I almost finished my game, but there is another problem. everytime i click to play in in the exported game, these error messages show up:
I'd appreciate help!
Problem: Can't seem to get the mouse click toggle event working. On clicking, a live cell should turn dead and a dead cell should turn alive.
I have uploaded the Rust/WASM Game of Life tutorial project in this Github Repo for those who want to find the issue. PRs are welcome.
For the ones who don't know about the tutorial, click here to know more.
My bad. Just changed the variable name from CanvasRight to CanvasTop in www/index.js and it is working now.
I'm using Godot_v3.2.1-stable_win64.exe(current Godot version) on my Windows 10. When running a project everything seems to work fine but when using the actual IDE of the Godot engine it seems like the IDE screen doesn't update fluidly on every mouse interaction but like only every 5 seconds instead (as like FPS would be low).
So mostly on hovering or clicking something it would light up or be triggered after you clicked on some other thing elsewhere (which is stupid of course).
This makes it even impossible to hit a button sometimes in the IDE.
E.g. when renaming a file a Window/Box for renaming pops up but you do not see it, because the IDE screen isn't updated. So if you don't blindly click on the box (which you don't see) the option for renaming is lost, because the box closes when clicking anywhere else. See what I mean?
Thank you for listening. Have a great day.
This is a known issue. Try updating your graphics driver to the latest version provided by Intel (not your OEM).
I've run into a weird behavior on Ubuntu mate when using kivy. For any app that I try to run when I click with a mouse I get second clicks in adjacent positions. That happens only on Ubuntu mate, for the app that I am developing(that works fine on windows) as well as any others(tried two others from online examples). I'm really new to programming and google gave me nothing this time.
The image shows what happens in a calculator app when I try clicking in the button 4 it also selects button 3.
I realize that this is not a greatly asked question, but I really don't have a clue on how to attack this issue.
Can anyone please point me a direction where to look for problems like this or is there anyone that have seen something like it?
Configure config.ini which is in your .kivy folder.
Go down to [input] and make sure it looks like this:
mouse = mouse
%(name)s = probesysfs
Link in question: https://www.presskit.to/pirramusic
If you play the featured song, 'Paradise' on the top of the main section in Safari, it will start playing, but no audio. Everything else seems to work fine, just no sound is heard (did all the troubleshooting to confirm that this is the case, so mute, volume, etc was checked)
Now, here's the strange part. Click on Media you'll see the same file embedded with the other songs. If you click play on THAT song, it WILL play the audio normally.
So I googled around, found this stackoverflow question that's semi related: Safari 6.1 won't play audio from embedded Soundcloud widget
(and this: http://help.soundcloud.com/customer/portal/articles/1464535-why-can-t-i-hear-tracks-using-safari-)
So I uncheck that box and it works, but that doesn't really fix the two issues i have:
I can't do that automatically for my users. Nor is okay to give them
instructions on how to do this, since they shouldn't ever ever have
to mess with browser settings to make my site work.
Why is the issue only with the top embed/iframe? If it's 'saving power' or whatever,
it makes sense that 2 out of the 3 work.
Some other notes:
I'm running Safari Version 7.0.2 (9537.74.9)
On a 2013 MBA 13" running mavericks
Works fine in other browsers
The embed code for the two players (the one that works and the one
that doesnt) is identical. See page source.
Other question:
Would having the same objected embedded twice cause an issue? If it
did, i figure it would be with SoundCloud's side and would be
affecting all browsers.
Please help, im pretty stumped on this. If it's a bug, i'll report it to apple, but i'm not sure if it is yet. Thanks in advance for any insight!
This is a known bug, Soundcloud provided a page with an explanation on how to make it work. It is however bad UX, as - as you stated - there doesn't seem to be a way to make it work automatically for users.
here is the link to soundclods answer: http://help.soundcloud.com/customer/portal/articles/1464535-why-can-t-i-hear-tracks-using-safari-
HOWEVER, we do need to have the player working :) so if somebody knows a way, please share.
I'm starting to use Fungen library for Haskell to make some games, but I've a problem with rendering. When I compile and run some code, it shows me the images and everything working, but at every game cycle, some black stripes appear. A friend of mine installed the same tool and things but he doesn't have that rendering problem, using the same code i wrote!.
Does anybody know how can I fix this?
It looks like you can easily initialize a Haskell FunGEn program to double buffer by saying:
import Graphics.UI.GLUT
and then prior to creating your window stating:
initialDisplayMode $= [DoubleBuffered]