Load Controller With Parameter Opencart - opencart2.x

I have created one controller inside catalog/controller/module/same_collection.php
Inside that :
class ControllerModuleSameCollection extends Controller {
//User Product History
public function index($product_id) {
echo $product_id;
I have try to call it inside another controller like this
$data['same_color'] = $this->load->controller('module/same_color' ,['product_id' => 2] );
and I try to by access it using url like this
but it's not working.
Please help!!!

It seems like you have not created your module properly. Make sure your module's setting is saved in module table . If your module's code is not there in the table then you won't get any parameter in your index() method.


ABP does not automatically use custom mapper class

I have created a custom mapper class as below but ABP does not automatically register and use it while mapping.
Sorry for less detail, i have added some below,
I have found that mycustommapperclass's interface different from my object mapper,
should I implement for all container types?
public class HierachyItemCustomMapper : IObjectMapper<HierachyItem, HierachyItemDto>, ITransientDependency
and my usage like
var nodeListDto = ObjectMapper.Map<IEnumerable<HierachyItem>, IEnumerable<HierachyItemDto>>(nodeList);
How can i handle this?
Obviously I am looking for a result instead of foreach iterator loop.
it have found that it is known issue as below
I've tried just before and it seems it works as expected.
This is my HierachyItemCustomMapper class which I've created in the Application layer. (It should be created in the Application layer.)
public class HierachyItemCustomMapper : IObjectMapper<HierachyItem, HierachyItemDto>, ITransientDependency
public HierachyItemDto Map(HierachyItem source)
return new HierachyItemDto
Name = source.Name
public HierachyItemDto Map(HierachyItem source, HierachyItemDto destination)
destination.Name = source.Name;
return destination;
I've just added a property named Name in my both classes (HierachyItem and HierachyItemDto) to test.
You probably didn't define it in the Application layer and that cause the problem. Can you check it?
It's simple , your defination is wrong
it should be like that
public class HierachyItemCustomMapper : IObjectMapper<IEnumerable<HierachyItem>,
IEnumerable<HierachyItemDto>>, ITransientDependency {}
as it searches for exact defination match , and if you want to add also capability of using ObjectMapper.Map<HierachyItem, HierachyItemDto>
you can make your custom mapper defination like that
public class HierachyItemCustomMapper : IObjectMapper<IEnumerable<HierachyItem>,
IEnumerable<HierachyItemDto>>, IObjectMapper<HierachyItem, HierachyItemDto> ,
ITransientDependency {}
and you will implement both
good luck

What is the easiest way to start pagination results at 1 with Spring Data JPA?

In some other places I saw people suggesting to set:
However, this is not changing anything in the behavior of my application. I've put this on the properties file of my SpringBoot application.
Am I missing something ?
You can use the PageableDefault annotation, i.e. #PageableDefault(page = 1) on your Controller method, e.g.:
public class Controller {
public Page< DataEntity > getEntities(#PageableDefault(page = 1)Pageable pageable){
//repository call here...

Pimcore where does code go

All the examples show random pimcore code; however, I have found no explanation of where the code goes - or a complete example. I do not use pimcore for the cms. I am only interested in the object management. The code I am trying to wrte is to export objects e.g. into csv or xml.
Thanks ~
You can either create a plugin as suggested by Johan, but a quicker way is to just put the files into the /website/lib/Website folder. This folder is already added to the autoloader so you don't need to do anything else.
For example create an ObjectExporter.php under /website/lib/Website folder with this content:
namespace Website;
class ObjectExporter
public function exportObjects()
// Your code
Then you can either instantiate this class in your controller action or in a CLI script. Controller actions are within /website/controllers folder and they need to be called through http: http://localhost?controller=default&action=default
Example: /website/controllers/DefaultController.php
class DefaultController extends Website_Controller_Action {
public function defaultAction () {
$objectExporter = new Website\ObjectExporter();
(You could also add your whole code directly into action, but that would be a bit ugly solution, it of course depends)
But better and quickest way to approach such tasks is with the CLI scripts.
I like to use the /website/var/cli folder (you need to create it manually, but the /website/var folder is excluded in .htaccess by default which makes it practical for such use cases).
Example: /website/var/cli/export-objects.php
$workingDirectory = getcwd();
$objectExporter = new Website\ObjectExporter();
Then just run it by issuing this command in your command line:
php website/var/cli/export-objects.php
In case you wish to add special UI elements to the Pimcore backend, the way to go is with building an extension as suggested by Johan.
Here is a primcore example to export a list of object into a csv file
private function csvAction(){
$obj_list = new YourObject_List();
/* #var $obj Object_YourObject */
$out = array();
foreach($obj_list as $obj){
$entry = array();
$entry["key"] = $obj->getKey();
$entry["Field 1"] = $obj->getField1();
$entry["Field 2"] = $obj->getField2();
$entry["Field 3"] = $obj->getField3();
$this->_helper->Csv($out, "produkt");
You could either create a new Plugin using admin function
Extras -> Extensions -> Create new Plugin
Add name Test
Activate plugin in list at Extras -> Extensions
You can then add the action above to plugins/Test/controllers/IndexController.php
It's also possible to add controller code in website/controllers, there is already a default controller there.

No routing convention was found to select an action for the OData path with template '~/entityset'

I have two Odata action methods defined. The one with parameter gets invoked while the other without parameter doesnt get invoked and throws error No routing convention was found to select an action for the OData path with template '~/entityset'.
Here is the code of my action methods
public IQueryable<User> GetUser()
return db.Users;
// GET: odata/User(5)
public SingleResult<User> GetUser([FromODataUri] int key)
return SingleResult.Create(db.Users.Where(user => user.Id == key));
The query that I am using are as follows
http://bureauservice/api/odata/UserOdata - Doesnt work
http://bureauservice/api/odata/UserOdata(1) - works
Could someone tell me why the first link doesnt work.
Please change the name of the method which returns entityset to "Get[EntitySetName]" or "Get".
Change from
public IQueryable<User> GetUser()
public IQueryable<User> GetUserOdata()
public IQueryable<User> Get()
Set the name of the first action as GetUsers (plural) because you are getting the whole collection of users while in the second you are asking for a single user.
You may want to add the parenthesis to the first URL:
If you are just starting to proactise odata, then Odata v4 is good start point, as it is an OASIS standard, but v3 is not.
Here is the v4 version Function sample:

Black-hole error when route pointed to a class that extends plugin and uses extended class

In routes I have
Router::connect('/opauth-complete/*', array('controller' => 'app_users', 'action' => 'opauth_complete'));
If I change pointer to controller app_users with anything else and create controller everything works with no error. But I need it to work with AppUsersController.
AppUsersController looks like this
App::uses('UsersController', 'Users.Controller');
class AppUsersController extends UsersController {
public function beforeFilter() {
$this->User = ClassRegistry::init('AppUser');
// ...
// ...
public function opauth_complete() {
// ...
// ...
So, plugin is CakeDC Users and another plugin that goes to /example/callback after /example/auth/facebook is Opauth plugin.
Error message looks like this
The request has been black-holed
Error: The requested address '/example/opauth-complete' was not found on this server.
This is perfectly possible to make these two plugins work together; when browser points to /example/auth/facebook, it redirects to /example/auth/callback and somehow it needs opauth-complete route to link to specific method.
All works if not pointed to app_users that extends plugin, uses plugin. Does not work only with this case. How can users of these two plugins get around such situation.
I solved it by disabling Security component on Opauth action in my AppUsersController. Thing is that Opauth transfers data using POST and you should either change a method of it (ie: use Sessions, GET) or disable Security component.
For a method change use this in your bootstrap.php or core.php
Configure::write('Opauth.callback_transport', 'session'); // you can try 'get' too
To follow my approach add this to a controller where error occurs and where you place your opauth_complete method
public function beforeFilter() {
// ...
if (isset($this->Security) && $this->action == 'opauth_complete') {
$this->Security->validatePost = false;
$this->Security->csrfCheck = false;
// ...
P.S. Changing method to Sessions has its drawbacks, you can take a look at comments here at Github Opauth issue #16
