How to host angular website in personal server with registered domain - node.js

We have developed an angular website and we have both personal server and a registered domain extension. We were able to host through public ip using iis but when the domain name was used in throws NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID. It also redirects to https by default.
We also tried using xampp too. We don't want to use any cloud servers as our custom domain extension can't be used.
kindly help us to host the website.

As you mentioned the error message: ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID.
This issue is related to your certificate. If you do not currently have a certificate, you can choose to create a self-signed certificate, or apply for a certificate from the Authority.
If you already have a certificate and still have this issue, you can check to see if it is expired and try renewing the certificate.


Get Azure standard certificate working for www

I purchased a standard SSL certificate through Azure, and it forced me to remove the www. prefix. I couldn't do DNS-type domain verification at the time, and imported the certificate got it verified on another means, and got the non-www url working with the new certificate.
However, when trying to bind the www version of the url, the imported certificate does not come up in the list, and the documentation indicates that this is only possible when the domain has been verified using DNS or email verification methods.
I subsequently inserted the required TXT record on the DNS for verification. However, the certificate still does not come up in the list for binding. Is there a way for me to get the verification done again and add www support, or is my only option to lose the money spent on a certificate and buy a new one?
I got hold of Azure support, and they introduced me to App Service Managed Certificates, which are free for Azure Web App use. So I created a new certificate for the www version of the domain and resolved the issue. I wonder if this covers all my web app needs and if I'll ever need to purchase a certificate again for Azure?

Problem with SSL WIldcard Certificate on Azure App Service

Firstly I had working custom subdomain for my appservice.
Then I bought SSL wildcard Certificate and then generated pfx file with password. Next I uploaded certificate using Upload Certificate under Private Key Certificates. Certificate has Health Status = Healthy.
Finally, under binding tab I added TLS/SSL binging for my custom domain, choosen this certificate and its type = SNI SSL. Everything seems to be fine, undet custom domain there is SSL State = Secure and SSL Binding = SNI SSL.
When I go to my website - there is no information about any certificates.
I also tried the same with Create App Service Managed Certificate - the same effect, status Healthy, but certificate does not appear on the browser.
#mateuszwdowiak It sounds like you successfully added the SSL binding.
There are two main issues that I can think of that might have proceed the unexpected results that you encountered. Firstly, it can take some time for the SSL certificates to propagate out across the web. From my experience, I've seen it take up to 3 hours. Just because the Azure portal says it's binded, does not mean it will be getting served up just yet.
Secondly, I've seen browser cache also come into play.
It's been a few days but I wanted to see if you resolved this issue. If not, can you please try re-binding your wild card cert, wait up to 3 hours, and then using a fresh browsing session, attempt to browse your site. This should resolve the matter. If not, please reply back so we can assist you further.

Authorized SSL for Nodejs

I moved my stack(nodejs based restapi, UI/UX mvc by another team) to production mode on AWS.
I have an issue with ssl certificate.
The ssl certificate i use on nodejs is self signed as a result i get "certificate not trusted" issue on the browser while trying to access the client.
When i was looking for IP based CA certificates, i realized it can be issued only for organization based IPs.
Since i am hosting the nodejs server on ec2 this ip doesnt belong to my organization. Please let me know what is the best way out of this

SSL trusted for local web server is possible?

I have local server in my home, which runs website, which provides some service, thanks the use of PHP. Right now I'm using the HTTP protocol, which doesn't not provide security, due to the clear-text (the is a authentication service with username and password to access the protected page). I want to upgrade to HTTPS and of course I need to use the SSL. I know what is, so I know the differences between a self-certificate, and the one issued by a company. There are different kind of class. Because I don't want that my users/friends are alerted by the browser that the SSL certificate isn't trusted, I'm asking if there is some free trusted certificate for a non-domain web server (I use my static IP to let the user access the website). In case I bought a domain (it is very cheaper), can I have a free trusted certificate from someone ? Thank you.
Regarding SSL certificates for an IP address, see the linked SO thread: Is it possible to have SSL certificate for IP address, not domain name?
If you register a domain name for your site, then you can obtain a free SSL certificate from StartSSL (

azure custom domain with SSL denying connection

I am attempting to add ssl to my custom domain for the windows azure websites. I have configured everything properly according to the guides, but for an unknown reason when I attempt to access my website via HTTPS, it returns with a connection denied error. the redirect still works perfectly fine with a standard HTTP request.
for reference (
short version of method (in case I missed something):
bought a SSL cert from
generated a .pfx from the .cer they issued to me (using iis)
uploaded .pfx to azure
verified cname: created custom domain redirect to azure
bound ssl to custom domain
configured A name redirect to the VIP azure issued me. remove cname redirect
attempt to connect to https = nothing, http works.
sorry I realize this is rather short on information, but I'm not sure what more I could provide besides the actual SSL cert.
You need to configure your cert on 2 domains: and Because if you go to your cert works fine.
