AWS Glue Job fails at create_dynamic_frame_from_options when reading from s3 bucket with lot of files - apache-spark

The data inside my s3 bucket looks like this...
There are around 20 million users, and within each user's subfolder, there will be 1 - 10 files.
My glue job starts like this...
datasource0 = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame_from_options("s3", {'paths': ["s3://bucketname/prefix/"], 'useS3ListImplementation':True, 'recurse':True, 'groupFiles': 'inPartition', 'groupSize': 100 * 1024 * 1024}, format="json", transformation_ctx = "datasource0")
There are a bunch of optimizations like groupFiles, groupSize & useS3ListImplementations I have attempted, as shown above.
I'm using G.2X worker instances to provide the maximum memory for the jobs.
This job however fails consistently on that first line, with 'SDKClientException, Unable to execute HTTP request: Unsupported record version Unknown-0.0', and with ' Unable to execute HTTP request: Received close_notify during handshake' error on enabling useS3ListImplementations.
From the monitoring, I observe that this job is using only one executor, though I have allocated 10 (or 20 in some runs), and driver memory is growing to 100%, and CPU hovers around 50%.
I understand my s3 folders are not organized the best way. Given this structure, is there a way to make this glue job work?
My objective is to transform the json data inside those historical folders to parquet in one go. Any better way of achieving this is also welcome.


Why is Spark much faster at reading a directory compared to a list of filepaths?

I have a directory in S3 containing millions of small files. They are small (<10MB) and GZ, and I know it's inefficient for Spark. I am running a simple batch job to convert these files to parquet format. I've tried two different ways:"s3://input_bucket_name/data/")
as well as"file1", "file2"..."file8million")
where each file given in the list is located in the same bucket and subfolder.
I notice that when I feed in a whole directory, there isn't as much delay at the beginning for the driver indexing files (looks like around 20 minutes before the batch starts). In the UI for 1 directory, there is 1 task after this 20 minutes which looks like the conversion itself.
However, with individual filenames, this time for indexing increases to 2+ hours, and my job to do the conversion in the UI doesn't show up until this time. For the list of files, there are 2 tasks: (1) First one is listing leafs for 8mil files, and then (2) job that looks like the conversion itself.
I'm trying to understand why this is the case. Is there anything different about the underlying read API that would lead to this behaviour?
spark assumes every path passed in is a directory
so when given a list of paths, it has to do a list call on each
which for s3 means: 8M LIST calls against the s3 servers
which is rate limited to about 3k/second, ignoring details like thread count on client, http connectons etc
and with LIST build at $0.005 per 1000 calls, so 8M requests comes to $50
oh, and as the LIST returns nothing, the client falls back to a HEAD which adds another S3 API call, doubling execution time and adding another $32 to the query cost
in contrast,
listing a dir with 8M entries kicks off a single LIST request for the first 1K entries
and 7999 followups
s3a releases do async prefetch of the next page of results (faster, esp if the incremental list iterators are used). one thread to fetch, one to process and will cost you 4c
The big directory listing is more efficient and cost effective strategy, even ignoring EC2 server costs

Fix PlayFramework Slick Error - java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task slick.basic.BasicBackend rejected from slick.util.AsyncExecutor

More investigation, some code refactoring and many trials later, We have more insight. The issue seems relative to concurrent read-write. IE When trying to read from DB while in the same time write (update) occurs. Not sure if this is managed by Postgres or Slick.
We are facing a random error with Slick 3.
That is the brief history.
We are building an ETL pipeline Spark, Minio as S3 Storage (Minio is an open-source alternative to AWS) and Delta tables. The pipeline has a web interface created using Play Framework (Scala).
Cluster is consisted of:
7 workers nodes of 16 cores and 64GB RAM each configured in client
1 Storage node
spark.defaut.parallelism and spark.sql.shuffle.partitions are both set to 600
spark.dynamicAllocation is disabled
App data (session data, users data, and some other records in) is saved in PostgreSQL using Slick 3 mapper.
Data processed size is exponentially growing, and now it is around 50 GB. (In production, we aim to process Terabytes of data)
Data processing flow consists essentially in data Aggregation using group-by and saving data into S3 Storage following these steps
Read CSV data from Storage and create read_df dataframe
Read main_db from dtorag and create main_df
Merge read_df with main_df
GroupBy a specfic Key (let’s say user_id)
Save records to Storage to replace main_db. To guarantee data integrity, this stage is split into three phases:
Write records to a temp object referenced by date time
Backup Existing database object main_db (copy to another object)
Rename temp object to main_db (copy and delete)
Then Update PostgreSQL history table with processed job information such as:
time_started, time_ended, number_of_rows_processed, size, etc. And that is where issue occurs.
We are facing a random error, and we noticed it happens when shuffle occurs after groupby. Sometimes, we end up with 1000+ partitions. In those cases, Step 5 is not completed and gives the following Exception:
java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef$$anon$3#291fad07 rejected from slick.util.AsyncExecutor$$anon$1$$anon$2#7345bd2c[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 26]
completed tasks value sometimes is lower, sometime reaches hundreds.
Below is code that is executed in step 5
Await.result(mainDbSvc.update("", mainDb), 600.seconds)
Googling the exception (And we did a ton of research about this), we found that it could be because connections are closed before code is executed when using transactionally. Notice, we don’t use transactionnally in our code. Below is code executed when calling update()
val updateQuery = this.mainDbTable.filter( === id).update(db)
That is the actual slick configuration:
connectionPool = "HikariCP"
dataSourceClass = "org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource"
numThreads = 100
Initially, before errors starting, it was
numThreads = 20
maxConnections = 20
We tried queueSize = 2000 but not fixed.
Can someone have a solution for us?
Furthermore, we suspect the step5 to be responsible for that connection closed issue because that did not happen when it is turned off. What is the link between threads that read/write from S3 Storage (on another server) and hikari (slick) processes that are killed?
And is there a better way to guarantee data integrity (in case of failure while writing data) without this time-consuming copy-restore-and-delete process ?
After Aggregation, we repartition() to reduce partitions and avoid skew data before saving results. Coalesce() made driver JVM craches with OOM.
main_df and read_df do not have the same schema so, overwritting using delta in built-in method is not possible.
Update() functions Await time was 10s but following issue, we increased it, but that did not fix the issue.
This is the full trace of exception.
An error has occurred: Task slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef$$anon$3#313a2647 rejected from slick.util.AsyncExecutor$$anon$1$$anon$2#77884590[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 21]
java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef$$anon$3#5c6d1059 rejected from slick.util.AsyncExecutor$$anon$1$$anon$2#77884590[Terminated, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 21]
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$AbortPolicy.rejectedExecution(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.reject(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.execute(
at slick.util.AsyncExecutor$$anon$1$$anon$4.execute(AsyncExecutor.scala:161)
at slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef.runSynchronousDatabaseAction(BasicBackend.scala:265)
at slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef.runSynchronousDatabaseAction$(BasicBackend.scala:263)
at slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend$DatabaseDef.runSynchronousDatabaseAction(JdbcBackend.scala:37)
at slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef.slick$basic$BasicBackend$DatabaseDef$$runInContextInline(BasicBackend.scala:242)
at slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef.runInContextSafe(BasicBackend.scala:148)
at slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef.runInContext(BasicBackend.scala:142)
at slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef.runInContext$(BasicBackend.scala:141)
at slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend$DatabaseDef.runInContext(JdbcBackend.scala:37)
at slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef.runInternal(BasicBackend.scala:77)
at slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef.runInternal$(BasicBackend.scala:76)
at slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend$DatabaseDef.runInternal(JdbcBackend.scala:37)
at slick.basic.BasicBackend$
at slick.basic.BasicBackend$$(BasicBackend.scala:74)
at slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend$
at modules.load.daos.slick3.JobsDao.update(JobsDao.scala:180)
at modules.load.models.JobSnippet$.updateJob(Job.scala:113)
at modules.load.controllers.Ops.BuildController.$anonfun$jsProcess$6(BuildController.scala:169)
at modules.load.controllers.Ops.BuildController.$anonfun$jsProcess$6$adapted(BuildController.scala:151)
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask$RunnableExecuteAction.exec(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan(
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(
at java.base/

Optimize the use of BigQuery resources to load 2 million JSON files from GCS using Google Dataflow

I have a vast database comprised of ~2.4 million JSON files that by themselves contain several records. I've created a simple apache-beam data pipeline (shown below) that follows these steps:
Read data from a GCS bucket using a glob pattern.
Extract records from JSON data.
Transform data: convert dictionaries to JSON strings, parse timestamps, others.
Write to BigQuery.
# Pipeline
pipeline_options = PipelineOptions(pipeline_args)
pipeline_options.view_as(SetupOptions).save_main_session = save_main_session
p = beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options)
# Read
files = p | 'get_data' >> ReadFromText(files_pattern)
# Transform
output = (files
| 'extract_records' >> beam.ParDo(ExtractRecordsFn())
| 'transform_data' >> beam.ParDo(TransformDataFn()))
# Write
output | 'write_data' >> WriteToBigQuery(table=known_args.table,,,
# Run
result =
I've tested this pipeline with a minimal sample dataset and is working as expected. But I'm pretty doubtful regarding the optimal use of BigQuery resources and quotas. The batch load quotas are very restrictive, and due to the massive amount of files to parse and load, I want to know if I'm missing some settings that could guarantee the pipeline will respect the quotas and run optimally. I don't want to exceed the quotas as I am running other loads to BigQuery in the same project.
I haven't finished understanding some parameters of the WriteToBigQuery() transform, specifically batch_size, max_file_size, and max_files_per_bundle, or if they could help to optimize the load jobs to BigQuery. Could you help me with this?
I'm not only concerned about BigQuery quotas, but GCP quotas of other resources used by this pipeline are also a matter of concern.
I tried to run my simple pipeline over the target data (~2.4 million files), but I'm receiving the following warning message:
Project [my-project] has insufficient quota(s) to execute this workflow with 1 instances in region us-central1. Quota summary (required/available): 1/16 instances, 1/16 CPUs, 250/2096 disk GB, 0/500 SSD disk GB, 1/99 instance groups, 1/49 managed instance groups, 1/99 instance templates, 1/0 in-use IP addresses. Please see about requesting more quota.
I don't understand that message completely. The process activated 8 workers successfully and is using 8 from the 8 available in-use IP addresses. Is this a problem? How could I fix it?
If you're worried about load job quotas, you can try streaming data into bigquery that comes with a less restrictive quota policy.
To achieve what you want to do, you can try the Google provided templates or just refer to their code.
Cloud Storage Text to BigQuery (Stream) [code]
Cloud Storage Text to BigQuery (Batch)
And last but not the least, more detailed information can be found on the Google BigQuery I/O connector.

Spark and 100000k of sequential HTTP calls: driver vs workers

I have to do 100000 sequential HTTP requests with Spark. I have to store responses into S3. I said sequential, because each request returns around 50KB of data, and I have to keep 1 second in order to not exceed API rate limits.
Where to make HTTP calls: from Spark Job's code (executed on driver/master node) or from dataset transformation (executed on worker node)?
Make HTTP request from my Spark job (on Driver/Master node), create dataset of each HTTP response (each contains 5000 json items) and save each dataset to S3 with help of spark. You do not need to keep dataset after you saved it
Create dataset from all 100000 URLs (move all further computations to workers), make HTTP requests inside map or mapPartition, save single dataset to S3.
The first option
It's simpler and it represents a nature of my compurations - they're sequential, because of 1 second delay. But:
Is it bad to make 100_000 HTTP calls from Driver/Master node?
*Is it more efficient to create/save one 100_000 * 5_000 dataset than creating/saving 100_000 small datasets of size 5_000*
Each time I creating dataset from HTTP response - I'll move response to worker and then save it to S3, right? Double shuffling than...
Second option
Actually it won't benefit from parallel processing, since you have to keep interval of 1 second because request. The only bonus is to moving computations (even if they aren't too hard) from driver. But:
Is it worth of moving computations to workers?
Is it a good idea to make API call inside transformation?
Saving a file <32MB (or whatever fs.s3a.block.size is) to S3 is ~2xGET, 1xLIST and a PUT; you get billed a bit by AWS for each of these calls, plus storage costs.
For larger files, a POST to initiate multipart upload after that first block, one POST per 32 MB (of 32MB, obviously) and a final POST of a JSON file to complete. So: slightly more efficient
Where small S3 sizes matter is in the bills from AWS and followup spark queries: anything you use in spark, pyspark, SQL etc. many small files are slower: Theres a high cost in listing files in S3, and every task pushed out to a spark worker has some setup/commit/complete costs.
regarding doing HTTP API calls inside a worker, well, you can do fun things there. If the result isn't replicable then task failures & retries can give bad answers, but for a GET it should be OK. What is hard is throttling the work; I'll leave you to come up with a strategy there.
Here's an example of uploading files to S3 or other object store in workers; first the RDD of the copy src/dest operations is built up, then they are pushed out to workers. The result of the worker code includes upload duration length info, if someone ever wanted to try and aggregate the stats (though there you'd probably need timestamp for some time series view)
Given you have to serialize the work to one request/second, 100K requests is going to take over a day. if each request takes <1 second, you may as well run it on a single machine. What's important is to save the work incrementally so that if your job fails partway through you can restart from the last checkpoint. I'd personally focus on that problem: how could do this operation such that every 15-20 minutes of work was saved, and on a restart you can carry on from there.
Spark does not handle recovery of a failed job, only task failures. Lose the driver and you get to restart your last query. Break things up.
Something which comes to mind could be
* first RDD takes list of queries and some summary info about any existing checkpointed data, calculates the next 15 minutes of work,
* building up a list of GET calls to delegate to 1+ worker. Either 1 URL/row, or have multiple URLs in a single row
* run that job, save the results
* test recovery works with a smaller window and killing things.
* once happy: do the full run
Maybe also: recognise & react to any throttle events coming off the far end by
1. Sleeping in the worker
1. returning a count of throttle events in the results, so that the driver can initially collect aggregate stats and maybe later tune sleep window for subsequent tasks.

Spark: Cut down no. of output files

I wrote a Spark program that mimics functionality of an existing Map Reduce job. The MR job takes about 50 minutes every day, but the Spark job took only 9 minutes! That’s great!
When I looked at the output directory, I noticed that it created 1,020 part files. The MR job uses only 20 reducers so it creates only 20 files. We need to cut down on # of output files; otherwise our Namespace would be full in no time.
I am trying to figure out how I can reduce the number of output files under Spark. Seems like 1,020 tasks are getting triggered and each one creates a part file. Is this correct? Do I have to change the level of parallelism to cut down no. of tasks thereby reducing no. of output files? If so how do I set it? I am afraid cutting down no. of tasks will slow down this process – but I can test that!
Cutting down the number of reduce tasks will slow down the process for sure. However, it still should be considerably faster than Hadoop MapReduce for your use case.
In my opinion, the best method to limit the number of output files is using the coalesce(numPartitions) transformation. Below is an example:
JavaSparkContext ctx = new JavaSparkContext(/*your configuration*/);
JavaRDD<String> myData = ctx.textFile("path/to/my/file.txt");
//Consider we have 1020 partitions and thus 1020 map tasks
JavaRDD<String> mappedData = your map function );
//Consider we need 20 output files
JavaRDD<String> newData = mappedData.coalesce(20)
newData.saveAsTextFile("output path");
In this example, the map function would be executed by 1020 tasks, which would not be altered in any way. However, after having coalesced the partitions, there should only be 20 partitions to work with. In that case, 20 output files would be saved at the end of the program.
As mentioned earlier, take into account that this method will be slower than having 1020 output files. The data needs to be stored into few partitions (from 1020 to 20).
Note: please take a look to the repartition command on the following link too.
