I am running the ARCORE geospatial quickstart sample APP for Android. However, when I run the APP, the following error is displayed 'There was an error state error, check that you have a valid authentication for the ARCORE api
I have ensured my credentials enable ARCORE api and the API key has unrestricted access. I have also updated manifest to include my API key.
I found that I used a phone not in the list of certified ARCORE list. I changed my phone and the error message disappeared
My mobile apps have previously integrated with Instagram Sharing to Stories both on iOS and Android. Recently, some users started seeing the “The app you shared from doesn't currently support sharing to Stories.” error on the UI after they tap on the sharing button and land in Instagram, as shown here.
In another instance, ther users are seeing the error message "The app you shared from doesn't currently support sharing to Instagram." instead.
What could be the issue here?
I'm expecting Instagram to open the stories editor with the preloaded media shared from my app, but instead, it's showing the main feed view with the error message on the bottom.
This is due to a Facebook App ID requirement recently enforced by Instagram on January 30, 2023.
You can find their blog post at https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2022/10/10/introducing-important-update-to-Instagram-sharing-to-stories/, as well as their developer documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram/sharing-to-stories/.
To fix this issue, you would need to register your app on the Facebook developer console at https://developers.facebook.com/, obtain a Facebook app ID and pass it as the source_application param in your integrations.
I hope you can help me in this problem
I have created a chatbot in the azure framework
Bot Framework Composer and I want to use it in WhatsApp Bussines
. My problem comes for the reason that bot framework composer
It still does not have a direct channel to whatsapp or any
platform like Twilio or Gupshup. I was recommended to use
the azure "DirectLine" channel that comes integrated, to take
the endpoint of my chatbot produced by azure when deploying it
in my group of resources and so with the keys of the channel that I
provides "DirecLine" to be able to interact with my chatbot. try
do the tests with the endpoint of my chatbot through Postman
but I have not been successful, despite following the documentation as indicated
microsoft, gives me an answer that is not authorized
I folow this steps
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4
This is regarding the authentication error. To rectify the problem, here is the road map to follow.
Goto portal.azure.com
Search for Azure bot
Give the details of bot handle name and subscription. Mention the valid resource group name.
3. After creating the bot. Click on Channels where we need to create Direct Line access
Select the Direct Line
Click on New Site
Create a new site and key the key information
Now, using those keys we need to perform authentication operation.
Under the version in the above image, need to select 3.0, as Azure Direct Line authentication is functioning with REST API with 3.0 version of Direct line API
To enhance the authentication option, you can enable the Enhanced Authentication Option which is not functioning according to the current requirement in the case mentioned in question.
I am building a slack app that would send messages to user. Recently I am getting an error which says "account_inactive". The slack documentation describes the following error as below
Authentication token is for a deleted user or workspace when using a bot token.
I tried sending a message to a deactivated slack user using "chat.postMessage" using a bot token "xoxb-token" and the API returns success all the time. It would be great if anyone can help me with what causes this error.
PS: I am not using BoltJS, I am using he JS SDK directly.
Sounds like your app has been uninstalled from the workspace. You can try calling auth.test to see if the token is still valid.
I've come across this error recently.
In my case, the cause was that when a user account is deactivated, some apps they've installed are also deactivated. If this is the case for you, a member with the permission to manage apps will need to reactivate it.
More information can be found in this Slack help article.
The Microsoft documentation states:
Provide a notification endpoint URL: In the Notification Endpoint URL
box, provide an HTTPS Webhook endpoint to receive notifications about
all CRUD operations on managed application instances of this plan
I created a simple Logic App and copied the HTTP endpoint into my MPN App Plan under the
It looks like this and has the sig at the end:
To test it I hit it with PostMan and confirm that it is getting an HTTP200 as per the MS Docs.
I publish the app to the marketplace:
(you can see the app live here - https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/data-drivenai1581501556049.cloudmonitor-analytics-engine)
However - the endpoint never gets called at all. I can see in the logs that no attempt (failed or past) has been made to call it.
I raised a Microsoft Support Ticket and asked a Technical Specialist, however no one can tell me how to debug it or why it is not calling back on installs or failed installs.
Has anyone seen this working?
I found out that each PLAN has a GUID that is automatically used for deployment. Mine is "pid-34881ea9-xxxx--xxxx-xxxx-2cf731e06ef7-partnercenter" - should I be putting this on the callback notification URL as sig=ThisGUID?
In the example for Managed apps with notifications, it shows that managed applications will send a post to https://{your_endpoint_URI}/resource. Can you try adding /resource to your listener and see if it triggers your logic app? I believe that should fix this.
I am developing an app to retrieve mail/calendar information. I am using the App model v2.0 OAuth2 and the Outlook REST API. I have a personal Live (...#live.nl) account which can use the outlook.com web interface to view mail/calendar data.
When I use the same account with Outlook REST API I get the following error (also in OAuth Outlook Sandbox) while doing this request:
"error": {
"code": "ErrorMissingEmailAddress",
"message": "When making a request as an account that does not have a mailbox, you must specify the mailbox primary SMTP address for any distinguished folder Ids."
What is the cause of this error and how can it be solved ?
You are receiving this error because your account hasn't yet been upgraded yet to Office 365 infrastructure and this is required for the REST APIs to work. You can confirm this by logging into outlook.com and see "Outlook.com" in the top left corner. If you have been upgraded, you will see "Outlook Mail (Preview)" instead. We are in the process of deploying a fix to v2.0 endpoint return a more informative error for this case - MailboxNotEnabledForRESTAPI.
We are actively upgrading all accounts to Office 365, so no action needed from your side. In the meantime, to request an Outlook.com developer preview account with the REST APIs enabled, send us an email at outlookdev#microsoft.com.