Curly brackets not calling the variable in string (its still yellow) - string

I just started to learn code and I have an issue that I cannot google or solve.
When I call a string and put variable in curly brackets inside, the variable its not working.
It is supposed to turn orange but its still yellow inside the brackets.
let raceNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
const registeredEarly = false;
const age = 30
if(registeredEarly && age > 18){
raceNumber += 1000;
if(registeredEarly && age > 18){
console.log('Race will begin at 9:30, your race number is: ${raceNumber}')


Invalid get index 'x' candy crush game on Godot

I am having a problem with i think is the index. i can't run the code, somehow the "while" is wrong and i don't know how. I am coping with a youtube video how to build it. but i think the video is outdated, is from 3 years ago. if somone get a ideia how to run it i would be grateful. (sorry bad English, not my formal language)
some phrases will be in portuguese but i think is not gonna damege it...
edit: i think is not a error. but its a red phrase is on the scrubber area
extends Node2D
# Grid Variaveis
export (int) var width;
export (int) var height;
export (int) var x_start;
export (int) var y_start;
export (int) var offset;
var possible_pieces = [
preload("res://cenario/sprite 3.tscn"),
var all_pieces =[];
func _ready():
all_pieces = make_2d_array();
func make_2d_array():
var array = [];
for i in width:
for j in height:
return array;
func spawn_pieces():
for i in width:
for j in height:
#choose a random number and store it
var rand = floor(rand_range(0, possible_pieces.size()));
var piece = possible_pieces[rand].instance();
var loops = 0
while(match_at(i, j, piece[rand].color) && loops < 100):
rand = floor(rand_range(0, possible_pieces.size()));
loops += 1;
piece = possible_pieces[rand].instance();
#instance that piece from the array
piece.position = grid_to_pixel(i, j);
all_pieces[i][j] = piece;
func match_at(i, j, color):
if i > 1:
if all_pieces[i - 1][j] != null && all_pieces[i - 2][j] != null:
if all_pieces[i - 1][j].color == color && all_pieces[i - 2][j].color == color:
return true;
if j > 1:
if all_pieces[i][j - 1] != null && all_pieces[i][j - 2] != null:
if all_pieces[i][j - 1].color == color && all_pieces[i][j - 2].color == color:
return true;
func grid_to_pixel(column, row):
var new_x = x_start + offset * column;
var new_y = y_start + -offset * row;
return Vector2(new_x, new_y);
You have possible_pieces with a bunch of PackedScenes:
var possible_pieces = [
preload("res://cenario/sprite 3.tscn"),
Then you pick one and instantiate it:
var rand = floor(rand_range(0, possible_pieces.size()));
var piece = possible_pieces[rand].instance();
Thus piece is a Node. So when you do this: piece[rand] you are trying to use index access on a Node and that does not work. That is the problem with this line:
while(match_at(i, j, piece[rand].color) && loops < 100):
I believe you want to do this instead:
while(match_at(i, j, piece.color) && loops < 100):
For future reference, specifying the types of your variables might help you avoid this kind of errors. See Static typing in GDScript. By the way, even though the term "Type Hints" stuck, they are not hints, they are actual type declarations.
The function match_atreturns null if it doesn't match any of the conditions.
Replace the pass; for return false; or create an else statement to do something if needed, and then the return false;.
As mentioned below by #Theraot i realized the pass; its not the problem

Why doesn't my if-statements return the right numbers?

First of all, this is my first week trying out C# or any other programming language for that matter, also my first post here on Stackoverflow!
Been working on this change calculator for a while now, trying to get it to round the result to either 0 if its <.25, 0.50 if it's between .25 and .75 and 1 if it's >.75. Seems like it's ignoring my if-statements, And on top of that the result I get isn't correct either. Some calculations ends up being negative, which I can't figure out why :/
double summa0 = vara - kontant; //item - change
var extrakt = (int)summa0; //removes decimals out of summa0 = 107
var avrundsSumma = summa0 - extrakt; //<--- extracts the decimals out of summa0
if (avrundsSumma < 0.25f)
avrundsSumma = Math.Floor(avrundsSumma);
else if (avrundsSumma > 0.75f) //Runs the decimals through if-statements
avrundsSumma = Math.Ceiling(avrundsSumma);
avrundsSumma = 0.5;
} // = in this case the result should be 1
double summa = extrakt + avrundsSumma; // 107 + 1 = 108
double attBetala = kontant - summa; // 500 - 108 = 392
Since I'm very new to this it's hard to know exactly which part of the code is causing the issue. When I run the code in CMD I get a negative result from "double summa = extrakt + avrundsSumma; // 107 + 1 = 108"
So instead of 108 I get -108.
Not sure what you mean by "Hard code the values" either :o

How do I generate a string that contains a keyword?

I'm currently making a program with many functions that utilise Math.rand(). I'm trying to generate a string with a given keyword (in this case, lathe). I want the program to log a string that has "lathe" (or any version of it, with capitals or not), but everything I've tried has the program hit its call stack size limit (I understand exactly why, I want the program to generate a string with the word without it hitting its call stack size).
What I have tried:
function generateStringWithKeyword(randNum: number) {
const chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/";
let result = "";
for(let i = 0; i < randNum; i++) {
result += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
if(result.includes("lathe")) {
} else {
This is what I have now, after doing brief research on stackoverflow I learned that it might have been better to add the if/else block with a continue, rather than using
if(!result.includes("lathe")) return generateStringWithKeyword(randNum);
But both ways I had hit the call stack size limit.
A "correct" version of your algorithm, written as an iterative function instead of as a recursive one so as not to exceed stack depth, would look something like this:
function generateStringWithKeyword(randNum: number) {
const chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/";
let result = "";
let attemptCnt = 0;
while (!result.toLowerCase().includes("lathe")) {
result = "";
for (let i = 0; i < randNum; i++) {
result += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
if (attemptCnt > 1e6) {
console.log("I GIVE UP");
return result;
I don't like when my browser hangs because of a script that won't finish, so I put a maximum attempt count in there. A million chances seems reasonable. When you try it out, this happens:
generateStringWithKeyword(10); // I GIVE UP
Which makes sense; let's perform a rough back-of-the-envelope probability calculation to see how long we might expect this to take. The chance that "lathe" will appear in some case at position 1 of the word is (2/64)×(2/64)×(2×64)×(2/64)×(2/64) ("L" or "l" appears first, followed by "A" or "a", etc) which is approximately 3×10-8. For a word of length 10, "lathe" can appear starting at positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. While this isn't exactly correct, let's think of this as multiplying your chances by 6 of getting the word somewhere, so the actual chance of getting a valid result is somewhere around 1.8×10-7. So we can expect that you'd need to make approximately 1 ÷ 1.8×10-7 = 5.6 million chances to succeed.
Oh, darn, I only gave it a million. Let's up that to 10 million and try again:
generateStringWithKeyword(10); // "lATHELEYSc"
Great! Although, it does sometimes still give up. And really, an algorithm which needs millions of tries before it succeeds is very, very inefficient. You might want to read about bogosort, a sorting algorithm which works by randomly shuffling things and checking to see if they are sorted, and it keeps trying until it works. It's used for educational purposes to highlight how such techniques don't really perform well enough to be practical. Nobody would ever want to use such an algorithm for real.
So how would you do this "the right" way? Well, my suggestion here is to just build your result correctly the first time. If you have 10 characters and 5 of them need to be "lathe" in some case, then you will need 5 truly random characters. So randomly decide how many of those letters should be before "lathe". If you pick 2, for example, then put 2 random characters, plus "lathe" in a random case, plus 3 more random characters.
It could be something like this, where I mostly use your same style of for-loops and += string concatenation:
function generateStringWithKeyword(randNum: number) {
const keyword = "lathe";
if (randNum < keyword.length) throw new Error(
"This is not possible; \"" + keyword + "\" doesn't fit in " + randNum + " characters"
const actuallyRandNum = randNum - keyword.length;
const chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/";
let result = "";
const kwInsertionPoint = Math.floor(Math.random() * (actuallyRandNum + 1));
for (let i = 0; i < kwInsertionPoint; i++) {
result += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
for (let i = 0; i < keyword.length; i++) {
result += Math.random() < 0.5 ? keyword[i].toLowerCase() : keyword[i].toUpperCase();
for (let i = kwInsertionPoint; i < actuallyRandNum; i++) {
result += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
return result;
If you run this, you will see that it is very efficient, and never gives up:
console.log(Array.from({ length: 4 }, () => generateStringWithKeyword(5)).join(" "));
// "lathE LaThe lATHe LatHe"
console.log(Array.from({ length: 4 }, () => generateStringWithKeyword(7)).join(" "));
// "p6lAtHe laThE01 nlaTheK lATHeRJ"
console.log(Array.from({ length: 4 }, () => generateStringWithKeyword(10)).join(" "));
// "giMqzLaTHe 5klAthegBo oVdLatHe0q twNlATheCr"
Playground link to code

AS3 "Advanced" string manipulation

I'm making an air dictionary and I have a(nother) problem. The main app is ready to go and works perfectly but when I tested it I noticed that it could be better. A bit of context: the language (ancient egyptian) I'm translating from does not use punctuation so a phrase canlooklikethis. Add to that the sheer complexity of the glyph system (6000+ glyphs).
Right know my app works like this :
user choose the glyphs composing his/r word.
app transforms those glyphs to alphanumerical values (A1 - D36 - X1A, etc).
the code compares the code (say : A5AD36) to a list of xml values.
if the word is found (A5AD36 = priestess of Bast), the user gets the translation. if not, s/he gets all the possible words corresponding to the two glyphs (A5A & D36).
If the user knows the string is a word, no problem. But if s/he enters a few words, s/he'll have a few more choices than hoped (exemple : query = A1A5AD36 gets A1 - A5A - D36 - A5AD36).
What I would like to do is this:
query = A1A5AD36 //word/phrase to be translated;
varArray = [A1, A5A, D36] //variables containing the value of the glyphs.
Corresponding possible words from the xml : A1, A5A, D36, A5AD36.
Possible phrases: A1 A5A D36 / A1 A5AD36 / A1A5A D36 / A1A5AD36.
Possible phrases with only legal words: A1 A5A D36 / A1 A5AD36.
I'm not I really clear but to things simple, I'd like to get all the possible phrases containing only legal words and filter out the other ones.
(example with english : TOBREAKFAST. Legal = to break fast / to breakfast. Illegal = tobreak fast.
I've managed to get all the possible words, but not the rest. Right now, when I run my app, I have an array containing A1 - A5A - D36 - A5AD36. But I'm stuck going forward.
Does anyone have an idea ? Thank you :)
function fnSearch(e: Event): void {
var val: int = sp.length; //sp is an array filled with variables containing the code for each used glyph.
for (var i: int = 0; i < val; i++) { //repeat for every glyph use.
var X: String = ""; //variable created to compare with xml dictionary
for (var i2: int = 0; i2 < val; i2++) { // if it's the first time, use the first glyph-code, else the one after last used.
if (X == "") {
X = sp[i];
} else {
X = X + sp[i2 + i];
xmlresult =; //xmlresult = alphanumerical codes corresponding to words from XMLList already imported
trad =; //same with traductions.
for (var i3: int = 0; i3 < xmlresult.length(); i3++) { //check if element X is in dictionary
var codeElement: XML = xmlresult[i3]; //variable to compare with X
var tradElement: XML = trad[i3]; //variable corresponding to codeElement
if (X == codeElement.toString()) { //if codeElement[i3] is legal, add it to array of legal words.
checkArray.push(codeElement); //checkArray is an array filled with legal words.
var iT2: int = 500 //iT2 set to unreachable value for next lines.
for (var iT: int = 0; iT < checkArray.length; iT++) { //check if the word searched by user is in the results.
if (checkArray[iT] == query) {
iT2 = iT
if (iT2 != 500) { //if complete query is found, put it on top of the array so it appears on top of the results.
var oldFirst: String = checkArray[0];
checkArray[0] = checkArray[iT2];
checkArray[iT2] = oldFirst;
results.visible = true; //make result list visible
loadingResults.visible = false; //loading screen
fnPossibleResults(null); //update result list.
I end up with an array of variables containing the glyph-codes (sp) and another with all the possible legal words (checkArray). What I don't know how to do is mix those two to make legal phrases that way :
If there was only three glyphs, I could probably find a way, but user can enter 60 glyphs max.

Grabbing text from webpage and storing as variable

On the webpage
It lists prices for a particular item in a game, I wanted to grab the "Current guide price:" of said item, and store it as a variable so I could output it in a google spreadsheet. I only want the number, currently it is "643.8k", but I am not sure how to grab specific text like that.
Since the number is in "k" form, that means I can't graph it, It would have to be something like 643,800 to make it graphable. I have a formula for it, and my second question would be to know if it's possible to use a formula on the number pulled, then store that as the final output?
This is what I have so far and it's not working not sure why.
function pullRuneScape() {
var page = UrlFetchApp.fetch("").getContentText();
var number = page.match(/Current guide price:<\/th>\n(\d*)/)[1];
SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('RuneScape').appendRow([new Date(), number]);
Your regex is wrong. I tested this one successfully:
var number = page.match(/Current guide price:<\/th>\s*<td>([^<]*)<\/td>/m)[1];
What it does:
Current guide price:<\/th> find Current guide price: and closing td tag
\s*<td> allow whitespace between tags, find opening td tag
([^<]*) build a group and match everything except this char <
<\/td> match the closing td tag
/m match multiline
Use UrlFetch to get the page [1]. That'll return an HTTPResponse that you can read with GetBlob [2]. Once you have the text you can use regular expressions. In this case just search for 'Current guide price:' and then read the next row. As to remove the 'k' you can just replace with reg ex like this:
Will return just '123'.
Obviously, you are not getting anything because the regexp is wrong. I'm no regexp expert but I was able to extract the number using basic string manipulation
var page = UrlFetchApp.fetch("").getContentText();
var TD = "<td>";
var start = page.indexOf('Current guide price');
start = page.indexOf(TD, start);
var end = page.indexOf('</td>',start);
var number = page.substring (start + TD.length , end);
Then, I wrote a function to convert k,m etc. to the corresponding multiplying factors.
function getMultiplyingFactor(symbol){
case 'k':
case 'K':
return 1000;
case 'm':
case 'M':
return 1000 * 1000;
case 'g':
case 'G':
return 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
return 1;
Finally, tie the two together
function pullRuneScape() {
var page = UrlFetchApp.fetch("").getContentText();
var TD = "<td>";
var start = page.indexOf('Current guide price');
start = page.indexOf(TD, start);
var end = page.indexOf('</td>',start);
var number = page.substring (start + TD.length , end);
var numericPart = number.substring(0, number.length -1);
var multiplierSymbol = number.substring(number.length -1 , number.length);
var multiplier = getMultiplyingFactor(multiplierSymbol);
var fullNumber = multiplier == 1 ? number : numericPart * multiplier;
Certainly, not the optimal way of doing things but it works.
Basically I parse the html page as you did (with corrected regex) and split the string into number part and multiplicator (k = 1000). Finally I return the extracted number. This function can be used in Google Docs.
function pullRuneScape() {
var pageContent = UrlFetchApp.fetch("").getContentText();
var matched = pageContent.match(/Current guide price:<.th>\n<td>(\d+\.*\d*)([k]{0,1})/);
var numberAsString = matched[1];
var multiplier = "";
if (matched.length == 3) {
multiplier = matched[2];
number = convertNumber(numberAsString, multiplier);
return number;
function convertNumber(numberAsString, multiplier) {
var number = Number(numberAsString);
if (multiplier == 'k') {
number *= 1000;
return number;
