When I need to register ServiceStack license - servicestack

What is the use of the ServiceStack license? From what I read in the FAQ, in a WPF project where the client consumes ServiceStack services, it should be useless, even if this phrase
When is a Developer License required?
A developer license is required
for each developer contributing .NET code to a project that references
ServiceStack binaries (inc. transitive references). Licenses are not
required for developers only building projects or only consuming
ServiceStack Services.
leaves me some doubts.
If I use ServiceStack Client package should I register the license?
Thanks in advance

The ServiceStack License unlocks the built-in free quotas to enable unrestricted usage of ServiceStack's libraries.
As the ServiceStack.Client libraries doesn't contain any free quota restrictions, registering a License is not required.


Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth vs Microsoft.Identity.Web

I am new to Microsoft Identity Platform. I see some of the .Net applications are using Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth for oauth implementations while others use Microsoft.Identity.Web. Please help me understand the difference between these two libraries and the usage scenarios.

Third Party DLLs in Azure Web API

CyberSource, our payment gateway, requires the registration of three DLLs for use by my e-commerce software. These DLLs must be registered using regsvr32. CyberSource ensures the safety and functionality of these DLLs.
Our e-commerce website's API is hosted in Azure Web API. I would like to know if there's a way to register these DLLs, if not, What are my options using Azure services.
Thanks in advance.
Azure App Service is adding support for Windows Containers, which you can customize.
Or since regsvr32 implies that the .dll is a COM component, you might be able to use Registration-Free COM Interop

Confirmation of Licence violation in case of Using Mobile App .net server deployed on self-hosted server

I am developing Mobile App .Net server and want to use the service on self hosted servers for production usage. The service will be deployed on IIS instead of Azure portal. I am working on offline data sync feature using Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server package. And for client Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client is being used. And all these packages and dependent libraries are open source as its available on github.
So, what about its licencing? Is there any limitation or licencing clause that restricts from using these applications without Azure portal?
Or its free to use?
As you mentioned, these libraries are open source licensed with Apache 2.0. So, you can use them without any problem, as long as you mention the original authors.

Azure Service Bus DNX Core support

UPDATE: DNX does not exist anymore. Please ignore this question.
Current WindowsAzure.ServiceBus (3.0.4) nuget package (http://nuget-preprod-0-v2gallery.cloudapp.net/packages/WindowsAzure.ServiceBus/) requires .NET Framework 4.5 Full Profile and it is not usable with an application build specifically to use DNX Core.
As I understand, the only way to build such application at this moment is to use REST API.
What is the recommended way to include authentication information to requests? Do we have any open source nuget to handle it or should the SAS token creation be implemented by each developer? Links to the REST API authentication samples are broken.
While the Service Bus nuget package is not open sourced, do we have any active channels to reach the developers to find out if they have any plans to support DNX Core and we should not use REST API because the library update is coming soon?
The REST URL to publish a message on Queue/Topic will be like,
The authorization SAS Token has to be part of the request header
For further read, REST Run-Time APIs
It's also possible by using the AMQP protocol. I recently used AMQP to communicate with an Azure IoTHubClient, all in a DNXCore5.0 project. I used the AMQPNetLite Library to do so, it also has Service Bus Examples!
(Reposting as my prior answer was erroneously deleted by the moderators.)
Microsoft now provides a .NET core version of this library. I am shipping a .NET Core app on Linux that calls it.
Announcement post:

Sharepoint: How can I deploy a custom authentication provider?

How can I deploy a custom authentication provider in MOSS 2007?
Is there any provided functionality to do this (like a Sharepoint feature)?
Or do I have to install it in the GAC on each box in the farm manually?
The usual approach for installing extensions like this is to use a feature, yes. However, you won't be using any specialized XML as this kind of extension is not catered for explicitly. So how can you do it? By using an essentially empty feature project that contains an Event Receiver assembly. The event receiver assembly is called automatically by sharepoint for 4 different events: install, uninstall, activate and deactivate. I suggest you hook the install and uninstall events to deploy your provider.
Make sense?
You can deploy a custom membership provider under minimal trust in SharePoint 2007 using Code Access Security (CAS).
Altough the author seems to not recommend using the GAC since some Sharepoint installations are on a hosted environment and you can play with GAC.
It is often easier to install the
membership provider DLL in the Global
Assembly Cache to achieve full trust,
but in cases where you're working with
a hosted SharePoint site and cannot
deploy to the GAC these instructions
should steer you right.
The detailed article is here. I hope it helps.
The Windows Live Authentication feature of the Community Kit for Sharepoint provides a nice example (with source code) of creating a solution package with a custom authentication provider. A solution package can be deployed to all servers in the farm without manually touching them
