Why is Spark much faster at reading a directory compared to a list of filepaths? - apache-spark

I have a directory in S3 containing millions of small files. They are small (<10MB) and GZ, and I know it's inefficient for Spark. I am running a simple batch job to convert these files to parquet format. I've tried two different ways:
as well as
spark.read.csv("file1", "file2"..."file8million")
where each file given in the list is located in the same bucket and subfolder.
I notice that when I feed in a whole directory, there isn't as much delay at the beginning for the driver indexing files (looks like around 20 minutes before the batch starts). In the UI for 1 directory, there is 1 task after this 20 minutes which looks like the conversion itself.
However, with individual filenames, this time for indexing increases to 2+ hours, and my job to do the conversion in the UI doesn't show up until this time. For the list of files, there are 2 tasks: (1) First one is listing leafs for 8mil files, and then (2) job that looks like the conversion itself.
I'm trying to understand why this is the case. Is there anything different about the underlying read API that would lead to this behaviour?

spark assumes every path passed in is a directory
so when given a list of paths, it has to do a list call on each
which for s3 means: 8M LIST calls against the s3 servers
which is rate limited to about 3k/second, ignoring details like thread count on client, http connectons etc
and with LIST build at $0.005 per 1000 calls, so 8M requests comes to $50
oh, and as the LIST returns nothing, the client falls back to a HEAD which adds another S3 API call, doubling execution time and adding another $32 to the query cost
in contrast,
listing a dir with 8M entries kicks off a single LIST request for the first 1K entries
and 7999 followups
s3a releases do async prefetch of the next page of results (faster, esp if the incremental list iterators are used). one thread to fetch, one to process and will cost you 4c
The big directory listing is more efficient and cost effective strategy, even ignoring EC2 server costs


AWS Glue Job fails at create_dynamic_frame_from_options when reading from s3 bucket with lot of files

The data inside my s3 bucket looks like this...
There are around 20 million users, and within each user's subfolder, there will be 1 - 10 files.
My glue job starts like this...
datasource0 = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame_from_options("s3", {'paths': ["s3://bucketname/prefix/"], 'useS3ListImplementation':True, 'recurse':True, 'groupFiles': 'inPartition', 'groupSize': 100 * 1024 * 1024}, format="json", transformation_ctx = "datasource0")
There are a bunch of optimizations like groupFiles, groupSize & useS3ListImplementations I have attempted, as shown above.
I'm using G.2X worker instances to provide the maximum memory for the jobs.
This job however fails consistently on that first line, with 'SDKClientException, Unable to execute HTTP request: Unsupported record version Unknown-0.0', and with ' Unable to execute HTTP request: Received close_notify during handshake' error on enabling useS3ListImplementations.
From the monitoring, I observe that this job is using only one executor, though I have allocated 10 (or 20 in some runs), and driver memory is growing to 100%, and CPU hovers around 50%.
I understand my s3 folders are not organized the best way. Given this structure, is there a way to make this glue job work?
My objective is to transform the json data inside those historical folders to parquet in one go. Any better way of achieving this is also welcome.

Spark and 100000k of sequential HTTP calls: driver vs workers

I have to do 100000 sequential HTTP requests with Spark. I have to store responses into S3. I said sequential, because each request returns around 50KB of data, and I have to keep 1 second in order to not exceed API rate limits.
Where to make HTTP calls: from Spark Job's code (executed on driver/master node) or from dataset transformation (executed on worker node)?
Make HTTP request from my Spark job (on Driver/Master node), create dataset of each HTTP response (each contains 5000 json items) and save each dataset to S3 with help of spark. You do not need to keep dataset after you saved it
Create dataset from all 100000 URLs (move all further computations to workers), make HTTP requests inside map or mapPartition, save single dataset to S3.
The first option
It's simpler and it represents a nature of my compurations - they're sequential, because of 1 second delay. But:
Is it bad to make 100_000 HTTP calls from Driver/Master node?
*Is it more efficient to create/save one 100_000 * 5_000 dataset than creating/saving 100_000 small datasets of size 5_000*
Each time I creating dataset from HTTP response - I'll move response to worker and then save it to S3, right? Double shuffling than...
Second option
Actually it won't benefit from parallel processing, since you have to keep interval of 1 second because request. The only bonus is to moving computations (even if they aren't too hard) from driver. But:
Is it worth of moving computations to workers?
Is it a good idea to make API call inside transformation?
Saving a file <32MB (or whatever fs.s3a.block.size is) to S3 is ~2xGET, 1xLIST and a PUT; you get billed a bit by AWS for each of these calls, plus storage costs.
For larger files, a POST to initiate multipart upload after that first block, one POST per 32 MB (of 32MB, obviously) and a final POST of a JSON file to complete. So: slightly more efficient
Where small S3 sizes matter is in the bills from AWS and followup spark queries: anything you use in spark, pyspark, SQL etc. many small files are slower: Theres a high cost in listing files in S3, and every task pushed out to a spark worker has some setup/commit/complete costs.
regarding doing HTTP API calls inside a worker, well, you can do fun things there. If the result isn't replicable then task failures & retries can give bad answers, but for a GET it should be OK. What is hard is throttling the work; I'll leave you to come up with a strategy there.
Here's an example of uploading files to S3 or other object store in workers; first the RDD of the copy src/dest operations is built up, then they are pushed out to workers. The result of the worker code includes upload duration length info, if someone ever wanted to try and aggregate the stats (though there you'd probably need timestamp for some time series view)
Given you have to serialize the work to one request/second, 100K requests is going to take over a day. if each request takes <1 second, you may as well run it on a single machine. What's important is to save the work incrementally so that if your job fails partway through you can restart from the last checkpoint. I'd personally focus on that problem: how could do this operation such that every 15-20 minutes of work was saved, and on a restart you can carry on from there.
Spark does not handle recovery of a failed job, only task failures. Lose the driver and you get to restart your last query. Break things up.
Something which comes to mind could be
* first RDD takes list of queries and some summary info about any existing checkpointed data, calculates the next 15 minutes of work,
* building up a list of GET calls to delegate to 1+ worker. Either 1 URL/row, or have multiple URLs in a single row
* run that job, save the results
* test recovery works with a smaller window and killing things.
* once happy: do the full run
Maybe also: recognise & react to any throttle events coming off the far end by
1. Sleeping in the worker
1. returning a count of throttle events in the results, so that the driver can initially collect aggregate stats and maybe later tune sleep window for subsequent tasks.

Aggregator that releases partial group based on correlation but holds on to rest of the messages

I want to set the correlation strategy on an aggregator so that it uses a date out of the incoming file (as message) name to correlate files so all files with todays date belong to the same group. Now since I might have multiple days worth of data its possible that I have aggregated 2 days of files. I want to base the release strategy on a done file (message) that includes the date in the filename as well so essentially each day will have a bunch of files and a done for file. Ingesting done file should release files for that day from the aggregator but still keep the other day files until the done file for that day is ingested.
so in this scenario, correlation is obviously simple - but what I am not sure about is how to release not all but only some specific messages from the group based on the correlation key. Documentation talks about messagereaper but that goes into messagestore stuff and I want to do all this in memory.
let me elaborate with an example
i have these files on a directory which im polling by a file inbound channel adapter
as these files are being polled in i have an aggregator in the flow where all incoming files are being aggregated. To correlate I was thinking I can extract the date and put that in correlation_id header so that first 3 files are being considered to belong to one group and then second 2 files belong to the second group .. now once I consume the done-2014.04.27.dat file at that time I want to release the first 3 files to be further processed in the flow but hold on to
until I receive the
and then release these 2 files.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am not sure what you mean when you say "correlation is simple" but then go on to say you only want to release part of the group. If they have different dates then they will be in different groups, so there's no need to release part of a group, just release the whole group by running the reaper just after midnight (or any time the next day). It's not at all clear why you need a "done" message.
By default, the aggregator uses an in-memory message store (SimpleMessageStore).
Just put the done file in the same group and have your release strategy detect the presence of the done file. You could use an expression, but if the group can be large, it would be more efficient to implement ReleaseStrategy and iterate over MessageGroup.getMessages() looking for the done file.
The next step depends on what's downstream of the aggregator. If you use a splitter to split them back to separate files, you can simply add a filter to drop the done file. If you deal with the collection of files directly, either ignore the done file, or add a transformer to remove it from the collection.
With respect to the reaper; assuming files arrive in real time, I was simply suggesting that if you, say, run the reaper once a day (say at 01:00) with a group timeout of, say 30 minutes, then the reaper will release yesterday's files (without the need for a done file).
See my comment on your "answer" below - you have 2 subscribers on filesLogger.

Fastest way to shuffle lines in a file in Linux

I want to shuffle a large file with millions of lines of strings in Linux. I tried 'sort -R' But it is very slow (takes like 50 mins for a 16M big file). Is there a faster utility that I can use in the place of it?
Use shuf instead of sort -R (man page).
The slowness of sort -R is probably due to it hashing every line. shuf just does a random permutation so it doesn't have that problem.
(This was suggested in a comment but for some reason not written as an answer by anyone)
The 50 minutes is not caused by the actual mechanics of sorting, based on your description. The time is likely spent waiting on /dev/random to generate enough entropy.
One approach is to use an external source of random data (http://random.org, for example) along with a variation on a Schwartzian Transform. The Schwartzian Transform turns the data to be sorted into "enriched" data with the sort key embedded. The data is sorted using the key and then the key is discarded.
To apply this to your problem:
generate a text file with random numbers, 1 per line, with the same number of lines as the file to be sorted. This can be done at any time, run in the background, run on a different server, downloaded from random.org, etc. The point is that this randomness is not generated while you are trying to sort.
create an enriched version of the file using paste:
paste random_number_file.txt string_data.txt > tmp_string_data.txt
sort this file:
sort tmp_string_data.txt > sorted_tmp_string_data.txt
remove the random data:
cut -f2- sorted_tmp_string_data.txt > random_string_data.txt
This is the basic idea. I tried it and it does work, but I don't have 16 million lines of text or 16 million lines of random numbers. You may want to pipeline some of those steps instead of saving it all to disk.
You may try my tool: HugeFileProcessor. It's capable of shuffling files of hundreds of GBs in a reasonable time.
Here are the details on shuffling implementation. It requires specifying batchSize - number of lines to keep in RAM when writing to output. The more is the better (unless you are out of RAM), because total shuffling time would be (number of lines in sourceFile) / batchSize * (time to fully read sourceFile). Please note that the program shuffles whole file, not on per-batch basis.
The algorithm is as follows.
Count lines in sourceFile. This is done simply by reading whole file line-by-line. (See some comparisons here.) This also gives a measurement of how much time would it take to read whole file once. So we could estimate how many times it would take to make a complete shuffle because it would require Ceil(linesCount / batchSize) complete file reads.
As we now know the total linesCount, we can create an index array of linesCount size and shuffle it using Fisher–Yates (called orderArray in the code). This would give us an order in which we want to have lines in a shuffled file. Note that this is a global order over the whole file, not per batch or chunk or something.
Now the actual code. We need to get all lines from sourceFile in a order we just computed, but we can't read whole file in memory. So we just split the task.
We would go through the sourceFile reading all lines and storing in memory only those lines that would be in first batchSize of the orderArray. When we get all these lines, we could write them into outFile in required order, and it's a batchSize/linesCount of work done.
Next we would repeat whole process again and again taking next parts of orderArray and reading sourceFile from start to end for each part. Eventually the whole orderArray is processed and we are done.
Why it works?
Because all we do is just reading the source file from start to end. No seeks forward/backward, and that's what HDDs like. File gets read in chunks according to internal HDD buffers, FS blocks, CPU cahce, etc. and everything is being read sequentially.
Some numbers
On my machine (Core i5, 16GB RAM, Win8.1, HDD Toshiba DT01ACA200 2TB, NTFS) I was able to shuffle a file of 132 GB (84 000 000 lines) in around 5 hours using batchSize of 3 500 000. With batchSize of 2 000 000 it took around 8 hours. Reading speed was around 118000 lines per second.

How to deal with a large amount of logs and redis?

Say I have about 150 requests coming in every second to an api (node.js) which are then logged in Redis. At that rate, the moderately priced RedisToGo instance will fill up every hour or so.
The logs are only necessary to generate daily\monthly\annual statistics: which was the top requested keyword, which was the top requested url, total number of requests daily, etc. No super heavy calculations, but a somewhat time-consuming run through arrays to see which is the most frequent element in each.
If I analyze and then dump this data (with a setInterval function in node maybe?), say, every 30 minutes, it doesn't seem like such a big deal. But what if all of sudden I have to deal with, say, 2500 requests per second?
All of a sudden I'm dealing with 4.5 ~Gb of data per hour. About 2.25Gb every 30 minutes. Even with how fast redis\node are, it'd still take a minute to calculate the most frequent requests.
What will happen to the redis instance while 2.25 gb worth of dada is being processed? (from a list, I imagine)
Is there a better way to deal with potentially large amounts of log data than moving it to redis and then flushing it out periodically?
IMO, you should not use Redis as a buffer to store your log lines and process them in batch afterwards. It does not really make sense to consume memory for this. You will better served by collecting your logs in a single server and write them on a filesystem.
Now what you can do with Redis is trying to calculate your statistics in real-time. This is where Redis really shines. Instead of keeping the raw data in Redis (to be processed in batch later), you can directly store and aggregate the statistics you need to calculate.
For instance, for each log line, you could pipeline the following commands to Redis:
zincrby day:top:keyword 1 my_keyword
zincrby day:top:url 1 my_url
incr day:nb_req
This will calculate the top keywords, top urls and number of requests for the current day. At the end of the day:
# Save data and reset counters (atomically)
rename day:top:keyword tmp:top:keyword
rename day:top:url tmp:top:url
rename day:nb_req tmp:nb_req
# Keep only the 100 top keyword and url of the day
zremrangebyrank tmp:top:keyword 0 -101
zremrangebyrank tmp:top:url 0 -101
# Aggregate monthly statistics for keyword
rename month:top:keyword tmp
zunionstore month:top:keyword 2 tmp tmp:top:keyword
del tmp tmp:top:keyword
# Aggregate monthly statistics for url
rename month:top:url tmp
zunionstore month:top:url 2 tmp tmp:top:url
del tmp tmp:top:url
# Aggregate number of requests of the month
get tmp:nb_req
incr month:nb_req <result of the previous command>
del tmp:nb_req
At the end of the month, the process is completely similar (using zunionstore or get/incr on monthly data to aggregate the yearly data).
The main benefit of this approach is the number of operations done for each log line is limited while the monthly and yearly aggregation can easily be calculated.
how about using flume or chukwa (or perhaps even scribe) to move log data to a different server (if available) - you could store log data using hadoop/hbase or any other disk based store.
