Is there a way to turn slack messages into gitlab issues? - gitlab

I'm looking for a way to get messages from our customer support channel on Slack turned into issues in Gitlab as they come in. Is that possible?

You could enable the New issue via mail feature to allow issues to be created using emails.
You could then use a solution proposed here to send emails from Slack to the email address that creates issues within Gitlab.


Sending personal notifications from GitLab to Slack

I'd like to receive all my personal GitLab notification that are normally sent as emails to my own private Slack channel.
I'm quite familiar with Slack incoming webhooks, and I also know that GitLab officially supports Slack integration.
But according to related GitLab documentation (, the Slack integration seems to be designed to work only for particular project, providing all notification related to that project across all users.
I want to achieve something different. I want to get only my personal notifications, but across all projects I participate in (e.g. changes made for tickets assigned to me, review results, results of pipelines triggered by my etc.).
Is there any way how to do it using just the standard GitLab's Slack integration or standard GitLab configuration? I'm using GitLab Enterprise.
What I have tried already:
going through GitLab documentation
Google search for this problem (including stack overflow)
reading a few tutorials on GitLab ≤≥ Slack connection

Send azure monitor alert to slack not working

I am sure this has been asked many times but am unable to find relevant answer. Is there any way to send Azure monitor alerts to slack via Logic apps or some other way. I have found this template - and integrated it into my azure system but it is not working.
Have tried some work around mentioned at - but all in vain
Direct Webhook from action group using slack incoming webhook is not supported , as azure sends alert using its own schema.
Any input is highly appreciated ...
Azure Logic Apps is definitely an option, but if you are not needing complicated workflows, just send the alert directly from Azure Monitor to a Slack channel. You can do this by generating a unique email for the Slack channel and using that email in your Azure Monitor alert action group settings. Another option would be to send the alert to your company alert email inbox and have it automatically forwarded to that Slack channel email address. With this approach you completely remove the dependency and complexity of Azure Logic Apps.

Is it possible to add custom application data to an email via the Gmail API?

I am currently sending email via the Gmail API using the Google Node SDK. I am successful in doing so, but my application requires that I be able to attach specific identifiers to emails that I send in order to be able to track and process certain events correctly.
I have heard of custom metadata being added to emails sent through other services such as Mailchimp, Postmark, etc so it seems like some sort of standard to be able to do this in email. I however, have not been able to find how to do this via the Gmail API specifically. Is this even possible?
No, you cannot add custom application data to messages sent via Gmail API.
The corresponding Message resource doesn't include any property for custom metadata.
And the related methods send and insert don't allow this either.
Issue Tracker:
A related feature request was reported in Issue Tracker, I'd suggest you to star it:
Add Custom Metadata to Email Messages via Gmail Api
I'd suggest you to use labels to identify messages.

All emails blocked via Sendgrid, how to get emails delivered again?

We use Sendgrid in an Azure App-service, but since a week all sent messages are blocked. Spamhaus listed several Sendgrid IP-addresses in their SBL (Spamhaus Block List). Users of Sendgrid can't remove these Spamhaus entries. How to get it fixed?
Noticed the same thing and I've been looking at switching to Mailjet instead of Sendgrid. This article paints a rather bleak view regarding Sendgrid this article.

Using Azure SendGrid to send emails from my work email to other work emails

I set up an Azure SendGrid resource in my company's Azure subscription, got my API key and wrote a C# script to send emails. It works, but the emails go to spam with an SCL=6. I expect this is because I am doing no domain authentication. (Please bear with me as I try to describe my situation, I'm still learning a lot about all this). I am sending the emails through my work/enterprise email account ( and they are going to other enterprise accounts on the same domain ( My company is a large tech company with a very well known domain. I am just a user on the enterprise network as a normal vendor/employee, with this setup I don't know how I would touch DNS/SPF/DKIM options, which from what I've been reading are the main first steps to authenticate myself as the sender.
I guess my main question is: Can SendGrid be a possible solution to what I am trying to do? I want to send ~250 emails programatically, each from a template so I can substitute in recipient name and specific info, and I can do all that through C#. But is there a way I can authenticate myself so my emails do not go to spam? If not, are there alternative solutions? I'm just trying to avoid having to manually send ~250 customized template emails through Outlook.
Let me know if I need to provide more info, all answers are appreciated! Thank you!
