Can we invoke (run) azure pipeline on receiving email - azure

We are looking for the possibility of a situation
Where our vendor sends us email on the update and upon receiving that email we want to run our azure pipeline or release
So is it possible to do that
Our mail server is office Outlook and pipelines are in azure dev ops
Our intention is if we received update to email then we want to run pipeline
Note: we can even maintain specific email id to get update notifications and set it like once we receive that email olwe should invoke pipeline
Please help me if we can do it or not
If yes any info about this is very helpful


get email ID of person debuging azure data factory pipeline

I have a production and a development environment in azure data factory. I have developed the pipeline such that when the pipeline fails, we get an email notification. However the issue is if someone tests a pipeline in development and it fails we still get error email and this is bugging a lot of people as no one wants to see email of someone else's error run.
Is there a way to implement the pipeline in such a way that, if a pipeline fails in production everyone should receive an email but if a pipeline fails in development, only the developer should get the email? I cannot seem to find any system assigned variable or something like User().email just like we have in powerapps.
Please see: We cannot have a parameter in pipeline like email: <>. I need a way to get email id of the person using the pipeline dynamically.
You can invoke a REST API to activity logs and get the event initiated by - which has user information of who triggered the pipeline.
Sample Request<SUBSCRIPTION>/providers/Microsoft.Insights/eventtypes/management/values?api-version=2015-04-01&$filter=eventTimestamp ge '<CurrenTime - 5 mins>' and eventTimestamp le '<CURRENT TIME + 5 mins>' and resourceUri eq /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCEGROUP>/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/<DATAFACTORYNAME>'
Refer this link for more information

Can we get a mail from gitlab , If the pipeline started itself?

We're using gitlab for ci/cd .By using gitlab notification setup , we are getting mails but If the pipeline ends only, mail will triggered the status of the pipeline. Is there any possibility for getting mail when pipeline starts status?
and another one thing , by using SMTP ,gitlab.rb , Please any one explain about this. The recipients whoever getting my mail, they need more information regarding the pipeline status. I searched for that , it shows relatedly gitlab.rb and smtp .But I didn't getting clear about that. Please anyone explain about the SMTP .We want the deployment for email notification. Thanks in advance
Call a Web API that sends email (e.g. - mailgun, sendgrid) via curl/wget as the first command in the script: section of the deploy Job within .gitlab-ci.yml
Or, use a CLI tool such as sendmail or ssmtp.
Either option will require configuration in the form of an API token or SMTP credentials.
See an example for using the Mailgun API, here.

Send email notification for inactive task or bugs----Azure Devops

How do you configure an Email Notification for an individual user in an organization for not responding in a timeframe?
Eg: An email notification gets sent if Initial Response was not met within say 6 hours of VSO being assigned.
In Azure DevOps project notification settings, it's possible to configure a notification based on the following actions taking place on a work item:
Notification settings based on a timeout, or lack of response, are not apparent.
Is it possible to configure a notification based on a lack of activity for a work item?
Currently there are below pre-defined notifications for work items in Azure Boards.
See: Manage your personal notifications for details.
I am afraid that no such notifications are designed for your requirement. However, as a workaround, we can create a query to find those work items which are not changed from New for a period when they have been assigned to members, as below.
Above query will query bugs and tasks which are assigned to members but still state in New state and they are created earlier than today across projects. See: Define a query for details.
And clicking "Email query" allows you to send this query result to specific members.

Send Email when Azure CI Pipeline Just Started Running

I know there is an option to send an email when Azure CI pipeline completes/failed, but what I'm looking for is an option when a particular pipeline has just started/upon running, is there such thing? Thanks!
Check this extension: CatLight. It does not send emails just popups in your tray.
Azure DevOps does not have this notification, we could install the extension Send Email, and use the task Send email to get the email notification that the pipeline has just run.
We could also refer to this doc to use email task to send email.
Note: We could not send email for a azure DevOps team group via these tasks

Change Stripe example email in webhooks triggers

I want to be able to pass an email into the webhook I trigger. I have a setup where after a user pays I want to update their record on Mailchimp. To properly test this without pushing to production (or running a local server open to the internet) I need to pass an email to stripe trigger checkout.session.completed so that it can find an email in Mailchimp. Right now the email is always
It's not possible to pass in custom data to stripe-cli triggers currently. Instead you probably want to use a service like to test this in a local environment.
