Does ebay have Sandbox for seller hub? If not, how could I test this - sandbox

Am trying to integrate Ebay Merchant Account in my website, so that merchant can transfer his product from Ebay to my website using product id, SKU.
For that I need a Sandbox for ebay, unable to find seller hub in Sandbox account.
I successfully created a Sandbox account. Now expecting seller hub under that sandbox account.


Using Stripe Connect - Can Stripe payements be used without being a Stripe member

I am creating a site that will need a payment gateway to split payments for sellers when a buyer buys an item from the seller.
I have found out with Stripe Connect you can split payments which is great, but does anyone know if a buyer wants to buy an item from the seller, do the buyer and seller need a Stripe account or can the buyer and seller send and receive money without a Stripe account?
I was going to use PayPal Chained Adaptive Payments but found out that this service is depreciated.
When using Stipe Connect there are multiple parties involved:
The platform account, that's the main Stripe account
The connected accounts, these are the sellers that are connected to the platform account. Each connected account need a Stripe account (either Standard, Express, or Custom)
The customers who will buy the products, they don't need a Stripe account

Stripe Connect: Can Connected accounts become Customer?

I'm considering adopting Stripe connect.
What I want to do is One user will be able to both that receive and pay.
What I now understand is to create a custom account user and create a payment from the platform to the custom account with Destination charge.
Can a Custom account user pay the platform as a consumer?
As per your scenario you can make a stripe Customer and his Connect account both having same bank account linked. So when you initialise to pay the platform it will be charged from same bank account as well as when receiving payout the same bank account will be credited.

Stripe Onboarding and external accounts

I am using Stripe Onboarding on my marketplace to ease the process of getting my customers info (custom accounts). But it does not ask the user his external (bank) account information so payouts stay disabled. Is it normal ?
I am using:
type: 'custom_account_verification',
collect: 'eventually_due',
using the other type does not change anything
Stripe does not collect external account information (bank account or debit card) today in the Hosted Onboarding page. They focus on collecting personal information about the owner(s) of the account/company.
Today, you need to collect this information separately on your website. The easiest solution is to collect bank account details and tokenize this client-side with Stripe.js and then create an external account server-side via the API.
Just for reference Stripe is partnering with Plaid for this.

How to transfer amount from paypal account to paypal account?

The below code is a normal transaction from a user to the merchant account. My requirement is to reward customers for correct answering in a way that the application will have some amount in PayPal balance and it will be transferred as rewards to the customers PayPal account which is not a customer marchent relation. Is there any similar code snippet that can be used for PayPal to papal money transferring?{ amount: "1000.00",paymentMethodNonce:nonceFromTheClient,options: {submitForSettlement: true },deviceData: req.body.device_data}, function() {});
The solution
1.create a developer account
2.Create sandbox accounts. one for facilitator and one for customer from developer dashboard.
3.Create APP and get APP and get client id and secret key.
4.npm install paypal-rest-sdk(

Stripe copy customer

We have a use case in which, multiple merchants link their stripe account to our platform account and cards are stored in our platform account.
We are looking for a solution by which we can create a direct charge in merchants account by using the card saved in our platform account.
Is there a way to copy customer(with card) from platform account to connected merchant account so that we can create a charge in merchant account?
Yes, it can be achieved by creating a token against a customer(in you platform account) and using it to create a new customer in merchant account.
You can do it in the following manner using stripe request option.
StripeTokenCreateOptions token = new StripeTokenCreateOptions();
token.CustomerId = <customer_id_in_platform_account>;
StripeToken stripeToken = tokenService.Create(token, stripeRequestOptions);
//create customer on business
StripeCustomer stripeCustomer = CreateCustomer(stripeToken.Id, stripeRequestOptions);
In stripe request option you can set the connected account id in which you have to copy the customer.
you can further read about it here.
