Next Js take several params in the root - node.js

Suppose, I want to take params region and lang in URLs like:{region}/{lang}{region}/{lang}/school
How do I do that? I tried Dynamic Routing, but it doesn't seem to work with the root index.js. How should I structure my folder tree?
/pages/[region]/[lang]/index.js Doesn't look like a valid one.

In your default exported component in /pages/[region]/[lang]/index.js you can use next/router - useRouter.
The query object will contain the region and lang parameters.
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
export const Page = () => {
const { query } = useRouter();
console.log({ query });
return <>My index page!</>;
export default Page;
to get the /school path simply add a school.js file in the same folder as index.js and get query params with useRouter as above.

Hey I believe there are couple ways,
Use dynamic routing for URLs like{region}/{lang}.
Create a "pages" folder with subfolders for each region and language. Inside each subfolder, have an "index.js" file.
Use a library like "next-routes" or "react-router" for routing.


What is the difference between require with curly braces and require normal?

What is the difference between this
const authController = require("../controller/authController");
and this
const { authController } = require("../controller/authController");
my code doesnt work when i call a function like authController.createUser in second one and i wondered thats why?
Thanks for helps.
The difference between example one and example two is that you are using the Destructuring Assignment method in example two. That means, you can destruct an Object, or Array to have the keys of the object as variables.
So, for example if we take this simple object and we start destructuring:
const someObject = {
something1: "1",
something2: "2",
something3: "3",
something4: "4",
const { something1 } = someObject;
console.log(something1) // Returns 1
You see that we can use something1 as a "new variable" instead of accessing it by using someObject.something1.
In your case you are including a module / class with the name authController, but if your module doesn't have a method or key called authController, using the following method:
const { AuthController } = ...
won't work, because it's unable to access this method or key.
So, the first one: authController.createUser() will work because you are loading up the entire module without destructuring the module. If you do something like this const { createUser } = require("authController"), you can use it like createUser(...)
Difference between
const authController = require("../controller/authController");
const { authController } = require("../controller/authController");
is, when your module exported by default from your .js file we use first syntax, while if there are several modules getting exported from a single .js file we use the second syntax. Also you cannot have more than one default export from a file. Hope that helps.

nodejs import file and use functions natively

How can I import/require a file, and then use the functions in the file natively?
Say I have file 1:
const file2 = require("./file2.js")
const text = "hello"
And in file 2 I have:
module.exports = {
I want to be able to use functions from another file as if they were in the original file, retaining the variables and objects created in the first file, is this possible?
No, the modules are separate, unless you resort to assigning your variables into the global object and hoping that you can keep track of them without going insane. Don't do that.
pass the data you need around (the best option most of the time), or
maybe add a third module containing the shared state you need and require() it from both file 1 and file 2
The regular pattern of shared context is that you create a context and share it. The most simple form of it is something like this:
//In file 1 -->
let myContext = {
text: 'hello'
//In file 2 -->
module.exports = {
JS has some inbuilt support for context. Something like this:
//In file 1 -->
let myContext = {
text: 'hello'
let print = file2.print.bind(myContext);
//In file 2 -->
module.exports = {
print: function(){
Notice the removal of the argument and changing the arrow function to a function expression.

Use index.js to import multiple image assets in React

I have been using a pattern of collecting component files for export with index.js files placed in directories, for example:
// index.js file in /components directory
export { Splash } from './Splash'
export { Portfolio } from './Porfolio'
export { Contact } from './Contact'
In Layout.js (located in root directory) I can neatly import with one call:
import { Splash, Portfolio, Contact } from '.'
I use this pattern a lot as I structure components across directories and sub-directories.
My specific question is to ask if there is any way to extend this pattern to image assets collected in src/assets/img? Can I place an index.js file in my images directory and to be able to call groups of images to a component?
//index.js in /src/assets/img directory
export { Img01 } from './img-01.png'
export { Img02 } from './img-02.jpg'
export { Img03 } from './img-03.svg'
//Call in Component.js
import { Img01, Img02, Img03 } from '../assets/img'
I think this should be achievable, but I can't figure out the correct syntax or modifications required to this pattern. Any code samples or recommendations for better practices are appreciated. Thanks in advance!
To export default components do it like this:
export { default as Splash } from './Splash'
export { default as Portfolio } from './Porfolio'
export { default as Contact } from './Contact'
// you dont need to include the 'index' on the route, just do './' if you
// are in the same directory, but your export file must be named index.js
import { Splash, Portfolio, Contact } from './';
To export files: images, css, .svg etc, just include the file extension:
export { default as Img01 } from './img-01.png'
export { default as Img02 } from './img-02.jpg'
export { default as Img03 } from './img-03.svg'
//Call in Component.js
import { Img01, Img02, Img03 } from '../assets/img'
if you are using webpack take a look at this require. You can use require to import a file like the example below:
tree directory
export const notification = require('./notification.png')
export const logo = require('./logo.png')
import { notification } from '../images/'
<img src={notification} />
i hope i helped you

Load Controller With Parameter Opencart

I have created one controller inside catalog/controller/module/same_collection.php
Inside that :
class ControllerModuleSameCollection extends Controller {
//User Product History
public function index($product_id) {
echo $product_id;
I have try to call it inside another controller like this
$data['same_color'] = $this->load->controller('module/same_color' ,['product_id' => 2] );
and I try to by access it using url like this
but it's not working.
Please help!!!
It seems like you have not created your module properly. Make sure your module's setting is saved in module table . If your module's code is not there in the table then you won't get any parameter in your index() method.

How to organize EmberJS nested resources?

I'm trying to create a small EmberJS application, but I'm struggling about how to architecture it correctly. I have a main view called "library" which displays on a sidebar a list of folders. User can click on each folder and display the content at the center (while the sidebar is still active).
I therefore have a library resource, and nested resources to display the folders in this specific context:
this.resource('library', function() {
this.resource('libraryFolders', {path: 'folders'}, function() {
this.resource('libraryFolder', {path: ':folder_id'};
To be able to access the folders in the parent root, I set up a dependency:
App.LibraryController = Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: ["libraryFolders"],
folders: null,
foldersBinding: "controllers.libraryFolders"
App.LibraryRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
setupController: function(controller) {
controller.set('controllers.libraryFolders.model', App.Folder.find());
First question: is this a good way? I feel it a bit strange that a parent controller have a dependency to its children.
Now, another problem arises: what if I want to reuse folders in another context? All the methods I would write in LibraryFoldersController would be specific to this one, not really DRY. What I came up is adding a root "folders" resource, and add the dependency to this one instead:
App.LibraryController = Ember.Controller.extend({
needs: ["Folders"],
folders: null,
foldersBinding: "controllers.folders"
App.LibraryRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
setupController: function(controller) {
controller.set('controllers.folders.model', App.Folder.find());
What do you think? Am I doing it wrong?
IMO it looks good so far. You are using the needs API which is the correct (ember) way to setup dependencies between controllers.
Maybe if you find yourself writing repeating code you could consider creating a Mixin for a more general controller an put there your logic, that should be agnostic to the use cases it handles.
For example defined a mixin:
App.ControllerMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
// "use case" agnostic logic here
You mix mixins into classes by passing them as the first arguments to .extend.
App.LibraryController = Ember.ObjectController.extend(App.ControllerMixin, {
// now you can use here the logic defined in your mixin
// and add custom code as you please
Another possibility is to write a super class and then extend from it to inherit common logic:
Snippet taken from the docs:
App.Person = Ember.Object.extend({
helloWorld: function() {
alert("Hi, my name is " + this.get('name'));
var tom = App.Person.create({
name: 'Tom Dale'
tom.helloWorld(); // alerts "Hi, my name is Tom Dale".
One thing worth mentioning (though I think it's simply a typo) is: needs: ["Folders"] should be needs: ["folders"],
Hope it helps.
