Code doesn’t work consecutive statements on a line - web

Please fix it says a error I’m kinda new to playgrounds btw
I tried adding’;’ first but that didn’t work so I just removed’;’enter image description here


Could not find QtWebEngineProcess.exe

I was building an application(Equation solver) in PyQt5 which contains two frames.
The first frame works just fine but the 2nd frame contains a QWebEngine widget which worked fine when I directly ran it from the code in my code editor but when I converted into an .exe
file using cx_freeze, on running the second frame I get an error saying "Could not find QtWebEngineProcess.exe" .
I did a little bit of digging myself and found out that its quite common actually, even found a question similar to this in stack overflow : here.
I tried adding the qt.conf file but to no avail, the error still persists.
I am at a loss here, been working on this for so long and now this error really ruined the flow.
I would be very grateful for any kind of help.

There is an error shown in grocery store project. Can you help me solve it?

it is error shown when i go to main url i.e, '/'. except this everything is okay
The reason for this is stated in the error. Admittedly it's a little hard to spot, but it is: "products is not defined at eval (E:\IT\SEM-7\Project\a\project\views\products\index.ejs)". Without seeing your code, it's impossible to pinpoint why exactly this is happening.

ExcelJs - SaxesParser error: duplicate attribute

I'm trying to open a workbook with exceljs and get the following error:
Error: 162:67: duplicate attribute: o:relid.
at SaxesParser.makeError (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\saxes\saxes.js:410:16)
at (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\saxes\saxes.js:422:26)
at SaxesParser.processAttribsPlain (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\saxes\saxes.js:1944:22)
at SaxesParser.openSelfClosingTag (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\saxes\saxes.js:1976:14)
at SaxesParser.sOpenTagSlash (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\saxes\saxes.js:1432:18)
at SaxesParser.write (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\saxes\saxes.js:481:36)
at module.exports (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\exceljs\lib\utils\parse-sax.js:21:17)
at async VmlNotesXform.parse (C:\Users\tiedemann\Development\mbes32-events\node_modules\exceljs\lib\xlsx\xform\base-xform.js:60:22)
I really tried hard to find any informations on that error. But can't make sense out of the informations google give me. Could anyone of you give me a hint what is wrong here?
I guess it has something todo with the xml. But I can't figure out what exactly todo or change in my file.
Please help!
I found the error. In the file was a circular reference in one of the cells. After removing the formular from that cell and saving the workbbok again. The error disappered. Wished the error message were more helpful in advance.

CS50 Pset7 Finance

I have question for my CS50 Pset7 finance project. I don't know where to ask this question, so I seek help here. I just finished the register part, however, when I try to test the website, I registered successfully, however, when I try to log in, I got a strange error which I think is because of my way of using hash is not correct. So I got the error TypeError: invalid method '' for", line 186, in _hash_internal, and I can see my hash value like $6$rounds=656000$OiBqI/lX2GqhI8be$G. I found in the API that the schema support has been removed. I'm wondering how should I use hash method other than pwd_context.hash(request.form.get("password")). Any advice will be appreciated.
Use generate_password_hash() to replace hash() will work. Don't forget to remove or update the existing entries inside your db since the old hash will cause error.

How to fix me51n user exit EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010?

I have problem with me51n. I have an include in EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010 that has a bunch of codes which we use it to receive errors. The problem of mine is;
-When i run me51n with required datas(mat. number, quantity, etc.) I get some errors which also includes the error that I'm expecting on the first time, however when i terminate me51n and run it again with the same exact data, i dont get my error. I have debugged it and put a break point on my include in EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010 and it never gets to my breakpoint on the second run. (It gets to the breakpoint on the first run but not the second one).
I dont know how but with the same material it works fine later again at the first time but still on the second time i cant get the error again.
Can anyone please help me on this?
Basically problem was the developement system from the beginning (sigh -_-). While having other errors rather than my errors, i assume my error gets stuck sometimes and never pop up because of the standard SAP procedure. So in test system (QA) me51n works perfectly when I'm just trying to have only my error.
Thanks for anyone who actually tried to help and I hope this might be useful sometime for someone in future.
