How to show a button on Customer Form only in view mode? - netsuite

I created a button to redirect to an external page on the customer form on NetSuite through SuiteScript and it shows only in EDIT mode, but I want to show it only in VIEW mode. What can I do to fix it?
I tried some script lines but didn't work. The button is working properly redirecting to the external page, the problem is only about showing in the correct place, which is ONLY on VIEW mode.

You need to add context type in the user event script beforeLoad(context),
just add this line in the before load function at top.
Note- in Function if you using beforeLoad(context) then use context else use sriptContext.
if (sriptContext.type !== sriptContext.UserEventType.VIEW)
It will work.


Alert in view record for Netsuite

I have been trying to get a alert in Netsuite for view mode but can't get it for customer record.
Though when I tried to get the alert for the edit record then I got it but I want it for view.
I tried client script, user event script and also workflow. But all support only for edit. Can I get the alert by any means for the view record option.
One workaround that I've done is to add a custom field of type 'Inline HTML' to the customer form. Then during the beforeLoad event you can check if type == 'view' and update the custom field's value with the HTML that is needed to display the alert.
Basically form.setScript used to work with SS1 but there was no (not hacked) API access to Netsuite's alerts
SS2.0 gives nice access to the alert system but it doesn't load in view mode unless you take a supported action (clicking a button)
See this answer for a sample with SS2 that loads your script and shows an integrated alert.
SS2.0 Display Message on Record
Thanks Mike, Michoel and Bknights.
Here is the solution to the problem.
Create an inline html field on the customer form.
Since the field does not store value nlapiSetFieldValue for before load function works absolutely fine.
Below is the snippet of the working code.
function before_load(type)
if (type == 'view')
var pass_value = "<html><body><script type='text/javascript'>window.alert('Hello World!!!')</script></body></html>";
nlapiSetFieldValue("custentity25", pass_value); //custentity25 is the id of Inline HTML field we created
Note : The "" used should be different then the one used in the HTML code which is ''. If same are used then there will be an error.
You need to use a User Event Script, and in the before load event, set a Client Script via form.setScript(). In your "injected" Client Script, you can display the alert.

Is it possible to save a file using client side javascript in xpages

I customize my confirmation prompt using sweetAlert, I did it, now my problem is using a customize confirmation prompt, I cannot use SSJS code but I need to save a document with a file upload.
I need Help with this thanks!
My workaround for this is an XPoages button that contains the required SSJS code for saving the document. The button resides in a hidden normal DIV (style="display:none"). When executing you CSJS just refer to the clientId of that button and fire the event click() like in
function csjsAction(){

Run a javascript function on click of popup icon of chrome extension

As chrome.browserAction.onClicked works only if there is no popup, is there any alternative method to fire a query when browser action icon is clicked?
Let me make myself clear..
I have more than one view i.e, html files in my extension. My default popup in index.html
Whenever I click on the icon I want to fetch some data from server. If I include this function in index.html or index.js, this function gets called every time I go to that page. Can anyone help me?
Thank you in advance.
What I would do is:
Have the behavior take place in the onload handler of the page. Since it sounds like the default popup page, index.html, can be loaded as time when the user is not creating the initial popup, I would create a page that is a dedicated initial popup load page that is not used anywhere else. This page could redirect to index.html or include it as an iframe.
Another option is to have index.html take a query string indicating how it is being used. Your initial popup could be index.html?init=1 and all other inclusions of the page simply use index.html. Then use to test if a query string is present and take the appropriate action.
I'm also looking for an solution to this and I'm wondering if it is possible to start the browser action with no popup, detect the click, then set a popup with "setPopup()". If it works it doesn't seem like the nicest approach, I hope someone knows of a better solution.

SharePoint Dataform webpart redirection issue

I have two web parts in my sharepoint aspx web page. One is Content editor web part and the other is data form web part.
In data form web part, I have a data view and I need to pass a parameter "id" to this dataview which will show the project details in the data view. I tried to use a value from a control as a parameter and never had a success. I did googled a lot last few days and haven't found any solution. It would be great, if someone show me a way to use the text from a control (may be a text box or select control). if someone have a working sample, please share. Alternatively I have used a query string as a parameter (eventhough I prefer to use text from a control). We need to pass a query string called id. For example, I am navigating to http://localhost/pages/1.aspx?id=7. This will show the project details of project id 7 in data form web part. this works fine.
I need to provide an option to user to enter the project id instead of modifying the query string in url. To achieve that I used content editor web part and I have a text box text1 and a submit button (html controls). The user will enter project id in the text box provided and will click the submit button to view the project details in dataview. The submit button javascript code has the following code:
url = 'http://localhost/pages/1.aspx?id=7';
alert (url); //alerts as http://localhost/pages/1.aspx?id=7
window.location = url;
For testing purpose, I just hardcoded the url. However, clicking the submit button is not redirecting to http://localhost/pages/1.aspx?id=7 or something happens during redirect. The page just reloads once. i.e., if I am in http://localhost/pages/1.aspx?id=12 and clicking the submit button reloads the page http://localhost/pages/1.aspx?id=12 instead of navigating to http://localhost/pages/1.aspx?id=7.
Without data form web part, the redirect works fine. Kindly help.
Thank you

UITabBarController tab to act as a Logout button instead of showing the corresponding view

I have a UITabBarController based iphone application. I added a new tab called Log Out via the Interface Builder.
However I don't need its corresponding view. I want the Log Out tab to redirect to the Login view as soon as it is clicked (of course some session clearing code is executed as well).
The nearest I've got so far is to redirect from the Log Out View using the viewWillAppear. The result is the same but it doesnt look great because it goes into a blank screen for a couple of seconds and then it redirect to the login screen.
Any help would be appreciated.
You can use UITabbarDelegate methods to accomplish this
Use following delegate method to check for logout buttons index and if found then perform your tasks
- (void)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController didSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController{
if (tabBarController.selectedIndex == 4)
// perform logout tasks
