I have updated the last version of Shopware ( PHP 8.1.4). The problem is that the list of Plugins is not showing in the extension. I get this error :
"Compile Error: Declaration of Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Reader\BufferedBundleReader::read(string $path, string $locale) must be compatible with Symfony\Component\Intl\Data\Bundle\Reader\BundleReaderInterface::read(string $path, string $locale): mixed"
Could you help me please ?
After downloading the contentful plugin and setting it up for my gatsby site, I try running "npm run develop" but when I run it the following error appears:
Encountered an error parsing the provided GraphQL type definitions:
Syntax Error: Unexpected Name "implements"
They show that the error is in this code:
interface ContentfulEntry implements Node {
contentful_id: String!
id: ID!
node_locale: String!
However, I can't find the file which has this code nor have I written it.
I just had the same issue. I've changed "gatsby-source-contentful" version from 5.1.1 to 4.6.3 and it worked...
Which version of Gatsby you are using? Gatsby-source-contentful 5 seems to require Gatsby 3. I got a warning in that regard before the error.
I guess this has to do with Graphql version differences. See this: https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/reference/release-notes/v3.0/#graphql-15
I'm using Visual Studio Code (1.6.1) with its jshint extension (0.10.15).
When I type some template string, such as:
console.log(`My name is: ${name}`);
VSCode highlights it in red and says:
[jshint] Unexpected '`'. (E024)
And the rest of the code starts showing dozens of false errors like:
[jshint] Expected an identifier and instead saw 'if'. (E030)
[jshint] Expected an operator and instead saw '('. (E030)
[jshint] Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression. (W030)
I've looked in the docs, but nothing references this issue.
Anyone come up with a workaround for this?
It seems that your JSHint is not recognicing ES6.
Can you try to set esversion to 6 in JSHint options?
I am using Visual Studio Code 1.7.1, with jshint extension 0.10.15. Without .jshintrc I got this message:
[jshint] 'template literal syntax' is only available in ES6 (use 'esversion: 6'). (W119)
I created a .jshintrc file with content:
"esversion": 6
And it worked.
Note that jshint module might be required (globally or locally), it can be automatically added to your package.json by doing:
npm install --save-dev jshint
This installs jshint locally (in node_modules folder) and adds a dev dependency entry:
"devDependencies": {
"jshint": "^2.9.4"
Note also that a restart of VS Code may be required, after installing the module or the extension.
Some time my project in MyEclipse show me the following error on compilation. Sometime by restarting MyEclipse the error message disappear.
Can you please tell me why this error occurs ?
Error message :
The container 'Struts 1.1 Libraries' references non existing library 'C:\MyEclipse\.......\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\16\1\.cp\data\1.1\lib\commons-beanutils.jar' ROMO_ETD Build path Build Path Problem
Thanks a lot.
Looks like you might be using an old unsupported release of MyEclipse, so one option would be to upgrade to the latest release. Another would be to run MyEclipse with the -clean argument, once. The argument is mentioned here (for the eclipse Juno release, but it's similar for earlier releases): http://help.eclipse.org/juno/topic/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/tasks/running_eclipse.htm?cp=0_3_0
Basically, the argument is added to the command line or to the top of the myeclipse.ini file, in the folder containing the myeclipse.exe file. The argument can be removed after the first launch, as it slows down the launch.
I have opencart Version and installed vqmod-2.5.1-opencart.
I was installing a extension by extension installer by upload the zip file of extension.
I got the error:
"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare modification() (previously declared in
in /home/username/public_html/mydomain.com/system/startup.php on line
And I couldn't finish my installer. Anyone had this problem and fixed it?
It is happening because your new module is trying to modify a file which is already modified by some other module.
In other words, this new module of your's is conflicting with some existing module n your store. Contact new module's developer to help you install this module. He will make changes accordingly.
Orchard 1.8. While I can package the default theme successfully (TheThemeMachine) Using the command line instructions from here E.g
orchard> package create TheThemeMachine C:\Temp
packaging my own themes I get the following error
"Cannot create a package that has no dependencies nor content."
(the theme indeed has content)
Anybody have the same issue ? Rookie error I'm guessing..But help much appreciated as error appears undocumented.
This error happens when you have set wrong version for the module/theme. For NuGet it's important to have correct versioning. Make sure you have version in your Theme.txt following formats {x.x}, {x.x.x}, {x.x.x.x} (where x are only digits, each up to 10)