Sending personal notifications from GitLab to Slack - gitlab

I'd like to receive all my personal GitLab notification that are normally sent as emails to my own private Slack channel.
I'm quite familiar with Slack incoming webhooks, and I also know that GitLab officially supports Slack integration.
But according to related GitLab documentation (, the Slack integration seems to be designed to work only for particular project, providing all notification related to that project across all users.
I want to achieve something different. I want to get only my personal notifications, but across all projects I participate in (e.g. changes made for tickets assigned to me, review results, results of pipelines triggered by my etc.).
Is there any way how to do it using just the standard GitLab's Slack integration or standard GitLab configuration? I'm using GitLab Enterprise.
What I have tried already:
going through GitLab documentation
Google search for this problem (including stack overflow)
reading a few tutorials on GitLab ≤≥ Slack connection


does gitlab provides any pre-defined URLs/endpoints for webhooks

I was going through gitlab docs for webhooks but did not find how to setup the URL/endpoint.
If there are no pre-defined URLs then I have to create / manage URLs/endpoint, it is overhead because I have to manage the infrastructure and the write the code as well to create the endpoints .
So, are there any pre-defined webhooks ? , if yes , how to get that ?
further, my exact requirement is, whenever, merge request gets merged, I have to update one of the gitlab pipeline job to proceed further. is that possible through webhooks and event API ? if yes, any documentation for that please ? I see that webhook receiver is there but not sure if that will solve my requirement.
please suggest
The URL/endpoints configured in webhooks are designed to be received by external applications, either made by you or third parties. As stated in the docs:
Usually, you set up your own webhook receiver to receive information from GitLab and send it to another app, according to your requirements.
In other words, GitLab itself has no endpoints you can point to that will respond to a webhook you configure on the repo, aside from the few builtin receivers, like for slack notifications which are configured through integrations.
whenever, merge request gets merged, I have to update one of the gitlab pipeline job to proceed further. is that possible through webhooks and event API ?
Yes it's possible, but in order to get the effect you want, you'll have to implement the HTTP service endpoint to receive the webhook yourself.

Twitter dialogflow open source integration

I have followed the steps given for integrating with the twitter and everything was done as such and deployment was successfull but I didnt get the response back from the bot.I tried integrating with the same app using the older method of integration and it is working. How can I know what is the problem with the integration?I tried integrating with the same app using the older method of integration and it is working
I’ve had the same issue. When deploying using gcloud beta run deploy ... command it tries to register new webhook on Twitter. In most cases it fails (eg. with High latency on CRC GET request. Your webhook should respond in less than 3 seconds. error). It is possible, that webhook registration will succeed after some deployments, but better approach would be to use local instance of Twitter Activity Dashboard - you can use targetUrl there and register webhook yourself (it’s possible that you will have to try several times). Remember to also verify it later with Verify button.
I have disabled Twitter integration in Dialogflow and my bot is now using Cloud Run webhook for Twitter.
Information in this issue were very helpful.

Is there a way to turn slack messages into gitlab issues?

I'm looking for a way to get messages from our customer support channel on Slack turned into issues in Gitlab as they come in. Is that possible?
You could enable the New issue via mail feature to allow issues to be created using emails.
You could then use a solution proposed here to send emails from Slack to the email address that creates issues within Gitlab.

Gitlab: How to send a message to a user that is requesting access

How I can message a user that is requesting access to a public group in GitLab - we have the policy of having a chat with these people and I haven't found a solution to message them. I have also seen this question being raised in the forum (gitlab forum) but no answer was given.
I also raised the issue on the support forum.
There is no direct messaging feature that I know of (GitLab 11.2.3, August 2018) which would be integrated with a Group Access Request.
What you can do, for instance, is using the GitLab API to list the request, and then the User API to get their email.

Customise Azure bot framework in NodeJs using DirectLine JS

I am looking for a solution which has Customised Azure bot in website. I am not looking for an iFrame integration, As i have already explored. I need a solution which gives me an option to make UI changes in the bot window and invoke Live agent Chat window(Third party) from the existing Chatbot.
I tried these link below which dint help
I understand exactly what you need.
It's true that the github url you pasted won't help but I know you'll get a lot of tips from the Direct Line and DirectLineJS documentation from the Advanced part.
You simply need a way to integrate to the Bot Framework from your existing UI system and hence using the Bot as just an Endpoint.
Your solution lies in the actual implementation methods for various channels that is supported by Bot Framework. Take Skype or Facebook for instance.
You need to study and configure WebHooks, Direct-Line Channels.
First: Use the Azure Portal to add a new website to your Bot in Channel property.
Secret Keys would be generated for you after then you can configure for version 1.1 or 3.0.
Check the Documentation here:
Now your site can be configured to talk to the Bot Framework via Web Clients and Sockets as API requests.
With these, you have the priviledge to use your own UI with the Bot Framework.
