How do I update the page without f5 when I press the button in hybris? - sap-commerce-cloud

How do I update the page without f5 when I press the button in hybris?
button is in listview action, not in editorarea.
can you help me please?

You can use this java code inside your action class renderer :
Hope this helps


Adding Image button after Add button is clicked (Android Studio Java)

Is it possible in Android studio to produce an Image Button after I clicked a button like Add Button. If yes, how? I want to make an attendance app wherein if the user clicks Add Class an image button will appear
We have no idea of which layout of you are using as the parent. But, for the best results of my answer, linear layout is advised.
The thing you are trying to achieve is trying to create dynamic elements.
For this, you can create an instance of the ImageButton class and then add it to you layout. This can be dont as follows:
//inside onclick of the add button
ImageButton newView = new ImageButton(context);
You can add customisations to the view before adding it to the view.

Modal launch button with actionlistener

I've been trying to use a f:setPropertyActionListener on a Bootstrap modal launch button but it doesn't work at all. Tags a and button don't support it so I don't know what to do now.
I need to set an id of an item in a bean I have when I push the modal launch button, so I can then confirm delete that item using the modal.
I've searched here and on other sites and I've found a lot of solutions to my specific problem using Javascript but I have no idea about that :/
Thanks in advance.

How to identify a button click in coded UI Customised code

In UIMAP.CS file in both the Recorded method and assertion method, I am not able to identify the button click.
Is there any way I can get hold of the button click event?
I am able to get hold the button in to a UITESTCONTROL variable but the options I was able to see are "exists", "enabled","name" etc...
I tried checking it with assertions too when I dragged the cross hair on to the clicked button , assertions are generated only for checking the existence,correctness of text and name but not the events occured on it..
Please help in this regard..
Please make sure that the Control/Object on which you want to use the Click operation is a button and not any Web Element or control which does not support the Click operation.
Once verified, you can do the following:
Record a New Session and while recording click on that button, stop your recording.
Open the UIMap.cs and navigate to that button control. The intellitrace would show you all the available options for that control.

Avoid Document.Ready getting fired from UserControl

I have a user control (ascx) inside a page (aspx). The ascx has JQGrid placed. I have a button in the page. On click of button I show AJAX modal popup.
The problem is: On click of button, document.ready in ascx is also getting called which in turn loads the JQGrid. I would like to avoid this.
To summarize, I do not want to reload JQGrid inside the ascx when post back happens from hosting page.

How to create a popup for edit button in JSF page in jDeveloper 12c?

How to create a popup for edit button in JSF page in Oracle jDeveloper 12c?
There is nothing special about JDeveloper 12c when it comes to working with popups. You can see a sample here that automatically migrates to 12c:
Drag and drop popup onto the form from component palette. Design as needed. Make note of popup ID. D&D Operation (from component palette) > Show Popup Behavior onto button. Set popup id to id of previously created popup. Select method to launch, like action. Google is your friend here. Search "ADF Popup" - lots of hits, like this. Remember to upvote those of us who take time to help you here.
