How to create reference to another entity of an entity in Azure cosmosDb Nosql in NestJs? [closed] - nestjs

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Closed 5 days ago.
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I have a Animal entity and i want to reference Cat entity from Animal.
import { CosmosPartitionKey, CosmosUniqueKey } from '#nestjs/azure-database';
export class Animal {
#CosmosUniqueKey() country: string;
climate: string;
export class Cat {
#CosmosUniqueKey() name: string;
age: string;
how can i create foreign key to Cat entity from Animal,can someone please help?


VB.Net shared constant strings [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm refactoring a project, moving all the magic strings used to access the fields of datatables to a dedicated Module. This application has a lot of tables, with obviously even more fields, so my question is: is there any problem putting so many static constants (probably hundreds) in a Module, in terms of performances of the application?
Personally I would split the tables into classes and add them to the Module. You can then reference them in a more structured way, and the module will be easier to manage. e.g.
For a database named Person:
''' <summary>
''' Represents the fields of database table Person
''' </summary>
Public Class Person
Public Property FirstName As String = NameOf(FirstName)
Public Property Surname As String = NameOf(Surname)
Public Property DateOfBirth As String = NameOf(DateOfBirth)
End Class
Then add that to your module:
Public Module Tables
Public Person As New Person
End Module
To then reference:
Sub Main(args As String())
End Sub
Or you could reference the object to make it slightly easier to read.
Sub Main(args As String())
Dim person = Tables.Person
End Sub
Regarding performance, the objects will be stored in memory but will have no real impact on performance.

Build Option<Vec<String>> from Iterator<Item = String> [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have the following logic implemented:
let assigned_courses: Option<Vec<String>> =|c| c.to_string()).collect();
Since this is an optional variable, I get the error:
value of type `std::option::Option<Vec<std::string::String>>` cannot
be built from `std::iter::Iterator<Item=std::string::String>`
How do I handle this issue? If it is not optional, it does not throw this error.
Why not?
let assigned_courses: Vec<String> =;
Or if you really need an Option for later usage within your context
let assigned_courses: Option<Vec<String>> =

Swift RestKit CoreData - RKEntityMapping nil class for class name [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Using RestKit and CoreData with Swift
RestKit offers functionality to map JSON directly into NSManagedObject instances.
You use the following code line to init a RKEntityMapping object:
var classMapping :RKEntityMapping = RKEntityMapping(forEntityForName:"className",inManagedObjectStore:managedObjectStore)
This causes the following error:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Cannot initialize an entity mapping for an entity with a nil managed object class: Got nil class for managed object class name 'className'. Maybe you forgot to add the class files to your target?'
The error occurs because of this line in RestKit API:
Class objectClass = NSClassFromString([entity managedObjectClassName]);
If your NSManagedObject class is written in Swift, you have to add the following code before your class declaration:
class className {
Hope this helps!

Webstorm nodejs conventions spaces [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I read that the convention of node js of spaces is double spaces, but by default it is 4 spaces, how to configure it?
It is:
if ('development' == app.get('env')) {
should be this way:
if ('development' == app.get('env')) {
That's not a "convention" - that's called code style; and more specifically, it looks like it's the NPM Coding Style, as it's followed by lots of Node developers out there.
You can customize this easily by going to Settings -> Code Style -> JavaScript in WebStorm.
P.S.: I personally like a lot the jQuery Code Style - it's more readable than any other.

Simultaneous access http filter [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I implemented a Http filter using Filter interface and it works fine in localhost.
The problem is that in a testing environment when two users want to access to the application this filter does not work like always. It mixes the data between two users. I know it because I have lots of logs reporting me the steps every moment. I don't know if there is any problem with the simultaneous access.
Like servlets, filters are application scoped. There's only one instance of a filter class being created during application startup and the very same instance is being reused across all HTTP requests throughout the application's lifetime. Your problem symptoms indicate that you're for some reason assigning request or session scoped variables as an instance variable of the filter instance, such as request parameters or session attributes, or perhaps even the whole request or session object itself.
For example,
public class MyFilter implements Filter {
private String someParam;
public void doFilter(... ...) {
someParam = request.getParameter("someParam");
// ...
This is not threadsafe! You should be declaring them in the method local scope:
public class MyFilter implements Filter {
public void doFilter(... ...) {
String someParam = request.getParameter("someParam");
// ...
See also:
How do servlets work? Instantiation, sessions, shared variables and multithreading
