Reusing RabbitMQ connection per expressjs api request - node.js

We are trying to use rabbitmq using this library called amqplib (not node-amqplib). Now all docs and examples I read say the connections should be long term. So my original thought of as soo nas someone makes a request to our web server (express), it will open a connection thus open a channel thus a queue so on and so forth. But that means per request we will be constantly opening and closing which is said ia not how you should ot it.
So, with that said, if you have an express server or some nodejs arch which involves pusblishing data per http request, is there some standard? do i make the connection object global and then any functions i need to use it, i pass it in/call it? is there som,e better way to get that connection instance per request without re-creating it?
Thanks in advance!


How to use properly with express app

I wonder how do I use properly with my express app.
I have a REST API written in express/node.js and I want to use to add real-time feature for my app. Consider that I want to do something I can do just by sending a request to my REST API. What should I do with Should I send request to the REST API and send client the result of the process or handle the whole process within emitter and then send the result to client?
Thanks in advance.
Question is not that clear but from what I'm getting from it, is that you want to know what you would use it for that you cant already do with your current API?
The short answer is, well nothing really.. Websockets are just the natural progression of API's and the need for a more 'real-time' interface between systems.
Old methods (and still used and relevant for the right use case) is long polling where you keep checking back to the server for updated items and if so grab them.. This works but it can be expensive in terms of establishing a connection, performing a lookup, then closing a connection.
websockets keep that connection open, allowing both the client and server to communicate real time. So for example, lets say you make an update to your backend data and want users to get that update, using long polling you would rely on each client to ping back to the server, check if there is an update and if so grab it. This can cause lags between updates, some users have updated data while other do not etc.
Now, take the same scenario with websockets, you make an update to the backend data, hit submit, this then emits to your socket server. Socket server takes the call, performs the task ( grabs updated data ) and emits it to the users, each connected user instantly gets that update.
Socket servers are typically used for things like real time chats or polling where packets are smaller but they are also used for web games etc. Depending on the size of your payloads will determine how best to send data back and forth because the larger the payload the more resources / bandwidth it will take on the socket server so its something to consider.

It is interesting to create a new node app to handle

I want to add on an existing project some sockets with nodeJs and
I already have 2 servers :
An API RESTful web service, to storage and manage my datas.
A Public web service to return HTML, assets (js, css, images, ...)
On the first try, I create my socket server on the Public one. But I think it will be better if I create an other one to handle only socket query.
What do you think ? It's a good idea or just an useless who will add more problem than solve (maybe duplicate intern lib, ..)
Also, i'm using token to communicate between Public and API, do I have to create another to communication between socket and API ? Or I can use the same one ?
As nobody didn't understand me well I have create a schema with the infrastructure I was thinking about.
It is a good way to proceed ?
The Public Server and Socket server have to be the same ? Or can be separate ?
Do I must create a socket connection between API and Socket server for each client connected ?
Thank you !
Thanks for explaining better.
First of all, while this seems reasonable, this way of using is not the most common one. The biggest advantage of using is that it keeps a channel open for 2-way communication. The main advantage of this is that the server itself can send messages to the client without the latter having to poll periodically.
Think, for example, of a mail client. Without sockets, the browser would have to poll periodically to check for new mail. With an open socket connection, instead, as soon as a new mail comes the server notifies the client immediately.
In your case, the benefits could be limited, and I'm not sure the additional complexity of a server (and cost!) would really be worth the modest speed improvement on REST requests. However, at the end it's up to you.
In answer to your points
See above
If the "public server" is not written in Node.js they can't be the same application. Wether they reside on the same server, it's up to you and your budget. Ideally they should be separate, for bigger workloads.
If you just want the socket server to act as a real-time proxy, then yes, you'll have to create a socket connection for each request. How that will work is:
The client requests a resource to the server.
The server does the normal HTTP request to the API server (e.g. using request)
The response is returned to the client over the socket connection
The workflow represented in #3 is the reason why you should expect only moderate performance improvement. Indeed, you'll get some better latency, but most of the overhead for starting a HTTP request is still there!

How are webapps truly asynchronous?

I have a good old-style LAMP webapp. A week ago I needed to add a push notification mechanism to it.
Therefore, what I did was to add on the server and poll the MySQL database every 10 seconds using node.js to check whether there were new items: if so, I would have sent them to the client(s) with
I was pretty happy with the result, even if that is not a proper realtime notification (as there is a lag of up to 10 secs).
Now, I am about to build a new webapp which will need push notifications, too. I am wondering whether to go with the same approach as the first one (that I believe is more stable and mature) or to go totally Node.js, without PHP and Apache. As for the database, I have already decided to go for MongoDB.
Finally, my question is: if I go for will I get a truly near-real-time webapp? I mean, as soon as a new record is inserted into MongoDB, will there be some sort of event triggered that I can catch via node.js, do some checking on it and, if relevant, send the notification to the client? Or will there be anyway some sort of polling on the db server-side and lag, as with my first LAMP webapp?
A related question: can you build a realtime webapp on MySQL without doing any polling as I did with my first app. Or do you need MongoDB (or Redis)?
I hope this question is not too silly - sorry, I am just starting with Node.js and co.
I understand your problem because I switched to node.js from php/apache/mysql too.
Generally node.js is stable, modules and your scripts are the main reasons for errors
Real-time has nothing to do with database, it's all about client and server, you can query as many data as you want in your requests and push it to the other client.
Choosing node.js is very wise but it's harder to implement.
When you insert a new record to your db, the event is the request itself, you will make a push event along with the database query something like:
// Please note this is not real code, just an example of the idea
app.get('/query', function(request, response){
// Query your database
db.query('SELECT * FROM users', function(rows){
// Push notification to dan
socket.emit('database_query_executed', 'to_dan', rows);
// End request
Of course you can use MySQL! And any database you want, as I said real-time has nothing to do with databases because the database is in the middle of the process and it's totally optional.
If you want to use node.js for push notifications and php/apache for mysql then you will need to create 2 requests for each server something like:
// this is javascript
ajax('', node_options)
ajax('', php_options)
or if you want just one request, or you want to use a form, you can call your php and inside php you can create an http or net request to node.js from php, something like:
// this is php
new HttpRequest('', HttpRequest::METH_GET);
A regular MongoDB Collection as the Store,
A MongoDB Capped Collection with Tailable Cursors as the Queue,
A Node worker with Socket.IO watching the Queue as the Worker,
A Node server to serve the page with the Socket.IO client, and to receive POSTed data (or however else the data gets added) as the Server
It goes like:
The new data gets sent to the Server,
The Server puts the data in the Store,
The Server adds the data's ObjectID to the Queue,
The Queue will send the newly arrived ObjectID to the open Tailable Cursor on the Worker,
The Worker goes and gets the actual data in the ObjectID from the Store,
The Worker emits the data through the socket,
The client receives the data from the socket.
This is 'push' from the initial addition of the data all the way to receipt at the client - no polling, so as real-time as you can get given the processing time at each step.
Re: triggers in MongoDB - please see this answer:
There are much more convenient triggers in MySQL, but to call Node.js from them would require a bit of work with MySQL UDFs (user-defined functions), for instance pushing data through a Unix socket. Please note that this is necessary only when other applications (besides your Node.js process) are updating the database, and be sure to choose InnoDB as storage in this case (row- vs. table-level locking).
Can see no big problem with your technology choice of, even if client-side web sockets aren't supported, you'll fall back (gracefully, I hope) to polling.
Finally, your question is not silly at all, since push technology is definitely superior to the flood of polling requests - it scales better. EDIT: However, would not describe either technology as real-time.
Another EDIT: for a quite well-known and successful setup of this kind please read this:
Have you discovered Chole? It works separately from your web sever and interfaces with it by using HTTP POSTs. That way you can code your web app any which way you want.
Actually Using Push Technology like Socket.IO helps you to use
the server's resource efficiently and also helps you to leverage old browsers to modern browsers making websocket or websocket-like connection.
10 sec polling is a HTTP request which is expensive especially when a lot of users present.
Unlike polling technology, push technology is relatively cheap. Users' client is opening a dedicated socket(ie. websocket) to listen to the server's push notification.
And usually your client-side JavaScript do some actions when the push notification is received.
Using your LAMP stack and Socket.IO with different port (other than 80) will be good enough to implement what you need.
But using Node.js + MongoDB + Socket.IO actually helps you to manage your server's resource much efficiently.
Because those three have non-blocking nature.
If you understand non-blocking concept correctly and implement your app appropriately,
your identical app, an app with same feature but with different language and different database, would be able to handle a lot more requests than general LAMP stack.
Above picture is a famous chart of comparing Non-blocking vs Thread way to handle concurrency
Apache(Thread) vs Nginx(Non-blocking)
MySQL is a great database. I believe you won't need join and transactions for realtime notification.
MongoDB does not have those two features unless you implement similar features by yourself.
Because of not having those two and some characteristics of its own, MongoDB can store and fetch data much faster than traditional SQL databases.
Switching from MySQL to MongoDB will decrease the time taking to insert and fetch data.
with JS you can open a socket to your server (not old browser), the server will have a ah-hoc program (on an ad-hoc port, so you need the permission to open door and run program on your server) that will send data (almost) realtime from and to the client, and without the HTTP's protocol overhead.old browser will just fall-back to polling mechanism.
I can't see other way to do this (probably there are already "coocked" framework that do this)

RESTful backend and to sync

Today, i had the idea of the following setup. Create a nodejs server along with express and With express, i would create a RESTful API, which is connected to a mongo. BackboneJS or similar would connect the client to that REST API.
Now every time the mongodb(ie the data in it iam interested in) changes, would fire an event to the client, which would carry a courser to the data which has changed. The client then would trigger the appropriate AJAX requests to the REST to get the new data, where it needs it.
So, the connection would behave like a synchronize trigger. It would be there for the entire visit and could also manage sessions that way. All the payload would be send over http.
REST API for use with other clients than web
Auth could be done entirely over Only sending token along with REST requests.
Use the benefits of REST.
Would also play nicely with pub/sub service like Redis'
Greater overhead, than using pure
What do you think, are there any great disadvantages i did not think of?
I agree with #CharlieKey, you should send the updated data rather than re-requesting.
This is exactly what Tower is doing:
save some data:
insert into mongodb (cursor is a query/persistence abstraction):
notify sockets:
emit updated records to client:
The disadvantage of using sockets as a trigger to re-request with Ajax is that every connected client will have to fetch the data, so if 100 people are on your site there's going to be 100 HTTP requests every time data changes - where you could just reuse the socket connections.
I think that pushing the updated data with the event would be better than re-requesting the lastest. Even better you could only push the modified pieces of data decreasing the amount of data sent over the line. Overall though a interesting idea.
I'd look into Now.js since it does pretty much exactly what you need.
It creates a namespace which is shared among the client and server. The server can call functions on the client directly and vice versa.
That is if you insist on your current infrastructure decision to use MongoDB and Node.js, otherwise there would be CouchDB which is a full web server and document database with sophisticated replication mechanisms built-in.

Using node.js and with PHP application

I have working PHP application. It allows user create private projects and invite others in it. Now, using node.js and, I want to make real-time comments, posts etc.
What is the best architecture?
I see two solutions now.
The first is:
User sends AJAX query to PHP backend:
comment_add.php adds
comment to database and via AMPQ (or something better?) notifies
node.js server which broadcasts comment to channel's subscribers.
The second is:
User sends AJAX query to node.js server:
Node.js sends request to PHP backend (But how? And what about authorization?), receives response, and then broadcasts to channel's subscribers.
What is the best way? Is there another methods? How to implement this properly?
When you decided to use node.js + to make a real-time web-app, you don't need to think about PHP anymore and forget Ajax also... will be the communication between client and server.
But yes, you can use Ajax and PHP for building websites fast, and some other functions that don't need real-time
The second way is the best method. You can use http to communicate with PHP from node.js. Authorization can be done in node.js but passing auth credentials everytime to PHP
Finally my working solution is #1.
When user establishing connection to node.js/ he just send 'subscribe' message to node.js with his PHP session id. Node.js checks authorization using POST request to PHP backend and if all is OK allows user to establish connection.
Frontend sends all requests to PHP as it was before node.js.
PHP modifies some object, checks who can access modified object and sends message (via AMQP or redis pub/sub etc.) to node.js:
id_object: 125342,
users: [5, 23, 9882]
node.js then check who from listed users have active sockets and for each user sends GET request to PHP:
userId: 5,
id_object: 125342
Special PHP controller receiving this request runs query to get object with rights of given user id and then sends message to node.js with resulting answer. Node.js then via socket sends answer to user's frontend.
I faced this same question a year ago when starting my final year project at University. I realized that my project was much better suited to using Node as a standalone. Node is very good at dealing with I/O, this can be anything from a HTTP requests to a database query. Adding in a PHP based Web Server behind Node is going to add un-needed complexity. If your application needs to perform CPU intensive tasks you can quite easilly spawn 'child' node processed which perform the needed operation, and return the result to your parent node.
However out of the two you methods you have mentioned I would choose #2. Node.js can communicate with your PHP server in a number of ways, you could look at creating a unix socket connection between your PHP server and Node. If that is unavailable you could simply communicate between Node and your PHP back end using HTTP. :)
Take a look here, here is a solution to a question very similar to your own:
