Send email notification for inactive task or bugs----Azure Devops - azure

How do you configure an Email Notification for an individual user in an organization for not responding in a timeframe?
Eg: An email notification gets sent if Initial Response was not met within say 6 hours of VSO being assigned.
In Azure DevOps project notification settings, it's possible to configure a notification based on the following actions taking place on a work item:
Notification settings based on a timeout, or lack of response, are not apparent.
Is it possible to configure a notification based on a lack of activity for a work item?

Currently there are below pre-defined notifications for work items in Azure Boards.
See: Manage your personal notifications for details.
I am afraid that no such notifications are designed for your requirement. However, as a workaround, we can create a query to find those work items which are not changed from New for a period when they have been assigned to members, as below.
Above query will query bugs and tasks which are assigned to members but still state in New state and they are created earlier than today across projects. See: Define a query for details.
And clicking "Email query" allows you to send this query result to specific members.


How to have multiple approval areas in Azure Logic Apps?

In Azure Logic Apps, there is an action for Send Approval Email under Office 365 Outlook.
I want to have multiple approval options in the same email. Is there a way to do it?
I tried looping over and sending emails but that sends a new email every time with option to approve.
Currently, this is not possible in logic apps. You can send only 1 approval from logic apps. However, if it is must to use an approval connector you can build a logic app where you can send multiple emails and track the options through Storage account or you can simply use a send email connector and get the replies from users. Below is an alternative approach if it is must to use an approval connector from logic apps.
I have used parallel branches to set a time for the responding by the user. If the user fails to select the options within the time limit the logic app fails. In my case I have used 1 minute. However you can even set time using Delay until and mention the specific date and time to respond back.
In the parallel step I'm sending the Approval email to the user and then I'm storing all the Lists of the blobs in storage account into a variable.
Note: This results to trigger multiple emails to the users
In the next step, I'm checking if the user's options has already been created by checking their mail id. If yes, it just stores the selected option by the user else it creates the file and then stores the selected options by the user.
In mail
In LogicApps Run
In storage account
Yes, you can have multiple approval in the To configuration with multiple email ID's separated by semicolons of the Send approval email action of the office 365 connector.
Once it is approved you can get the email ID of the person who has approved the request using the property UserEmailAddress and other details of the output of your Send approval email connector.

Azure devops notifications

i am not able to figure out why notifications about new comments on work items are not coming to some of the users..Does it has to do something with the subscription type of the user?
It seems that all users that has visual studio enterprise subscription are getting the emails and all others(basic/stakeholders) not.
In your notification subscription, you choose 'Team members by role'. For this choice, only certain team members associated with the event are notified. For example, in your issue, it will only deliver email to users fits the filters 'Assigned to (current),Assigned to (previous),Assigned to (new),changed by,created by,authorized as'.
If you would like all team members received the notification, please kindly choose 'members of team'
you could see Create an email subscription for more details.

Send email notification when new work item created in Azure DevOps

I have a requirement like, send an email notification with work item id when new work item created in Azure DevOps.
Is it possible to configure a notification with new work item id?
User ADO service hooks:
Search through available list and there you will see possible actions to react on. API hooks allows you to receive data based on Boards changes (e.g. Task status change etc).

Azure DevOps Dashboard - Scheduling email notification with report contents

Could you please help with the process in Azure DevOps VSTS to automate monthly email notification to specific users to remind them of the updated Bug Reporting along with the bug report content and dashboard.
Thank you
automate monthly email notification to specific users to remind them of the updated Bug Reporting along with the bug report content and dashboard
For this issue, I am afraid that the built-in notification of azure devops does not support such a feature, notifications should only support event triggering and not scheduled triggering.
When an event occurs in Azure DevOps or TFS, its content is compared with every subscription of that event type. If the subscription's filter conditions are met by the event, a notification is generated. A notification is generated for every subscription/event match.
The content shown in the notification is designed and we cannot customize it.
Here are some official document you can refer to.
Events, subscriptions, and notifications
About notifications
In addition, you could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site , which is our main forum for product suggestions. After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.

Scheduled and triggered jobs in Azure

For my Azure app I have a variety of scenarios for needing both scheduled and triggers jobs. Having researched both Azure WebJobs and Scheduler it appears I can accomplish this, but not in the best way possible.
My use cases will go something like:
Weekly email blast (seems right up the alley for Scheduler)
Event invites, dynamically timed based on event's time (I could have
a job check every hour to see if any need to be sent? or at the
event's creation create a Scheduled Job at the specific time, but
what happens if the event changes?)
Reminders based on #2 above
(same issues/questions)
Welcome emails (two versions, one if they
complete a walkthrough and another if they don't: how to manage the
timing of this?)
So basically I see how I can use Azure Scheduler to accomplish all of this, but not in the most efficient way. I would like to see if there's a way to manage Azure Scheduler along with some sort of triggered Jobs based on various criteria, controller by code. Does something like this exist?
To add a bit more information to this,
I'm using Mandrill as these are transactional emails. The things that makes my use case not appropriate for Mailchimp or some automation platform is I have repeat templates I will be sending out (5ish) which are triggered dynamically based on my user's events and various configurations.
1) New user registers. If they complete an on-boarding walkthrough they receive one type of welcome email, if they don't complete the on-boarding walkthrough within x minutes they receive an other type of welcome email.
2) An event is created by an admin. At that moment code will comb through all users to see who should be invited based on user's preferences, then send out personalized invites to each user.
Consider using the WebJobs SDK for some of this. For example, you could use an Azure Storage Queue to invoke your web job as event invites are created or modified in your application. You may want to have different queues that different web jobs are triggered from too. For example, one for invites, another for reminders, and one for welcome emails.
The weekly email blast may be a separate scheduled web job in your scenario.
Putting my business cap on, it sounds like you have a need of something that will handle your email marketing/automation. Consider looking at 3rd party products that specialize in this, instead of hand-coding it. Mailchimp # comes to mind. They have a feature called Goal completion more info at:
Alternatively, a monitoring and automation service that my company provides (CloudMonix # ) allows for automatically kicking off tasks based on some very custom criteria. CloudMonix knows nothing about email marketing, but it can kick-off a Web job or an Azure automation job if some SQL record appeared in the database or a metric published somewhere.
