How we can connect react js with django without installing node js?
Code of connect django with react without install nodejs server
You can utilize
Granted you will still need node to build the react app
You can create APIs in your Django backend and hit those APIs with fetch in your react application and can interact with the Django server.
You can also install the django-webpack-loader package, which will help you integrate React with Django.
In your Django application settings include the django-webpack-loader package and configure it to point to your React application.
I've created a simple react app using create-react-app, and deployed it on a laravel server. Now, I need to create another React app for my admin dashboard. The problem is, if I had to create more react apps in future for different parts, the node modules will take much more storage. Is there such a way to use same node modules for all react apps, and build node modules separately to cache it and react apps can use them in production without every app coming up with their set of node modules folder?
I created a lot of projects with ReactJS.
Therefore i created a frontend with ReactJS and a backend with express js.
Now i want to switch to NextJS to avoid creating a seperate backend, because NextJS has api routes builded in.
So i created a new NextJS project with npx create-next-app MyProject --ts for typescript support.
The first steps were great because of rendering, routing etc.
But then i wanted to add a local database (mariadb) to fetch data.
In my last projects i used typeorm as ORM witch worked very well on the express js backend.
But i was not able to add typeorm to nextjs. And i didn't find any post which explains how to do it. The only orm which seems to work is prisma. But i don't like the syntax.
So i'm thinking if NextJS is the framework to choose to program applications with local db.
What is your stack to create a web application?
I have use to connect my fullstack NextJS but with PostgreSQL instead.
I'm working on a project and using nodejs as backend. I want to use react for the frontend. And currently, the way I know to use react is by creating a client folder inside it and using create-react-app and then running both the server separately and using the proxy to connect with the node backend. The other way I came to know is via this link which basically involves installing react, reactdom, webpack etc, and using it directly inside the node app without having a separate server for react as in the case of create-react-app. So which way is better and what are their pros and cons.
The usual way is to run both react and node in separate servers.
Create the react app using npx-create-react-app
Create the node app using npm init
If both the folders are in the same directory you can use a npm package called concurrently and run both the servers with a single command. Also don't forget to install the npm package cors in your node app. If you don't , you'll get CORS errors from your API calls.
Imo using create react app is better than manually trying to configure webpack. Saves a lot of time and it's more easy to deploy.
I have a spring-boot REST backend which i need to use from a React front-end. I dont have any React experience so what i need to know is the requirements of React front-end deployment.
Is it possible to run React with good old standart web hosting options (like we are serving static sites)?
Is it mandatory to install NodeJS in the server?
Other than NodeJS are there any other minimum mandatory requirements for React front-end to work.
Any help would be appreciated
Yes, build and then upload the files.
A modern web browser ?
Hi i am trying to understand the installation of Angular JS v2. I have read a lot of tutorials and right now i am very confused some are using webpack to create server and using the application, in some examples they use generators and all the generated files are in TypeScript then.
I just want to use Angular JS as frontEnd and express app as an API (RESTFUL) but i don't know how to configure it. Do i have to create two different servers for it or can i use same express server to serve index.html of angular 2 application.
Kindly provide your suggestions, any tutorial link or any direction where i should dig in. Any help will be appreciated.
You need a frontend server that is running Angular2 and a NodeJS backend server that your frontend makes HTTP requests to.
To get an Angular2 server up and running either use the Angular2 quickstart project (as referred to throughout the Angular2 docs) or use Angular CLI (this is an npm package). The Angular2 docs use SystemJS. Angular CLI uses Webpack.
For your backend server, use expressJS (another npm package).
First step for you is to install NodeJS !!! :)