things together.
I need to set a global variable from within a function. The function is essentially querying a DB, getting an answer and doing a comparison to determine what variable to set.
Then, in a separate function, I need to set a value based on the value of the previous variable.
The problem I'm having is that the variables are only available within the function and I don't know how to set them to be available outside the function. I've tried to simplify the code so you can see what I'm attempting to do:
ddb.scan(scanparams, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
var dbResp = data.key.value; //key is the name of the key, value is the value
if (Number(dbResp) === Number(sessionId)) { //sessionId is defined elsewhere
var result = '1';
} else {
var result = '0';
if result === '1' {
} else {
I can't move the logic for doThing into the previous function as it breaks other things. How can I expose the results of the DB query to other functions?

How to check if cell if empty in Office.js

I have just started with Office Addins and I'm experimenting with the functionalities. I have several VBA Userforms that I would want to replace with popups from the Office add-in.
I am using the following code to enter a string into a cell(nothing fancy, I know) but I would want to check if the cell if empty before passing the value. If it is, enter (arg.message).
the problem I have encountered:
with if (range.value == "") the value is being set in "A4" even if "A3" if empty;
with if (range.value == " ") the value is not being entered in any cells.
Can anyone give me an example of how to check if a cell is empty?
I know it seems trivial but I have only found examples of how to check with col and row numbers for conditional formatting. I am trying to test all these functionalities to be able to start moving stuff from VBA to OfficeJS.
function processMessage(arg) {
dialog.close(); (context) {
var sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sheet1");
var range = sheet.getRange("A3");
if (range.value == "") {
range.values = (arg.message);
return context.sync();
} else {
range.getOffsetRange(1, 0).values = (arg.message)
return context.sync();
PS: the whole code in case there is something wrong somewhere else
(function () {
"use strict";
// The initialize function must be run each time a new page is loaded.
Office.initialize = function (reason) {
$(document).ready(function () {
// Add a click event handler for the button.
$('#simple-button').click(function () {
function (result) {
if (result.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Succeeded) {
$("#banner-text").text('The selected text is: "' + result.value + '"');
} else {
$("#banner-text").text('Error: ' + result.error.message);
$("#banner-close").click(function () { $("#banner").hide(); });
let dialog = null;
function opensesame() {
{ height: 35, width: 25 },
function (result) {
dialog = result.value;
dialog.addEventHandler(Microsoft.Office.WebExtension.EventType.DialogMessageReceived, processMessage);
function processMessage(arg) {
dialog.close(); (context) {
var sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sheet1");
var range = sheet.getRange("A3");
if (range.value == "") {
range.values = (arg.message);
return context.sync();
} else {
range.getOffsetRange(1, 0).values = (arg.message)
return context.sync();
The Range object has a values property, but not a value property. So range.value in your condition test is undefined which does not match an empty string; hence the else clause runs.
A couple of other things:
Your condition tries to read a property of the range object. You have to load the property and call context.sync before you can read the property.
The value of the range.values property is a two-dimensional array (although it may have a single value in it if the range is a single cell). It is not a string, so comparing it with an empty string will always be false.
If I understand your goal, I think you should be testing with whether range.values (after you load it and sync) has an empty string in it's only cell. For example, if (range.values[0][0] === ""). Even better from a performance standpoint is to load the range.valueTypes property (and sync) and then compare like this: if (range.valueTypes[0][0] === Excel.RangeValueType.empty).

Fabric js Image Filters

Hello i am trying to create img filter there are Range input sliders from which user select filter value and then applied to selected image object its working but every time input changes it added a new filter and multiply how can i resolve this issue below is my code:
$('.img-fillter-controller .range-field').on("change", "input", function () {
t = $(this).data("filter");
v = $(this).val();
o = activeCanvas.getActiveObject();
switch(t) {
case 'brightness':
f = new fabric.Image.filters.Brightness({brightness: v/100 });
case 'saturation':
case 'contrast':
case 'blur':
case 'exposure':
case 'colorify':
case 'hue':
function applyImgFilter(f) {
For apply filter properly on image, we need to fix filter index or can say that assign filter by static index.
You should replace This funciton :
function applyImgFilter(f) {
With New funciton :
function applyImgFilter(f) {
o.filters[0] = f

Extending or modifying the SharePoint Datasheet view

Has anyone discovered a way to extend or modify the functionality of the SharePoint Datasheet view (the view used when you edit a list in Datasheet mode, the one that looks like a basic Excel worksheet)?
I need to do several things to it, if possible, but I have yet to find a decent non-hackish way to change any functionality in it.
EDIT: An example of what I wish to do is to enable cascading filtering on lookup fields - so a choice in one field limits the available choices in another. There is a method to do this in the standard view form, but the datasheet view is completely seperate.
I don't think you can modify it in any non-hackish way, but you can create a new datasheet view from scratch. You do this by creating a new ActiveX control, and exposing it as a COM object, and modifying the web.config file to make reference to the new ActiveX control.
There's an example here:
Creating a custom datasheet control.
Actually, you can do this. Here is a code snippet I stripped out of someplace where I am doing just what you asked. I tried to remove specifics.
var gridFieldOverrideExample = (function (){
function fieldView(ctx){
var val=ctx.CurrentItem[curFieldName];
var spanId=curFieldName+"span"+ctx.CurrentItem.ID;
if (ctx.inGridMode){
handleGridField(ctx, spanId);
return "<span id='"+spanId+"'>"+val+"</span>";
function handleGridField(ctx, spanID){
window.SP.GanttControl.WaitForGanttCreation(function (ganttChart){
var gridColumn = null;
var editID = "EDIT_"+curFieldName+"_GRID_FIELD";
var columns = ganttChart.get_Columns();
for(var i=0;i<columns.length;i++){
if(columns[i].columnKey == curFieldName){
gridColumn = columns[i];
if (gridColumn){
gridColumn.fnGetEditControlName = function(record, fieldKey){
return editID;
window.SP.JsGrid.PropertyType.Utils.RegisterEditControl(editID, function (ctx) {
editorInstance = new SP.JsGrid.EditControl.EditBoxEditControl(ctx, null);
editorInstance.NewValue = "";
editorInstance.SetValue = function (value) {
_cellContext = editorInstance.GetCellContext();
_cellContext.SetCurrentValue({ localized: value });
editorInstance.Unbind = function () {
//This happens when the grid cell loses focus - hide controls here, do cleanup, etc.
//Below I grabbed a reference to the original 'BindToCell' function so I can prepend to it by overwriting the event.
var origbtc = editorInstance.BindToCell;
editorInstance.BindToCell = function(cellContext){
if ((cellContext.record) &&
( &&
( &&
editorInstance.ItemID =;
//Below I grabbed a reference to the original 'OnBeginEdit' function so I can prepend to it by overwriting the event.
var origbte = editorInstance.OnBeginEdit;
editorInstance.OnBeginEdit = function (cellContext){
this.TargetID =;
. . .
Here is where you would include any custom rendering
. . .
return editorInstance;
}, []);
fieldView : fieldView
(function () {
function OverrideFields(){
var overrideContext = {};
overrideContext.Templates = overrideContext.Templates || {};
overrideContext.Templates.Fields = {
'FieldToOverride' : {
'View': gridFieldOverrideExample.fieldView
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(OverrideFields, 'clienttemplates.js');
Also, there are a couple of other examples out there. Sorry, I don't have the links anymore:
