NestJS - loops endlessly when starting in watch mode - node.js

This is a very simple question and yet I could not find answers anywhere, hopefully here:
I'm trying to run the default NestJS project by using:
npm run start:dev
The command I used to create the project is:
nest new project-name
The result is:
[18:43:12] File change detected. Starting incremental compilation...
[18:43:18] Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.
In a loop over and over endlessly...
It's important to say I didn't change ANYTHING in the default project and this was replicated on multiple computers with Windows 10 and Windows 11.
The NodeJS version I'm using is 18.13.0 and the NestJS version I'm using is 9.2.1.

What is your npm version?
Try to downgrade to version 6.x.x


How to update Node version in Codespace [duplicate]

I am starting to develop VS Code and following the guide has let me to the point I'm not able to continue with Codespaces without upgrading node.js version.
I was at so I'm trying to run yarn and I get this.
#p4nu ➜ /workspaces/vscode $ yarn
yarn install v1.22.19
$ node build/npm/preinstall.js
*** Please use node.js versions >=16.14.x and <17.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
#p4nu ➜ /workspaces/vscode $ node -v
I have searched here for any available answers using tags [visual-studio-code], [codespaces] and [node.js] but I found none.
After looking for answers I stumbled upon this documentation step.
I tried adding a new configuration file but I noticed (not for my surprise) this was already made in this project. It fetches the dev-container image which is referencing the node.js version 14.
It would be possible to update node.js version inside the devcontainer.json file, but for this repo I think it's out of the question. I'll just set up things locally in my case.
Edit: I have updated the nodejs in another repo here which allows the newer node.js to be used in Codespaces.

node 6.11.3 NODE_EXE not found in IntelliJ

I've updated my project to use node 6.11.3. When I now try to start a npm-script by using the Run-configurations provided from IntelliJ, I always receive the following error:
Error: Failed to replace env in config: ${NODE_EXE}
Important: This error appears only if I start npm from within my project. If I use the windows cmd, the error doesn't appear.
What could possibly have changed between node 6.11.2 and 6.11.3? Because with the prior version, everything worked fine.
A workaround for me is to add the NODE_EXE variable to my run configuration, but In my opinion, that shouldn't be needed, because it worked in 6.11.2 too.
Looks as if you have ${NODE_EXE} variable set in one of your npmrc files (see, and it can't be properly expanded for some reason when you run your script in the IDE.
is the issue specific to certain project?
how many npm versions do you have installed? Please check that npm chosen in Node.js Interpreters dialog is the same as you use in cmd shell?
please create an env.js file with console.log(process.env) and try running it via npm ("env" : "node env.js") in both cmd console and WebStorm - what is the result?

Exception could not locate binding file after updating electron version

I'm working on updating my project from using electron version 1.2.5
to the newest electron at this time which is 1.7.7 (atleast it was when I downloaded it). My node version 6.9.1.
I've encountered a problem when I start my project with this new electron version,
the error in general is about "could not locate the binding files. and it mostly regards the async module.
There is also some part of the exception regarding node-etcd module which I use in my project (version 5.0.3)
I found some information about this type of exception online but most of them says stuffs about rebuilding some node module using some npm commands which I didn't quiet understand. I tried to install async module again in a new folder and replace it (with its deps) in the node modules folder im currently using for my project, but I still got the same error.
I'm working in an offline enviorment where I can't take my project "out" to a computer with internet access, I can only bring things from the web to my project (like installing in some folder and then copying that into my project) so any npm or other commands that require web connection are not available to me directly on my work computer. (I can only use them in a different computer and copy the results to a flash drive and bring them to th
Here's 2 pictures of the error (sorry about the quality, its the best I could get):
First part of error
Second part of error
The solution that fixed the problem in my case was going into node_modules - > deasync - > index.js
Before line 31 I added a newline (next to the binding line)
and wrote:
modPath = __dirname;
This solution is hacky, it was accually ly found by an associate a while back, so I am not sure why it works, it might be an issue in deasync, but it fixed the problem.

Error: Module version mismatch. Expected 47, got 48

I'm writing a Visual Studio Code extension which uses a native node.js module. When I try to debug this extension in vscode I get the error message from above, when loading the native module (when commenting out the require() call no error comes up). It tried quite a few steps to overcome + test this:
npm uninstall native-module followed by a npm install native-module --save-dev in my vscode extension folder, this compiled the native module completely and without problems.
Completely cleaned my node_modules folder in the extension and did again the npm install --save-dev.
Installed node.js again, both LTS and current. With LTS the error message changes to: expected 47, got 46.
Installed latest vscode (August recovery build)
Launched a node session in my vscode extension folder and loaded my native module. This works nicely.
Read the various questions and comments here on SO. They mostly recommend what I described above.
Still, I cannot get vscode to accept my native module. What can I do? From the above steps it appears as if vscode has been built with a node.js version between current and LTS. Can I force my native module somehow to use a specific version?
Btw. what do those numbers 48, 47, 46 etc. actually mean? The node.js version is of course in the typical form: and nothing of that matches the above version numbers.
ok, I found what those numbers mean:
Once you know what those numbers in the error message mean it's easy to solve the issue. Simply install the node.js version that is expected. In my case it's node.js 5.12.0.
Remove node_modules folder
Run npm update
Run npm install

Azure and node js __dirname

Probably it is not specifically related to webpack/memory-fs, but I am getting the RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded error (see below for a call stack).
I have found out, that __dirname on Azure (webapp) returns \\\volume-7-default\8f5ecde749dace2bb57a\4e07195f015b45ce8e9ba255dc901988\site\repository\Source\Website\Content\app\node_modules\webpack\node_modules\memory-fs\lib\normalize.js in my situation, while process.cwd() returns D:\home\site\repository\Source\Website\Content\app.
Is anything can be done from my side to configure node js to return D:\... instead of \\.. ?
How to reproduce:
Clone the repository.
Create new Azure Web App (default settings).
Configure deployment source to use GitHub.
Click Sync. It will take 10+ minutes to complete and it will show that the deployment was successful.
Go to Application settings in Azure and change WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION to 6.2.2
Go to kudu page and open powershell console.
Execute npm cache clean
Check node version by executing node -v. It should be v6.2.2
On Azure, navigate to D:\home\site\respository\src\WebApp1
Execute npm run build
In console, you should see a lot of errors which indicates that modules can not be resolved.
OPTIONAL. Test npm run build on your local machine - it should produce wwwroot/app.js without errors.
Update webpack.config.js to include context: __dirname to fix previous errors.
Execute npm run build
In console, you should see the "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" error.
Update 1
I only tried to set 6.2.2 runtime after adding the second package.json, so the project structure is not the simplest possible. Maybe just setting node to 6.2.2 breaks the build.
I could reproduce your issue following your steps. I found the key point was setting the WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION to 6.2.2. And I found the webpack task worked fine if the WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION was under 6.
Please downgrade the setting WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION to the version under 6 e.g. 5.9.0 if your node.js modules do not need such high version.
And according the package.json of angular2 at, it seems that the angular2 repository requires the node.js version between 5.4 and 6.
Additionally, the web application's root directory on Azure Web Apps is D:\home\site\wwwroot. So if you want to build your frontend project on Azure Web Apps, you need to locate to D:\home\site\wwwroot\wwwroot\mobile-web-app then run npm run build.
It's been fixed in master and it's proposed to be included in v6.4.0.
See: and
After a long day of research, trial-and-error and various experimentation, I've found an acceptable workaround if you're not willing to downgrade to Node 5.*:
Downgrade to Node 6.1.0
Make sure to install webpack globally (with npm install -g webpack).
Just using 6.1.0 gets around the "maximum call stack size exceeded" error, but instead gave me a lot of resolve failures when running webpack from node_modules (using ./node_modules/.bin/webpack). Installing webpack globally finally got me past that.
If I understand it correctly, this whole issue with __dirname in Node >= 6.2 resolving to the UNC folder path instead of the mounted path is going to be fixed, there's an active discussion here.
I had the same issue.
Fixed it with UPGRADING npm not DOWNGRADING.
Bug is fixed in the npm versions newer than 6.5.
I believe that your __dirname shows your persistant drive where the data is stored, while .cwd gives current directory from where node ran. This is because Azure runs from the Drive but files are stored at the persistent drive.
In your Gruntfile.js add
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Code omitted
Refer: link
