Dynamics CRM report viewer exporting to Excel generates small file - excel

I have a report made with SSRS in Visual Studio and located on a Dynamics CRM solution. When the user launches the report, the Dynamics CRM solution launches a preview window with the correct data and correct format. This particular report HAS to be exported to Excel, because then the users will use the exported Excel file to upload the data to a banking application.
The thing is that visually the exported file is perfect, all the data on its expected columns, number formats and so on. But the exported Excel file (with three rows as an example) weights 7Kb. If you open it on Excel and save it, it grows to 10Kb.
My problem is that the exported file is rejected by the banking application, but if we open the same file in Excel and then save it in Excel then is accepted by the bank. It's like the SSRS exporting routine generates a different Excel format, one that it's not distinguishable by the naked eye. I've opened both XSLX files and compare them and the XML generated is quite different in both.
I'm really stumped by this, been googling about it for the last three days.


Power Query to open XML file formatted as Excel would open it

I have an XML file generated by EasyPower (electrical software). If I open the file in Excel it comes up as a series of formatted sheets like the image below. It appears this way without any prompts or dialogs.
I’m creating a Power Query routine that can extract the data from the sheets. Unfortunately when I use the Power Query wizard to select the XML file as a source, it doesn’t see the data as sheets, but rather a table with columns of Tables, seemingly an infinite number of levels deep. Digging through them I’m unable to clearly see the data. This is not a very good approach.
A work-around is for me to manually open the XML file with Excel and save it as XLSX, then it’s easy to work with the data in Power Query. I know a VBA script could be used to this but my question is, is there a way for Power Query to open an XML file and interpret the layout the same way that Excel does? This way would allow my script to also work within Power BI.
Edit: A sample file has been requested. This link will provide a very simple example containing two worksheets when opened in Excel. EasyPower_Test_Schedule.xml

Telerik reportexcel export exceed more than one page

I have a telerik report. After the report is generated, user can be exported to PDF, word, rtf, etc. Except Excel format, every export formats one page per page. I mean if report has one page, the export will generate one page. However, in Excel, it changes to 2 pages. For some reasons, Telerk report engines expands the width of certain cells. Then it renders a single page to 2 page. I guess Telerik believes users will care less about the number of pages it exports in Excel format. Our client does care about it.
I was going to shrink the spaces, so the report will be big enough to fit in one page in Excel. That is going to be a problem because that may cause some cosmetic problem on PDF or other format.
Any property I can set to make sure Excel export.
I am developing this report using C# under visual studio 2013.

Excel web part for Sharepoint not displaying text boxes

I'm exposing an Excel 2013 worksheet in a Sharepoint 2010 page, using a Web Part.
For some reason,
Sharepoint doesn't show floating objects, like text boxes or shapes, that are in my Excel sheet.
I've got several graphs and cells filled with text, which I've collected under a single Named Item that selects the entire relevant sheet area.
These display fine, but text boxes won't , whether they're on top of another chart or on blank cells.
I've also tried simply exposing the whole worksheet without using named items at all, and the problem persists.
Text boxes are a form of OfficeArt and these features are not supported with excel web services.
From MSDN - Excel Services Supported and Unsupported Features
Features that Previously Prevented Excel Files from Loading
In Office SharePoint Server 2007, Excel workbooks that contain unsupported features like VBA macros, form controls, and so on are not loaded in Excel Services.
In SharePoint Server 2010, to help users work with this limitation, Excel Services ignores certain unsupported features. In other words, rather than blocking the entire file from loading Excel Services loads the file but you do not see the features that Excel Services does not support.
Following are features that do not prevent Excel Services from loading a file:
Cell comments.
Formula references to external books.
Query tables (also known as external data ranges).
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
Any OfficeArt technology. For example, Shapes, WordArt, SmartArt, organization chart, diagrams, signature lines, ink annotations, and so on.
Note that these features continue to be unsupported. This means that they do not render, execute, or work in any way as they do on the client. Most of the features in the list do not render in Excel Services.
This was a LONG time ago, but I wanted to share a "potential" solution that I used that worked well
I'm in Excel 2016, and Sharepoint 2013
I created the shape I wanted and got it exactly the way I wanted it.
I selected the Shape, right-click, Cut
Right-click Paste AS PICTURE
Save the file.

Access 2003 report's calculated fields doesn't appear when exported to a xls file, but appears on a csv

I created several reports on Access 2003.
Some of their fields such as "Total spent time" are calculated based on other fields in the report that are being fetched from the database.
The TotalSpentTime textbox has the Control Source property set to "=Sum([NumberOfHours])".
The report looks alright when shown on screen, but whenever I try to export it to a xls file (be it in the Ms Excel 5-7 or Excel 2003 formats), the calculated fields aren't exported.
It's funny because the same calculated fields that I wanted to be in the xls file are there when I export it to csv.
I coudln't find anything that could help on the web.
Is there any way to get the calculated fields to be exported to a xls file?
I think you'll have to change your query so that your sums are performed inside the query. It's my understanding that form-level sums are done during the formatting of the report and these sums are not performed when you export a report to Excel.
If you do some Google searching you'll see that this question is occasionally asked but I've been unable to find any authoritative answer from Microsoft or a Microsoft MVP.
Here's a similar question that came to the same conclusion:

CrystalReports excel field cut off when using CanGrow=True

I am working on an excel report in CrystalReports, in VS2005. I have a field in the Details section which can have up to 255 characters of text, and I want the height of the row in excel to expand so that the entire text can be seen initially when the report is generated.
I set CanGrow=True in the field's properties, and the field does seem to grow; the field is only one line (Height=159), but many of the rows display multiple, wrapped lines of text. Some rows intermittently have the bottem half of the last line of text cut off; the user has to expand the row a little bit to see it. There doesn't seem to be a particular field length that causes this - in one case, it has four lines total in the output, and in another case, it has only three.
Can anyone suggest what might be the cause of this, or how I could work around it?
Thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer.
[Edit: I am no longer working on this project, so I never found out what became of this setting. Most likely it wasn't fixed, since it's not a critical issue.]
One solution to this issue that I've come up with in the past is to have two separate reports. One for display and exporting to pdfor rtf and another report for exporting to Excel.
I know in general this is not a good approach because there is the possibility for data to be different in the export than the display report, but if careful it works well.
I have a situation where a client needs data printed in a specific format on a report, but there is way to much data to physically be able to fit on a page. We worked out a solution that I run a "display version" of the report that fits most of the data, but the rest of the data necessary for there client is added only to the "Excel version" of the report.
To do this I simply load the "display report" to the report viewer as you normally would, but when you go to export the report I load the "excel report" with the same parameters as the "display report" and call the code to export the data to Excel.
By using this method the "display report" can be formatted any way necessary without having to worry about messing up the export to excel. The excel report fields can then be made a smaller size than required by the display report because the data should export even regardless of the size of the field. Doing this allows you to fit more data on the Excel export report.
Since both reports use the same datasource you will have an issue if you make a change that you have to remember to go verify the database on each report to see the new database changes, but this method allows you to include more data and in a different format than the display version of the report.
Hope this helps.
While not a solution for Crystal (I don't know of one), as part of the reporting team at GrapeCity-Data Dynamics, we've worked with similar issues taking free-form reports to excel spreadsheets for a decade. In our Data Dynamics Reports product we came up with a completely new way of solving the problem of exporting reports to excel.
We allow you to create a template for the report output. The template is a basic excel file with place holders for the various textboxes (or other controls) and regions (tables, lists, etc.) in the report. You can open this template inside of excel and modify the properties of the cells and rows. In the scenario you describe, you can export a "template" from Data Dynamics Reports and then modify the autosize property of the row in the template containing the placeholder for the textbox you're struggling with.
When you export the report to excel next time, just specify the template to Data Dynamics Reports (which can be done programmatically and transparently to the end user) and Data Dynamics Reports will honor all settings you specified in the template.
This is hard to explain so there is a ~2 minute screencast that shows this feature at our website in the following location:
For more information about the product and for a free trial download visit: http://www.datadynamics.com/DataDynamicsReports
Scott Willeke
GrapeCity - Data Dynamics
