Edit Date and number in excel - excel

i was new about edit format excel data. i have problem with remove time(HH:MM:SS sss.ss) from my date data, and edit my value data to decimal format
i was planning make date > 15/05/2017
and waktu_eod_per_menit > 13,58
There a lot data for me to edit like that, i was have doing step normal formatting ( choice format cells, and choice the format i want) but the data didnt change.
Please help me about this


Cleaning Date data, changing the data to date format and fixing the missing values

I am working on a dataset in excel that has the date data in wrong format and some missing data, how do i clean the data, change the date to the right format and fix the missing values?
I tried to use "Find and replace function" to change the field to date format, some rows changed while some didn't. I also tried to use DATE formula, RIGHT, MID and LEFT to pick the date, all to no avail.
I'm pretty new to Visualization and data Analytics, please. I'm presently working on Excel. I need help, please
This is part of my dataset:

How to format different DOB formats in Excel?

The image below shows different formats for DOB, what is the easiest way to format them to dd/mm/yyyy? The dates on the right are correct however the dates on the left are back to front and missing a 0 for all single numbers.
I would be willing to bet that 08/03/1997 was not originally 08-Mar-1997 but started out as 03-Aug-1997. Same goes for all of the other ambiguous DMY/MDY dates that Excel wrongly converted during the text import. Some dates remained as text because (as in A3) there are not 13 months in a year.
It makes no sense to convert the rest of the data now that half of it is already wrong. Abandon the import and then import it properly.
I could regurgitate the narrative from Excel VBA - Convert Text to Date but it has already been adequately described there. In short, bring the text back in with Data ► Get External Data ► From Text and specify the correct date conversion mask in the Text Import wizard. In VBA, use the Workbooks.OpenText method and specify the xlColumnDataType as MDY.

Type conversion failure in Access 2013

When importing data from a text file (csv) into MS Access, I get an error "Type conversion failure" for 1 field. The field has data with date format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss" and Access simply refuses to recognise it and places #Num! or simply blank data. The csv file is huge with 8m rows and cannot be opened in Excel to edit the date format. Facing no problems with any other fields.Anyway to avoid this error?
Use the Advanced... button at the field specification step of the import and try these settings:
I don't have the exact date format in the picture above, but it is just to show how to import that specific date.
Date Order should be YMD because in your dates, you have the years coming first, followed by the month and the date.
The date delimiter for your csv will be a dash -, while the time delimiter should be the default colon :. Make sure the 4 digit years checkbox is checked, and I would also check the Leading Zeros in Dates checkbox since your month and dates are in mm and dd formats respectively (i.e. they will begin with 0 if it is a single digit).
If there are problematic dates from your csv now, then this is another problem that won't be easy to tackle. You will maybe have to correct the date manually from the csv before importing it, or import the date as text and then create a new column to manipulate the text dates to date fields (and fix any problematic dates there).
Nothing wrong with the date format, but some records may be empty or have invalid entries.
Or you miss at the import to specify the separators and format for the date field.
If still no luck, link the file and specify text for the field. Then create a select query that uses the linked file as source and use CDate to convert the text date to true date values.
When done, change the query to an append or create table query to import your data.

Formatting Date(YY:MM:DD:Time) in Excel

I have an excel file, with a date column, but I want to convert the date column to
Ive been searching for 2 hours and no result yet.
This is my data:
Source Data: http://i.stack.imgur.com/75zbS.jpg
Expected Output: YY/MM/DD/Time
Can someone help me how I can do it? I want to insert it into postgresql and I want to change everything to compatible date format.
EDIT: I have tried Right Click -> Format cells -> date but it does not change anything!
You could use this method and split the date and time into separate cells:
Once your date value is in a format Excel can recognize, you can then change the formatting to whatever you'd like.
Or if you don't care to have the value in a recognizable date format, you can just get your desired formatting like this (will give you a string that looks like this: YY/MM/DD/Time):
ISO 8601 format would be YYYY-MM-DD H24:MI:SS.
But you can set Postgres to accept various date styles by setting the datestyle setting. You can do that globally in postgresql.conf or temporarily for your session.
SET datestyle = SQL, DMY
For more exotic formats, you can create a temporary staging table, COPY to it and INSERT into your target table from there. Among others, you can use to_timestamp():
SELECT to_timestamp('13/10/14/17:33', 'YY/MM/DD/hh24:mi')
More info and example code in related answers like these:
Replacing whitespace with sed in a CSV (to use w/ postgres copy command)
How to bulk insert only new rows in PostreSQL
Your going to have to parse the date into four columns using fixed parsing.
Then reassemble the columns any way you want.
Just Google with excel parse columns fixed.

Figuring Excel date format programmatically

I have a program that gets input in the form of an excel which it reads by querying (select * into a dataset).
The excel is created by the customer.
The excel contains a date column.
The problem is, that when looking into the dataset, the date column format is sometimes like mm/dd/yyyy and sometimes dd/mm/yyyy. (1/25/1970) (25/1/1970)
I guess it depends on the locale on the machine which the excel was made.
How can my program know what is the date format in the excel?
Not sure whether your question is about output or input...
For output:
You did not mention the database type. But the rule is: make your dates the american way: mm/dd/yyyy. For Jet, I generally use Format(MyDate, ""\#dd\/mm\/yyyy\#"")
("\" is the escape character, it makes sure the next character is output "as is")
For input:
Try reading the cell format ? range("a1").NumberFormat
However on my PC, with French setup a date displayed as 15/2/2011 has a returned format = m/d/yyyy so little use here !
