Acumatica REST API - StockItem - How to use UOMConversions from response - acumatica

In Acumatica REST API - StockItem
I am using the url$filter=InventoryID eq '12345' & $expand=UOMConversions
In the response i am getting UOMConversions object as
"UOMConversions": [
"rowNumber": 1,
"note": null,
"ConversionFactor": {
"value": 1
"FromUOM": {
"value": "EACH"
"MultiplyDivide": {
"value": "Multiply"
"ToUOM": {
"value": "FOOT"
I want to know how ConversionFactor, FromUOM, MultiplyDivide, ToUOM is used and possible values for these fields.
can you please help me in understand these fields. Thanks

In order to find more information on that , I would recommend that you connect to the Acumatica site in the browser, Navigate to the Stock Item screen and go to the help page for that screen(Tools -> Help).
Once on the help screen, search for the "Unit Conversion Table" you will then find more information about these fields.
For the values that are available, I would recommend once again to go to the browser and the screen itself. Open the selector for the "From Unit" field and the drop-down for the "Multiply/Divid" field. The "Conversion" being just a decimal number and the "To Unit" being a read only field that take for value the base unit of the Stock Item.


Insert User through Sharepoint batch send HTTP Request Connector

I need to insert items into sharepoint by using SP connector - Send HTTP Request
I send body : "User": { "Key": "i:0#.f|membership|#{first(body('Get_by_mail')?['value'])['Email']}" },
Despite it having successfully created, the sharepoint shows the field without value. Do you have any idea what could be going on?
After reproducing from my end, I could able to make this work using the below JSON in the body while sending the HTTP request.
"__metadata": { "type": "SP.Data.<YOUR_LIST_NAME>ListItem" },
"Title": "ccc",
"UserId": 6
UserId is the key which represents the column in my Sharepoint which is named as User. Consider if Person is the column in your Sharepoint then make sure you set the key value as PersonId.
If you look at your JSON:
"Key": "i:0#.f|membership|#{first(body('Get_by_mail')?['value'])['Email']}"
you'll notice that you're sending just a key to a key/value pair target. The item inserts because a Key is provided, but it doesn't display anything because you did not provide a Value that would be displayed. Try the following JSON instead:
"Key": "i:0#.f|membership|#{first(body('Get_by_mail')?['value'])['Email']}",
"Value": "i:0#.f|membership|#{first(body('Get_by_mail')?['value'])['Email']}"

Associated PXSelect/PXSelectReadOnly Returns Nothing on Sales Order Through OpenAPI

I've introduced a new DAC and a new field on the Sales Order associated to the new DAC key. When trying to retrieve the information through OpenAPI it comes back empty. I'd like to know why and how I can adjust my code to return the information. I've tried both PXSelect and PXSelectReadOnly
Declaring Statement on SOOrderEntry(extension):
public PXSelect<IOCSCompanyBrand, Where<IOCSCompanyBrand.companyBrandNbr,
Equal<Current<SOOrderExt.usrCompanyBrand>>>> CompanyBranding;
When I hit the URL: http://localhost/Acumatica21/entity/AcumaticaExtended21R1/20.200.001/SalesOrder?$select=OrderNbr,CompanyBranding,OrderType,CompanyBrand&$expand=CompanyBranding&$filter=OrderNbr%20eq%20'SO-030003'
This is the data that is returned:
"id": "f827cb43-9b8a-ec11-a481-747827c044c8",
"rowNumber": 1,
"note": {
"value": ""
"CompanyBrand": {
"value": "IO"
"CompanyBranding": null,
"OrderNbr": {
"value": "SO-030003"
"OrderType": {
"value": "SO"
"custom": {}
Acumatica Version: 21.205.0063
Here's the definition for SalesOrder in the endpoint (which was populated via the GUI)
I ended up opening a Acumatica Developer case and here is their response.
Hi Kyle,
Thanks for your time yesterday.
Endpoint mapping is valid but the fields in the view isn't fetch due the limitation of the filter parameter in the request. Filter parameter optimizes the data that are being fetch. In the case, the customer view isn't fetched. To workaround the limitation, instead of using filter, you can try something like below,
You can fetch the record and use expand to get the detail level fields. This way you can avoid the limitation of the filter.
Please check and let me know if you have any questions.

Field Type missing from Contentful APi response

I have setup my application to consume the content deliver API using the contentful SDK, its all hunky dory untill now when i realized the fieldType for each field in the content model is missing in the API response.
Am i missing something? I am providing more details about the API and its response below -
API response
The issue is if i dont know the the field type, i would have to ask the content writers to stick to a specific template and order of the fields instead of rendering the fields dynamically as you parse the response.
Please help!
You do not get the field types in the response, but you do get the content type id. It is expected that you already know what type of fields a specific content type contains.
The content type id can be found in the property of each entry. With this information you could select which template to render.
If you still need to dynamically decide how to render based on the type of a field you would have to resort to the typeof operator to check what the type of each field is. You would lose out on the possibility to differentiate between specific Contentful properties though as they would all be returned as object.
You could also call the content type endpoint to fetch the entire content model from the Contentful API.
This would give you a the field each content type contains and the type of each field in the following structure:
"sys": {
// sys properties
"displayField": "productName",
"name": "Product",
"description": null,
"fields": [
"id": "productName",
"name": "Product name",
"type": "Text",
"localized": true,
"required": true,
"disabled": false,
"omitted": false
"id": "slug",
"name": "Slug",
"type": "Symbol",
"localized": false,
"required": false,
"disabled": false,
"omitted": false
// further fields
It would result in multiple API calls to get the information you want though.

Filter Query (OData) in Logic App

I am trying to create a simple logic app to send email if the a field is true.
The flow is:
Get Items From SPO (1) > Filter Array (2) > Send Email (3)
(1): This step, I want to have a quick filter to limit records returned from SharePoint Online:
"queries": { "$filter": "preproccessed eq true" }
(2)(3): another filter applied, then send email
The (2) & (3) run just fines, but the (1) doesn't work at all, all records returned regardless of the filter. I even tried this:
"queries": { "$filter": "preproccessed eq 1" }
But it doesn't work.
Anyone has any ideas what I missed here?
Thank you.
Currently the OData filter is not supported correctly by the SharePoint Online connector, resulting in all rows being returned regardless of the specified filter condition.
As a workaround, you can use the Filter array card to filter the records in the Logic App itself (or use the Query action type if you are authoring your logic directly in code view).
"type": "Query",
"inputs": {
"from": "#body('Get_items')?['value']",
"where"": "#equals(item()?['preproccessed']?['Value'], 1)"
"runAfter": { "Get_items": [ "Succeeded" ] },

Drupal 7 Search Autocomplete module never loads "suggestions"

I am attempting to use the module Search Autocomplete 7.x-4.0-alpha2.
I have added a form in the "search_autocomplete" configuration section.
It is enabled.
I created a view that returns taxonomy in json format.
Here is an example of the json output from the json view
"value": "aquaculture",
"fields": {
"name_i18n": "aquaculture"
"group": {
"group_id": "aquaculture",
"group_name": "aquaculture"
}, {
"value": "climate change",
"fields": {
"name_i18n": "climate change"
"group": {
"group_id": "climatechange",
"group_name": "climate change"
}, {
"value": "coastal development",
"fields": {
"name_i18n": "coastal development"
"group": {
"group_id": "coastaldevelopment",
"group_name": "coastal development"
}, {
"value": "deforestation",
"fields": {
"name_i18n": "deforestation"
"group": {
"group_id": "deforestation",
"group_name": "deforestation"
}, {
"value": "extinction",
"fields": {
"name_i18n": "extinction"
"group": {
"group_id": "extinction",
"group_name": "extinction"
I set the Suggestion Source to be the view. I used the autocomplete feature of it so I know that my "search autocomplete" suggestion source is configured right. The id selector of a form in a different view (not the json taxonomy one) is used. The permissions for the module are correct.
Now, when I load my view that has the search api form I see a little blue circle icon that is circling to the right of the search api form field. It is circling the whole time and no suggestions are ever populated in the search text box.
I know I have the right form configured because if I set a different form id for the "searchautocomplete" configuration and reload the view page, the circling blue circle is missing.
Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong?
UPDATE: I was going to my modules page and saw this error (i wasn't changing anything on the modules page, just going there) and saw the error on the top of the modules page regarding the Search Autocomplete module
Update: I changed the Search Autocomplete configuration section to not point to my json view but point to an outside url, Of course this is not a valid json endpoint, but I wanted to see if I could see it at least attempt to get it's json data from Watching through firebug has shown that it doesn't even attempt to go to for it's json data. I think something similar is happening with my json views (it's just not even going there for the data).
That was probably due to a bug in the alpha-version? When you configure the JSON Endpoint by using the Views UI, you should see a list of items in the "preview"-section underneath. The items that are listed there should be the ones that appear as suggestions in the search.
