Netsuite Rest API (beta) - filter by date time object - netsuite

I am trying to use Netsuite record API to find all customer payments between 2 dates.
This is working perfectly:
GET https://<account id> ON_OR_AFTER "17/1/2023"
But any option to try passing a time, failed with the following error:
"type": "",
"title": "Bad Request",
"status": 400,
"o:errorDetails": [
"detail": "Invalid search query. Detailed unprocessed description follows. Search error occurred: Parse of date/time \"17/1/2023 00:00\" failed with date format \"d/M/yy\" in time zone America/Los_Angeles\nCaused by:\n\tjava.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: \"17/1/2023 00:00\".",
"o:errorQueryParam": "q",
"o:errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER"
Any idea how I can solve this? I have no idea what I am doing wrong


Want to pass multiple enum values for PageSpeed Insights API

I'm trying to use PageSpeed Insights API. The API Reference indicates that I can pass multiple category values when calling the API.
I issued the below command. Category values are separated with commas.
curl '<my key>&url=<my url>&category=ACCESSIBILITY,BEST_PRACTICES,PERFORMANCE,PWA,SEO'
The API responds with the below JSON.
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid value at 'category' (TYPE_ENUM), \"ACCESSIBILITY,BEST_PRACTICES,PERFORMANCE,PWA,SEO\"",
"errors": [
"message": "Invalid value at 'category' (TYPE_ENUM), \"ACCESSIBILITY,BEST_PRACTICES,PERFORMANCE,PWA,SEO\"",
"reason": "invalid"
I have no idea how I can pass multiple category values. Does anyone know how to do that?
Pass as seperate parameter rather than comma seperated.
curl '<my key>&url=<my url>&category=ACCESSIBILITY&category=BEST_PRACTICES&category=PERFORMANCE&category=PWA&category=SEO'

Acumatica REST API - StockItem - How to use UOMConversions from response

In Acumatica REST API - StockItem
I am using the url$filter=InventoryID eq '12345' & $expand=UOMConversions
In the response i am getting UOMConversions object as
"UOMConversions": [
"rowNumber": 1,
"note": null,
"ConversionFactor": {
"value": 1
"FromUOM": {
"value": "EACH"
"MultiplyDivide": {
"value": "Multiply"
"ToUOM": {
"value": "FOOT"
I want to know how ConversionFactor, FromUOM, MultiplyDivide, ToUOM is used and possible values for these fields.
can you please help me in understand these fields. Thanks
In order to find more information on that , I would recommend that you connect to the Acumatica site in the browser, Navigate to the Stock Item screen and go to the help page for that screen(Tools -> Help).
Once on the help screen, search for the "Unit Conversion Table" you will then find more information about these fields.
For the values that are available, I would recommend once again to go to the browser and the screen itself. Open the selector for the "From Unit" field and the drop-down for the "Multiply/Divid" field. The "Conversion" being just a decimal number and the "To Unit" being a read only field that take for value the base unit of the Stock Item.

ElasticSearch illegal_argument_exception for client.bulk() Node.js

I try to send data to ES and I was using POST request to send data line by line and it worked fine with small files.
When I changed to use client.bulk(), I keep getting the following error message:
"status": 400,
"type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
"reason": "failed to parse [target_status_code]",
"caused_by": {
"type": "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason": "For input string: \"-\""
I noticed that after I use bulk, the type of target_status_code field has changed from string to number and many keyord fields are gone.
I only modified the sending request function so I don't understand why it doesn't work when using bulk.

Dialogflow Webhook V2 - Failed to parse webhook JSON response: Cannot find field: Payload in message

I get the following error in the Diagnostic Info when trying to Parse Json data from integromat.
Webhook call failed. Error: Failed to parse webhook JSON response: Cannot find field: Payload in message
I have my agent set to API V2.
This is what Dialogflow receives from Integromat:
{"Payload": { "Slack": { "Text": "Slack Test" } }, "fulfillmentText": "Test" }
Any help much appreciated.
The JSON keys "Payload","Slack" & "Text" are not in lower case as given in the docs here.
And as JSON keys are case-sensitive may be you should try using lower case, that will solve the issue.
{"payload": { "slack": { "text": "Slack Test" } }, "fulfillmentText": "Test" }

How to add document in DocuSign

I have following request to be sent to DocuSign API,
"emailSubject": 'DocuSign API - Signature Request on Document Call',
"documents": [{
"name": test.pdf,
"documentId": 1,
What I dont understand is, where should the documents name be present and what about the documentId.
I got an error as follows:
message: 'The request contained at least one invalid parameter. A document was defined without setting the \'name\' field.' }
Error calling webservice, status is: 400
I think it cannot find the pdf.
You should fill in a correct path into name field:
"name": "path/to/existing/pdf/test.pdf",
