How to calculate prices in near calculation - payment

I would like to calculate the prices in IQD. 1 USD is equal to 1458 IQD today.
There are 250, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 25,000 and 50,000 denominations.
I need to sell my items based on USD. I have multicurrency plugin in my website. But it exchanges so precisely. It calculates smaller than cents.
For example, if I sell an item costs 1 dollar, the buyer need to pay 1458 IQD.
Is there anyway to calculate the prices what so called “near calculation”? Like, if an item costs 6820 it automatically shows 7000 at the checkout page. Or if it costs 6760, then shows 6750.
Thanks for your response.
unfortunately, there is no option in the plugin to do so.


How can I add weighted calculations to a pivot table?

I have a set of sales figures that came from New Business and Upsells that I am trying to cross reference with the cost of sales effort. I am trying to add weights to the values to reflect that we consider one type of sale to require more effort, and then to calculate how much effort we really spent on each item.
Here's an example, assuming Product 1 sales effort of 600 and Product 2 sales effort of 200
Now in a simple calculation it's easy to determine how much sales effort went into each line, and therefore how much sales effort we would need to replicate these results:
Type of sale
Value of sale
Sales Effort
Product 1
New business
Product 1
Product 2
New business
But we consider that new business requires 10x the sales effort compared to upsells, so I need to incorporate that. Here's how that should end up looking:
Type of sale
Value of sale
Weighted value of sale
Weighted sales effort
Product 1
New business
Product 1
Product 2
New business
So far the best way I found of doing it was the following formula, for example for E2, then changing the value of the sales effort:
E2 = (total sales effort for that product) * D2 / (SUMIFS(D2:D4,A2:A4,A2))
I think the (sales effort for that product) could be replaced with an IFS statement to automatically pick that value given A-column value, but am I missing something? Is there a better way of doing this if I want to include it in a Pivot table with some easy to use slicers?

Choose correct PRODUCT COST from ROW based on amount sold

I am making a sheet to CALCULATE REAL REVENUE from each sale I make on my online store.
The problem is that the COST of my products is not always constant. It varies depending on many factors so each time I make a purchase I add the NEW PRODUCTS COST (LATEST COST).
Each time I make a new purchase I will add the QUANTITY and the new COST. (PURCHASE 1, PURCHASE 2, PURCHASE 3,etc).
Screenshoot of my sheet with example on ROW 41
In Column B I want to know which is the CURRENT COST based on the amount of TOTAL SALES of each product.
For example:
If I have sold less than 100 ( Pruchase 1 QUANTITY) then I need the formula to choose value of E41 (PURCHASE 1 COST).
If I have sold MORE than 100 and LESS than 300 (which is the SUM of PURCHASE 1 & PURCHASE 2) I need the formula to choose value of G41 (PURCHASE 2 COST) AND SO ON...
The formula I have come up with so far is this:
This formula WORKS but only for the first 3 PURCHASES.
I need a formula that has no limit but I don't know how to make a VARIABLE formula.
Please take my words literally when I say that I wouldn't waste one minute on trying to solve your problem with your current sheet design. You would need VBA, and then extract quantities and prices from each purchase without the ability to filter on columns. (Minute is up.)
What you need is a Purchase database: ItemID, Date, Quantity, Price, maybe Ref#. From that you can pull out the transactions for any item by filtering on the item and the cost by using functions like SUMIF. However, this just brings the real problem within reach without solving it.
The problem is that when you buy 100 pcs #42 your price is 42. Then you buy another 100 pieces #46 your average price is 44. But if you sold 50 pieces with a cost of 42 then the average cost of the remaining 150 is 45. Therefore you can't determine the average cost of any remainder without knowing the quantity sold and the average cost applied to that sale. To solve that problem you will still need VBA but the suggested db format of purchase record would at least support such a solution.
Not so long ago I programmed a solution where there were additional columns in the db and each sale was recorded in 3 columns (much like your present purchase record): date, Qty, Ref. In this way I could trace the sale of each individual purchase (this was for shares trading). The sale of the newer quantity wouldn't start until the earlier quantity was sold out.
Perhaps you don't need to trace where the purchased quantity went to and just need one column to count down the balance to zero. That would be much simpler but has the drawback that you can't roll back errors. In the end the rollback was the reason why I abandoned the design. The key to the ability to abandon it is a similar db for sales: date, qty, price, Ref#.
With such a setup you might design a system to either extract the average or FiFo price from the purchase side and associate it with a sale. If the condition is that it should be done with worksheet functions you could add a column for "current cost" in the purchase db, changing with each purchase, which you look up by date from the sales side using VLOOKUP or SUMPRODUCT, having set a cost price applicable from the day of purchase until the next. If that appeals to you, a method must be found to deal with days on which there are both purchases and sales.

Billing Variance Analysis With Many Scenarios - VBA

I was given tens of thousands of bills charged to customers. I am trying to determine if the bills are potentially accurate. The only data I have is the actual bill itself. Here's where things get complicated. There are four scenarios, each with their own nuances:
Scenario 1 Nuances:
Base Fee of $10 * the amount of items bought * the number of deliveries (maximum amount of items bought would be 10 and the maximum number of deliveries would be 7)
If the amount of items bought exceeds 1, the total bill is discounted by 20%
If the boxes are recycled, the total bill is further discounted by 15%
If the good is over 15 pounds, an additional charge of $10 will be assessed per each item over 15 pounds (maximum amount of items would be 10)
If there is no adequate port for delivery, an additional $50 per hour will be charged per delivery (maximum hours would be 3)
Scenario 2 Nuances:
Business that share a port of delivery for the second service will be charged $11 per item
If the business does not share a port of delivery, the fee is $13 per item. Each additionally delivery for a business that does not share a port is $15 per delivery, in addition to each item costing $13 (maximum deliveries would be 7 and maximum amount of items would be 8).
You see where I am going with all of this. The next two scenarios are just as lengthy. Sadly, no information besides the total bill is given. We don't know which scenario the bill belongs to, the number of items, etc., just a single column of the invoice. How would I go about determining all potential costs from each scenario to maybe index the invoice and see if there is a match? Any help on this would be amazing.
I tried creating an index where I wrote out multiple scenarios. For example, a column with the number of items, the number of deliveries, a discount for > 1 item bought, a recycling discount, etc... After attempting this for two hours, I realized this may not be the best method. My first row would be 1 item, 1 delivery, 0% discount for > 1 item bought, and 0% discount for recycling. Next would be 2 items bought, 1 delivery, 20% discount for > 1 item bought, 0% discount for recycling. This is seemingly impossible to do for everything.
My expected output is "Y" if the invoice total matches one of the potential costs from the index, "N" if not.
You can write a macro to calculate every possible scenario. Write a macro with nested loops.
The outside loop is the quantity, such as For ItemQty = 1 to 100 (or to some other likely maximum).
The inside loops are the scenarios and nuances, such as For BoxesRecycled = 0 to 1. Each loop modifies the total, such as Total = Total - (BoxesRecycled * 0.15 * Total).
In the middle of all the loops is code that writes a line with the quantity, nuances, and total.
You will need to match the sequence in which charges and discounts were applied and the way the total was rounded. Probably the sequence was discounted 20%, then discounted 15%, then rounded. But maybe it was discounted 20%, then rounded, then discounted 15%, then rounded. If you don't match the sequence and rounding, then your total might be 1 cent different from an actual invoice.

question regarding randbetween in excel and revenue

The Doobie Brothers garage band is planning a concert. Tickets are set at $20. Based on what other bands have done, they figure they should sell 350 tickets, but that could fluctuate. They figure the standard deviation of sales at 50 tickets. No shows are uniformly distributed between 1 and 10. Fixed costs are 5000.
How profitable is the concert likely to be?
So I am able to enter the excel formula for revenue 50*20 and subtract 5000 for FC, but I am having trouble deciphering how to account for the no show costs. I know that I have to use RANDBETWEEN(1,10) formula, but I am not sure if it gets multiplied or divided by something. Again, I am looking for what to do with the formula in the context of a profit equation.
If it helps, the mean for the number of tickets sold is 350 and stdev is 50, so I used that to get the number of attendees in a simulated sense...That is, NORM.INV(RAND(),350,50)
Of course, this problem may not be realistic in real life because promoters keep the money, but for the purposes of the problem...just assume that no promoters exist here.

Monte Carlo Simulation using Excel Solver

I am trying to figure out what the optimal number of products I should make per day are, displaying the values in a chart and then using the chart to find the optimal number of products to make per day.
Cost of production: $4
Sold for: $12
Leftovers sold for $1
So the ideal profit for a product is $8, but it could be -$3 if it's left over at the end of the day.
The daily demand of sales has a mean of 150 and a standard deviation of 30.
I have been able to generate a list of random numbers using to generate a list of how many products: NORMINV(RAND(),mean,std_dev)
but I don't know where to go from here to figure out the amount sold from the amount of products made that day.
The number sold on a given day is min(# produced, daily demand).
The decision variable is a choice you make: "I will produce 150 each day", or "I will produce 145 each day". You told us in the problem statement that daily demand is a random outcome with a mean of 150 and a SD of 30. Let's say you go with producing 150, the mean of demand. Since it's the mean of a symmetric distribution, half the time you will sell everything you made and have no losses, but in most of those cases you actually could have sold more and made more money. You can't sell products you didn't make, so your profit is capped at selling 150 on those days. The other half of the time, you won't sell all 150 and will take a loss on the unsold items, reducing your profit a bit. The actual profit on any given day is a random variable, because it is determined by random demand.
Since profit is random, you can calculate your average earnings across many days based on the assumption that you produce 150. You can also average earnings based on the assumption that you produce 140 per day, or 160 per day, or any other number. It sounds like you've been asked to plot those average earnings versus how many you decided to produce, and choose a production level that results in the highest long-term average earnings.
