ECONNREFUSED in docker with nodejs - node.js

I'm having a problem while writing my unit tests for my node application.
From my backend I contact Stripe APIs and Paypal APIs, my unit tests crashes every time I try to run my tests inside the docker because of a connection problem.
When I run the same tests from my local machine they pass without problems.
So I think this has to be with the ports exposure but I'm not sure because I'm not an expert.
This is the command I'm using to start my container:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /Users/nicolovanzo/Documents/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home -v /Users/nicolovanzo/Documents/work/storm/backups/firestore:/var/jenkins_home/firestore -v /Users/nicolovanzo/Documents/work/storm/firebase_keys/dev.json:/var/jenkins_home/firebase_keys/dev.json jenkins/jenkins
In my code whenever I try to contact an API outside of my docker it crashes saying:
data: { code: 'ECONNRESET' }
I can't find any solution online so I think you can help me. I would be really happy if you can find a solution or lead me to it.


JHipster + Angular + MongoDB + Docker: beginner question

I would like to have some guidance about what is supposed to be the best development workflow with JHipster.
What I did expect:
With one docker-compose command, I could up and run everything the project needs (in this case, MongoDB, Kafka, backend, etc.);
When modifying front-end, saving the modified files, could fire livesync (ng serve --watch?).
What I did find:
The one command option that I found (docker-compose -f src/main/docker/app.yml up -d), which I guess that depends of a ./mvnw package -Pprod verify jib:dockerBuild before, does not livesync and seems that is not compatible with the individual execution of front-end with npm run start - application started this way points to different backend's modules ports (?).
I have experience with Angular and MongoDB (and a little with Docker), but I'm super new to JHipster and am trying to understand what I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance!
For development workflow, you should start the dependencies individually. The app.yml will start the app's Docker image with the prod profile, useful for testing locally before deploying.
Start Containers for Mongo and Kafka
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/mongodb.yml up -d
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/kafka.yml up -d
Start the backend
Start frontend live-reload
npm start
If Docker is not accessible on localhost, you may need to configure application-dev.yml to point to the Docker IP.

NodeJS in Docker doesn't see connection

I have a NodeJS/Vue app that I can run fine until I try to put it in a Docker container. I am using project structure like:
When I do npm run dev I get the output:
listmymeds#1.0.0 dev /Users/.../projects/myproject
webpack-dev-server --inline --progress --config build/
and then it builds many modules before giving me the message:
DONE Compiled successfully in 8119ms
I Your application is running here: http://localhost:8080
then I am able to connect via browser at localhost:8080
Here is my Dockerfile:
FROM node:9.11.2-alpine
RUN mkdir -p /app
COPY package.json /app
RUN npm install
COPY . /app
CMD npm run dev
I then create a docker image with docker build -t myproject . and see the image listed via docker images
I then run docker run -p 8080:8080 myproject and get a message that my application is running here: localhost:8080
However, when I either use a browser or Postman to GET localhost:8080 there is no response.
Also, when I run the container from the command line, it appears to lock up so I have to close the terminal. Not sure if that is related or not though...
I trying following the Docker logs such as
docker logs --follow
and there is nothing other than the last line that my application is running on localhost:8080
This would seem to indicate that my http requests are never making into my container right?
I also tried the suggestion to
CMD node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server --host
but that failed to even start.
It occurred to me that perhaps there is a Docker network issue, perhaps resulting in an earlier attempt at kong api learning. So I run docker network ls and see
1f11e97987db bridge bridge local
73e3a7ce36eb host host local
423ab7feaa3c none null local
I have been unable to stop, disconnect or remove any of these networks. I think the 'bridge' might be one Kong created, but it won't let me whack it. There are no other containers running, and I have deleted all images other than the one I am using here.
It turns out that I had this in my config/index.js:
module.exports = {
dev: {
// Various Dev Server settings
host: 'localhost',
port: 8080,
Per Joachim Schirrmacher excellent help, I changed host from localhost to and that allowed the container to receive the requests from the host.
With a plain vanilla express.js setup this works as expected. So, it must have something to do with your Vue application.
Try the following steps to find the source of the problem:
Check if the container is started or if it exits immediately (docker ps)
If the container runs, check if the port mapping is set up correctly. It needs to be>8080/tcp
Check the logs of the container (docker logs <container_name>)
Connect to the container (docker exec -it <container_name> sh) and check if node_modules exists and contains all
Seeing your last change of your question, I recommend starting the container with the -dit options: docker run -dit -p 8080:8080 myproject to make it go to the background, so that you don't need to hard-stop it by closing the terminal.
Make sure that only one container of your image runs by inspecting docker ps.
After discussing the problem in chat, we found that in the Vue.js configuration there was a restriction to 'localhost'. After changing it to '', connections from the container's host system are accepted as well.
With Docker version 18.03 and above it is also possible to set the host to 'host.docker.internal' to prevent connections other than from the host system.

Docker NodeJs for ReactJs

I'm trying to create a container for my ReactJs project with nodejs. At first, it seems to be success, but am not able to access it through the port.
Following is my Dockerfile
Command I ran
docker build -t <your username>/node-reactjs .
docker run -p 9090:3333 -d <your username>/node-reactjs
As you can see, the container created successfully
I even tried to go inside the container and curl localhost:3333, it did return me the js file
I tried googling around, and many ways but seems like cant make it to work. I even tried the docker-compose way, but even worse. Cant even create the container.
Would really appreciate if someone can help me out on this.
Btw, is this the correct way to do for ReactJs?
After some hard time, I finally found the way to get it to work.
Thanks to this Connecting webpack-dev-server inside a Docker container from the host
All I need to do is to add a parameter to the start script in the package.json as following
Noticed the
That's what missing.

Connection refused when accessing web app through Docker

I'm pretty new to Docker, so I'm trying to take a node web app that I've written and Docker-ize it. The app is open source, so you can find it and the Dockerfile here: Paw-Wars
So you don't have to click through, the Dockerfile is here:
FROM mhart/alpine-node
ADD . .
RUN npm install
COPY config.json /src/config.json
CMD npm run docker
So I open up the Docker Quickstart Terminal (I'm on Mac OS X), go to my path, and build it:
docker build -t paw-wars .
After it builds, I run it:
docker run paw-wars
And it spins up just fine and says it's listening on port 5050. I get the ip from docker-machine ip default, and try to connect to it on port 5050, but I get connection refused. Most searches I've done trying to solve this tell me that I need to make sure to use the correct IP, but I'm almost positive I'm doing that. Not really sure what I'm doing wrong. It's not in the repo, but I've also tried binding to in my app (index.js), but that didn't work either.
The issue is that you MUST specify a port in your docker run command. I thought that using EXPOSE in your dockerfile is sufficient, but it's not. That's just to get the port exposed internally.
docker run -p 5050:5050 paw-wars worked great.

Running and debugging tests in a Docker container

I want to dockerize my entire node.js app and run everything inside a docker container, including tests.
It sounds easy if you're using PhantomJS and I actually tried that and it worked.
One thing I like though about running tests in Chrome - easy debugging. You could start Karma server, open devtools, set a breakpoint in a test file (using debugger statement) and run Karma - it will connect to the server run tests, and stop at the breakpoint, allowing you from there to do all sorts of things.
Now how do I do that in a docker container?
Should I start Karma server (with Chrome) on a hosting machine and tell somehow Karma-runner inside the container to connect to it, to run the tests? (How do I do that anyway?)
Is it possible to run Chrome in a docker container (it does sound like a silly question, but when I tried docker search desktop bunch of things come up, so I assume it is possible (?)
Maybe it's possible to debug tests in PhantomJS (although I doubt it would be as convenient as with Chrome devtools)
Would you please share your experience of running and debugging Karma tests in a docker container?
upd: I just realized it's possible to run Karma server in the container and still debug tests just by navigating to Karma page (e.g. localhost:9876) from the host computer.
However, I still have a problem - I am planning to set and start using Protractor as well. Now those tests definitely need running in a real browser (PhantomJS has way too many quirks). Can anyone tell me how to run Protractor test from inside a docker container?
I'm not aware of Protractor and it's workflow, but if you need a browser inside a container, did you see this article? I'll take the liberty for quoting this:
$ docker run -it \
--net host \ # may as well YOLO
--cpuset 0 \ # control the cpu
--memory 512mb \ # max memory it can use
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ # mount the X11 socket
-e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY \ # pass the display
-v $HOME/Downloads:/root/Downloads \ # optional, but nice
-v $HOME/.config/google-chrome/:/data \ # if you want to save state
-v /dev/snd:/dev/snd --privileged \ # so we have sound
--name chrome \
To dockerize your protractor test cases use either of this images from Dockerhub caltha/protractor (or) webnicer/protractor-headless.
Then run this command "docker run -it {imageid} protractor.conf.js". See the instructions in those repositories
