Gitlab external job - gitlab

I need to integrate security scans of my project files (SAST) in my Gitlab CI/CD pipeline, and it's easy to do with just another job in .gitlab-ci.yml, like:
stage: test
image: my_image:latest
- scan run project/folder
But the problem is that developers can easily comment this part of the code and prevent the job run.
How can I create some kind of external job which will always be running by the trigger and developers would not be able to modify it?
I found this discussion on the Gitlab forum, but I don't get it.


Scheduled pipeline in gitlab using .gitlab-ci.yaml file

I was trying to schedule a ci/cd pipeline in gitlab using .gitlab-ci.yaml file. I did't find a right documentation to implement the schedule using the ci/cd yaml file.
Is it possible to configure a pipeline run schedule (say everyday 08:00 AM) in .gitlab-ci.yaml file?
Unfortunately, Scheduled pipeline is realized through GUI rather than .gitlab-ci.yml file in GitLab
You may find this document useful if you want to use GUI for schedule pipeline. Configuring in GUI is simpler than yaml coding.
If you really want it to be configured in yaml file, you may create an issue in GitLab repo. Actually, there's already an issue on this topic. It should not be a very difficult technically since it is only about keywords and parsing. Whether GitLab will do it or not is another story; so you'd better prepare a good scenario to persuade the GitLab team why you want this to be done.
The scheduled pipelines are configured via the GitLab CI/CD UI.
Read More about scheduled pipelines

Gitlab: How to run a deploy job on a tagged version / release?

I have created several releases of my backend service in gitlab. Now I want to be able to pick one of them and run the deployment job in my gitlab pipeline on it. SO that the specific version gets deployed. (I'm creating release notes to each release so I can pick which release should now get deployed.)
This is my deployment job in the gitlab-ci.yml:
So far I have used this job like this: When a feature branch was merged into the master and the stand could be deployed and passed all the tests, then the job was triggered manually in the pipeline overview page. Now that I'm using tags to tag each new master version, I want to be able to deploy a version/release from the tags.
Does anyone have an idea how this could work in principle? It would be best if I had a dropdown menu where I can select one of the releases and then trigger the deployment job for it.
The job needs to not get run in the master pipeline, but in the tags pipeline
- tags
when: manual
This way I can copy the tag of the version that I want to deploy:
and search for it in the pipelines overview page to then trigger the deploy job manually:

How can I prevent Gitlab CI multiple yml includes from overriding a stage's jobs?

In my Gitlab project, I'm including multiple .yml files. One of them is remote and the other is a template provided by Gitlab for Code Quality.
The .yml configuration is written like so:
- template: Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml
- remote: ''
Both of these templates are accessible. The first is located here, and the second Checkmarx one is here.
Both of these .yml configs define jobs that run in the test pipeline stage.
I'm having an issue where only the second include's jobs are running in the test stage, and the Gitlab Code Quality job is completely ignored. If I remove the external Checkmarx include, the Code Quality job runs just fine.
Normally I would just define separate stages, but since these .yml files do not belong to me, I cannot change the stage in which they run.
Is there a way to ensure the jobs all run in the test stage? If not, is there a way to override the stage a job from an external .yml runs in?
Oddly, there seems to be some sort of rules conflict between the two templates, possibly due to the variables that the checkmarx template sets. Even though the CI Lint shows that all 4 jobs should run successfully, I can reproduce your issue with the above code.
Given that it's likely a rules issue, I overrode the rules for running the code_quality job and was able to get both running within the same pipeline:
- template: Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml
- remote: ''
- when: on_success
You can lint the above changes to confirm they're successful (though GitLab will warn you that without any workflow:rules, you'll wind up with duplicate pipelines inside MRs, which is true).
You can also see the pipeline running with both jobs here though checkmarx fails because I don't have a subscription to test it with:

Is it possible to script the flow/stages/steps in Azure Pipelines?

I'm trying to setup Azure Pipelines for a CI setup and I'm using the YAML syntax to get started. However, I was wondering if it is possible to script the flow at "runtime"? Like you can do in Jenkins script: spawn builds etc.
Depending on the commit I want to have a vastly different flow.
This is because I currently have a mono-repo setup with Conan libraries and I want to rebuild the libraries that are necessary depending on the commit, thus the build-flow is not the same for each commit. I want to spawn jobs so I can take advantage of parallel building on several agents.
For your issue ,do you refer to trigger builds based on specified commits? If so, you can trigger builds by adding tag trigger in yaml. You can create tags on the commits. If the tag created meets the trigger condition of the tag trigger in yaml , then the build will be triggered.
- v2.*

How do I establish manual stages in Gitlab CI?

I'd can't seem to find any documentation of manual staging in Gitlab CI in version 8.9. How do I do a manual stage such as "Deploy to Test"?
I'd like Gitlab CI to deploy a successful RPM to dev, and then once I've reviewed it, push to Test, and from there generate a release. Is this possible with Gitlab CI currently?
You can set tasks to be manual by using when: manual in the job (documentation).
So for example, if you want to want the deployment to happen at every push but give the option to manually tear down the infrastructure, this is how you would do it:
- deploy
- destroy
stage: deploy
stage: destroy
when: manual
With the above config, if you go to the GitLab project > Pipelines, you should see a play button next to the last commit. When you click the play button you can see the destroy option.
Update: Manual actions were Introduced in GitLab 8.10. From the manual "Manual actions are a special type of job that are not executed automatically; they need to be explicitly started by a user. Manual actions can be started from pipeline, build, environment, and deployment views. You can execute the same manual action multiple times." An example usage of manual actions is deployment to production. The rest of this answer applies to Gitlab 8.9 and older only.
Historical Answer:
It does not appear as though manual deploy/release was available in Gitlab in 8.9.
One possibility is to have a protected branch which triggers a release. See info about protected branches here:
Essentially a protected branch would allow you to Create a branch (testdeploybranch) which only you would be allowed to merge code into. Whenever a commit to dev would pass the Gitlab CI tests and deploy jobs, as well as your manual review, you could merge that commit into the protected branch to trigger the release. For this branch you can then set up a special release job in Gitlab CI using the only option in the .gitlab-ci.yml job definition. Read more here:
So something like this:
only: testdeploybranch
type: release
script: some command or script invocation to deploy to Test
This might not be exactly what you are after, but it does allow you to do manual releases from Gitlab. It does not provide an easy way to manually do the same release procedure manually for different servers. Perhaps someone else might be able to expand on this strategy.
Finally, we have Gitlab CI manual actions that were introduced in GitLab 8.10.
