Advanced Search on tables gives error in pop-up dialog - databricks

I click on the Search box on the top bar of the databricks workspace and select "Open advanced search". A dialog pops up with the Tables tab selected and an error below that says: "An error occurred while fetching search results. Please try again later"
I am running the workspace on Azure. I have tables in my unity catalog that I want to search for specific fields. All other tabs search perfectly, no issues.
I can see the network trace traffic behind the browser spitting out this message:
POST: https://***/graphql/GlobalSearchUCGql
Response Code: 200:
Response Payload:
"message":"Cannot resolve workspace",
Following this documentation:
Am I missing some sort of permissions in Azure Storage to allow the search against Unity Catalog?


POWERAPPS // SubmitForm // Error msg: "the data returned by the service was invalid"

I have the following problem I hope you can help me with.
So I have created table in Azure, where I write data into it through a form in PowerApps.
In powerapps I have a button with the code "Submitform(FormName)" on onselect.
When I hit that button, then the data is actually written into the table in Azure,
but it then notify me the error "the data returned by the service was invalid"
So my question is.
Is there a way to fix this?
Or is there a way to hide the msg since it actually writes into the table in azure?

Unable to access agent settings to publish

Accessing Dialogflow "", I can work on my agent as expected. However, I cannot click on the gear icon to access settings like publishing. (img below)
When i select the drop down menu, it endlesly indicates "loading agents..."
I have tried with chrome, firefox, and safari, made sure that cookies are not being blocked.
Checking on chrome's devtools, i see the following error for one of the calls
"error": {
"code": 503,
"message": "The service is currently unavailable.",
"status": "UNAVAILABLE"
Non active gear
I just found the URL for the settings page. It is not a solution but a work-around.
The format is as follows:**yourAgentName**/languages

Azure Logic app querying application insights returning code not html

I have an Azure app that is supposed to query my qna maker bot and return a html table. instead it returns this. I'm following
``` {"attachmentName":"azure_monitor_logs_flow_table_20200702195619.html","attachmentContent":"PHRhYmxlIGJvcmRlcj0iMSIgY2VsbHBhZGRpbmc9IjUiIGNlbGxzcGFjaW5nPSIxIiBib3JkZXJjb2xvcj0iQmxhY2siIHN0eWxlPSJmb250LWZhbWlseTomcXVvdDtTZWdvZSBVSSZxdW90Oztmb250LXNpemU6MTJweDtib3JkZXItY29sbGFwc2U6Y29sbGFwc2U7Ij48dHIgYmdjb2xvcj0iRGFya0dyYXkiPjx0ZCBub3dyYXA9Im5vd3JhcCI+dGltZXN0YW1wPC90ZD48dGQgbm93cmFwPSJub3dyYXAiPktiSWQ8L3RkPjx0ZCBub3dyYXA9Im5vd3JhcCI+cXVlc3Rpb248L3RkPjx0ZCBub3dyYXA9Im5vd3JhcCI+YW5zd2VyPC90ZD48dGQgbm93cmFwPSJub3dyYXAiPnNjb3JlPC90ZD48L3RyPjx0cj48dGQgbm93cmFwPSJub3dyYXAiPjcvMi8yMDIwIDEwOjE2OjQ5IEFNPC90ZD48dGQgbm93cmFwPSJub3dyYXAiPmNiM2JkMmYxLTk0ZmItNDE5MC1iZGRkLTA3ZjAyNWJhYTNhMzwvdGQ+PHRkIG5vd3JhcD0ibm93cmFwIj5oaXM8L3RkPjx0ZCBub3dyYXA9Im5vd3JhcCI+VGhlIFF1aWNrLVBvaW50IGJvdCBjb3VsZCBub3QgZmluZCBhIGRpcmVjdCBhbnN3ZXIgdG8geW91ciBxdWVyeS4gVG8gaW1wcm92ZSBhY2N1cmFjeSwgcGxlYXNlIHVzZSBzcGVjaWZpYyB3b3JkcyBhbmQgcGhyYXNlcy48L3RkPjx0ZCBub3dyYXA9Im5vd3JhcCI+MDwvdGQ+PC90cj48L3RhYmxlPg==","body":"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"} ```
According to some test in my side, I reproduced your problem. I query the logs in application insight and send it to my email (shown as below screenshot).
In the screenshot above, I use the "Send an email(V2)" action in "Office 365 Outlook" connector but not "" connector.
First we need to make sure the "Chart Type" in "Visualize Analytics query" should be selected as "Html Table". And then, when we put the "Body" into the "Send an email(V2)" action, we need to choose the correct "Body"(because there are two "Body" for us to choose).
Please choose second "Body" and put it into the "Send an email(V2)" action.
If choose the first "Body", you can click the ... icon of the "Send an email(V2)" action, then click "Peek code". We can see it shows as below:
After running the logic app, we will receive the email as you provided.
If we choose second "Body", also open "Peek code", we can see it shows like this:
Run the logic app, it works fine and we will receive the email with html table in it.
So please choose second "Body" and check the "Peek code" if you choose the correct "Body".

Cannot publish chatbot in Azure. After click "Direct line Channel" button, error is occurred

I make a chat bot on Azure, check on webchat test.
Webchat test is successful, as shown in the image below.
webchat test is success
For publishing this chat bot to Direct Line.
I click "constitute Direct Line channel" button in Channel category.(shown as below image)
click "Direct Line Channel" button
Clicked this button, transited ti error page.
This error page says "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.".(shown as below image)
enter image description here
This error also occur at other publishing button (teams,cortana,Slack...)
I cannot resolve this error.
Please tell me how to resolve this error.
Thank you.
Today, I click "Direct Line Channel" button, it work fine.
I think this matter is occuered by temporaly link error.

Cannot navigate back in Azure Active Directory Graph API when using filter

I am facing below issue in azure active directory, When I didn't include any filter in Graph API query I can navigate back to the previous page using previous-page=truebut when I include $filter in query back navigation doesn't work. How to solve this issue?
Working Query$top=8&$skiptoken=X'44537074020000253A37646432326566376132404772617068446972312E6F6E6D6963726F736F66742E636F6D29557365725F66323238316233622D663432642D346161642D616361612D38653064633438336163653600213A414155736572406772617068646972312E6F6E4D6963726F736F66742E636F6D29557365725F62393733333834392D633038372D346330622D626466362D656330393935356262343739B900000000000000000000'&previous-page=true
Not Working Query$top=8&$filter=startswith(displayName,'s')%20or%20startswith(userPrincipalName,'s')%20or%20startswith(mailNickname,'s')&$skiptoken=X'445370740600000000000000000000100000008EA617921A2C7B46895AE95405BD556E000000000000000000000017312E322E3834302E3131333535362E312E342E32333331'&previous-page=true
When I use back navigation with $filter query, I am getting below response:
Error: 400 - Bad Request
See Response Headers for details.
{"odata.error":{"code":"Request_UnsupportedQuery","message":{"lang":"en","value":"Invalid previous page search request."}}}
Any Solution for this?
