Loop through every 'even' line in a file [closed] - linux

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Closed 10 days ago.
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I have a fasta file with the following structure. For context, a fasta file is simply a text file with a header denoted by '>' and below it is the text. I want to create a for-loop that can iterate through every even line of this fasta file.
The name of the file is chicken_topmotifs.fasta
for sequence in chicken_topmotifs.fasta;
echo $sequence

Just do two reads each time through the loop. The first read gets the odd line, the second one gets the even line after it.
while read -r gene; do
read -r sequence
# do stuff with $sequence
done < chicken_topmotifs.fasta

ignore header (>) lines
ignore blank lines
One bash idea:
while read -r sequence
echo "$sequence"
done < <(grep '^[ATGC]' chicken_topmotifs.fasta)
If we don't have to worry about blank lines:
while read -r sequence
echo "$sequence"
done < <(grep -v '^>' chicken_topmotifs.fasta)
Both of these generate:


Shell command to print the statements with N number of words present in other file [closed]

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Closed 7 months ago.
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Suppose I have a file with 3 lines:
I used the command wc -l output.txt to get no. of lines
i got output as 3
Based on the above output I have to execute a command
echo CREATE FROM (sed -n 1p OUTPUT.txt)
echo CREATE FROM (sed -n 2p OUTPUT.txt)
echo CREATE FROM (sed -n 3p OUTPUT.txt)
echo CREATE FROM (sed -n np OUTPUT.txt)
Can you please suggest a command to replace 1 2 3 .....n in the above command based on the output i get (i.e., no. of lines in my file)
I just gave a sample explanation of my use case. Please suggest a command to execute n no. of times.
You just need one command.
sed 's/^/CREATE FROM /' output.txt
See also Counting lines or enumerating line numbers so I can loop over them - why is this an anti-pattern?

Sort files in a directory by their text character length and copy to other directory [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm trying to find the smallest file by character length inside of a directory and, once it is found, I want to rename it and copy it to another directory.
For example, I have two files in one directory ~/Files and these are cars.txt and rabbits.txt
Text in cars.txt:
I like red cars that are big.
Text in rabbits.txt:
I like rabbits.
So far I know how to get the character length of a single file with the command wc -m 'filename' but I don't know how to do it in all the files and sort them in order. I know rabbits.txt is smaller in character length, but how do I compare both of them?
You could sort the files by size, then select the name of the first one:
file=$(wc -m ~/Files/* 2>/dev/null | sort -n | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')
echo $file

print multiple words in specific pattern [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a file word.txt
$ cat word.txt
I have a URL like this
I want to generate a URL list like this
I have 177 words so how can I automate this process with Bash or any other easy programming
Read the input line by line, add the line to the URL. Don't include the comma for the first line.
#! /bin/bash
while read -r line ; do
echo "$url"
done < word.txt
This task can be accomplished with a single GNU sed command:
sed -n 's|^|https://example.com/?word=|; :a; p; N; s/\n/,/; ba' word.txt
That should be more efficient than the plain bash.
-n   With this option, sed only produces output when explicitly told to via the p command.
s|^|https://example.com/?word=|   Replaces the beginning of the line with the https://example.com/?word=. This command effectively prepends that string to the pattern space.
:a   Label a for branch command (b). Used when looping through the lines.
p   Prints the pattern space.
N   Adds a newline to the pattern space, then appends the next line of input to the pattern space.
s/\n/,/   Replaces the newline with the comma (,).
ba   Jumps to the label a. This effectively creates a loop for all input lines except the first line.
Another variant:
while read word; do
words+=($word) list="${words[#]}"
printf '%s%s\n' "$url" ${list// /,}
done < word.txt
You can use something like this if you want to do it in python
joinedWords = ",".join(words)
reqUrl = url+joinedWords

How can i search for an hexadecimal content in a file in a linux/unix/bash script? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have an hexadecimal string s and a file f, i need to search the first occurence of that string in the file and save that in a variable with his offset. I thought that the right way to do that is convert the file to hex and search that with a grep. The main problem is that i saw a lot of commands(hexdump,xxd,etc.) to convert but none of them actually work. Any suggestion?
My attempt was like this:
xxd -plain $f > $f
grep "$s" .
output should be like:
> offset:filename
A first approach without any error handling could look like
HEXSTRING=$(xxd -p ${BINFILE} | tr -d "\n")
echo "${HEXSTRING}"
echo "Searching ${SEARCHSTRING}"
OFFSET=$(grep -aob ${SEARCHSTRING} <<< ${HEXSTRING} | cut -d ":" -f 1)
I've used xxd here because of Does hexdump respect the endianness of its system?. Please take also note that according How to find a position of a character using grep? grep will return multiple matches, not only the first one. The offset will be counted beginning from 1, not 0. To substract 1 from the variable ${OFFSET} you may use $((${OFFSET}-1)).
I.e. search for the "string" ELF (HEX 454c46) in a system binary will look like
./searchHEX.sh /bin/yes 454c46
Searching 454c46
I would use regex for this as well:
The text file:
$ cat tst.txt
A script you can easily change/extend yourself.
#! /bin/bash
part="$(perl -0pe 's/^((?:(?!0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]+).)*)(0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]+)(.|\n)*/\1:\3\n/g;' tst.txt)"
echo ${part/*:0x/$tmp:0x} # Echoes 123456789:0x1f
^((?:(?!0x[0-9a-fA-F]+).)*) = Search for the first entry that's a hexadecimal number and create a group of it (\1).
(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) = Make a group of the hexadecimal number (\3).
(.|\n)* = Whatever follows.
Please note that tmp=${part/:0x*/} could cause problems if you have text like :0x before the hexadecimal number that is caught.

Change the path address in a text file by shell scripting [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In my Bash script, I have to change a name to a path address(new address) in a text file:
(MYADDREES) change to ( /home/run1/c1 ) and save it as new file.
I did like this: defined a new variable = new address and tried to replace it in previous address in text file.
I use sed but it has problem.
My script was:
# To debug
set -x
echo $x
sed "s/MYADDRESS/$x/g" < sample1.txt > new.txt
The output of pwd is likely to contain / characters, making your sed expression look something like s/MYADDRESS//home/user/somewhere/. This makes it impossible for sed to sort out what should be replaced with what. There are two solutions:
Use a different delimiter for sed:
sed "s,MYADDRESS,$x,g" < sample1.txt > new.txt
...although this will have the same problem if the current path contains a comma character or something else that is a special character for sed, so the more robust approach is to use awk instead:
awk -v curdir="$(pwd)" '{ gsub("MYADDRESS", curdir); print }' < sample1.txt > new.txt
