Excel web part for Sharepoint not displaying text boxes - excel

I'm exposing an Excel 2013 worksheet in a Sharepoint 2010 page, using a Web Part.
For some reason,
Sharepoint doesn't show floating objects, like text boxes or shapes, that are in my Excel sheet.
I've got several graphs and cells filled with text, which I've collected under a single Named Item that selects the entire relevant sheet area.
These display fine, but text boxes won't , whether they're on top of another chart or on blank cells.
I've also tried simply exposing the whole worksheet without using named items at all, and the problem persists.

Text boxes are a form of OfficeArt and these features are not supported with excel web services.
From MSDN - Excel Services Supported and Unsupported Features
Features that Previously Prevented Excel Files from Loading
In Office SharePoint Server 2007, Excel workbooks that contain unsupported features like VBA macros, form controls, and so on are not loaded in Excel Services.
In SharePoint Server 2010, to help users work with this limitation, Excel Services ignores certain unsupported features. In other words, rather than blocking the entire file from loading Excel Services loads the file but you do not see the features that Excel Services does not support.
Following are features that do not prevent Excel Services from loading a file:
Cell comments.
Formula references to external books.
Query tables (also known as external data ranges).
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
Any OfficeArt technology. For example, Shapes, WordArt, SmartArt, organization chart, diagrams, signature lines, ink annotations, and so on.
Note that these features continue to be unsupported. This means that they do not render, execute, or work in any way as they do on the client. Most of the features in the list do not render in Excel Services.

This was a LONG time ago, but I wanted to share a "potential" solution that I used that worked well
I'm in Excel 2016, and Sharepoint 2013
I created the shape I wanted and got it exactly the way I wanted it.
I selected the Shape, right-click, Cut
Right-click Paste AS PICTURE
Save the file.


Get sharepoint metadata inside cells in Excel

I have a document library in Sharepoint with a lot of custom columns. Some are choices and managed metadata and text. In Word I can use quickparts for viewing the metadata from Sharepoint. But how can we do this in Excel? Quickparts is not available in Excel. I can see all the data coming from Sharepoint in Excel via File -> Info -> Properties -> Show all properties.
But I want to get those properties and put them in cells in the workbook
Excel no longer supports this. It used to, with Excel Services and SharePoint on premises, but it no longer supports this online.
You can edit the properties in Backstage, but none of the tricks with named ranges and linked custom fields that you can see for earlier versions, work any more to link metadata values with Excel cells.
Don't shoot the messenger.

Is it possible to add table to excel using Spreadsheetgear - C# .NET (excel way is INSERT->Table)

Like the title says is it possible?
I need a table in my exported excel sheet that will be used with data validation setting.
If you referring to Excel Tables (i.e., Excel's Ribbon > Home > Styles > Format as Table...), these objects are not supported by SpreadsheetGear, so adding such tables would not be supported, either. For existing workbooks that contain Excel Tables and are opened in SpreadsheetGear, the Tables feature will get dropped upon opening, which is worth noting that, in addition to formatting being dropped, any "structured references" will be converted to "#REF!" errors. An alternative to using structured references would be Defined Names, which are very well supported by SpreadsheetGear.
I work for SpreadsheetGear, and we do keep track of customer requests for things like this. So you are welcome to contact us directly at support#spreadsheetgear.com if you would like us to add your contact details to this particular feature request, though I cannot say when we might add Tables to our product.

Creating rtf template with multi spreadsheets(excel)

I have created a data template report(xdodtexe) and the output will be in excel with multiple spread sheets. My E-Business Suite version is r12.1.3 and I am using Office 2013.
I have created an rtf and in two separate pages layouts are there. For example department in page and employees in page. I am using <?spreadsheet-sheet-name: department?> for naming the sheets but the sheet name comes as "fndwrr" and both the outputs are in the same excel sheet without splitting into two different sheets.
I have also used <?split-by-page-break:?> for splitting into two sheets but this also does not work.
Hello there fellow "BI Publisher self-torturer" :-),
First of all, I would suggest you go over this document here, as the best method of manipulating XLS outputs is by using Excel templates.
Second of all - it would have been great if you supply a sample of the xml data + a sample of the template code as you have it.
Btw, the split-by-page-break that you're trying is for other output formats, such as PDF, RTF etc. which follow a paging rule, unlike XLS.
This being said - I am pretty sure you can't do that using an RTF template.
Also, you should mention the version of the XDO Engine/BI Publisher, because Excel templates are available since version 11.1.15 of BI Publisher.
Pay special attention to the following section Table 3-2 Column Entries, as you would need to put the XDO_SHEET_? and XDO_SHEET_NAME_?, the first being the split/group criteria and the second the actual name of the sheet.

Creating a Sharepoint Report

I work for a fairly large hospital in their Decision Support Department. We have several tools at our disposal for querying data, but our way of distributing the information could use some work.
We typically run our query and then copy and paste the data into Excel. From there we create graphs and crunch some numbers before sending the Excel file out via email.
We've recently been given access to our own Sharepoint site and so far it looks promising for document distribution. What I'm wondering though is this; what kind of functionality is built into Sharepoint for building reports that run automatically.
It would be great to take a whack of our monthly query to Excel reports and set them up to run automatically via Sharepoint.
I did some reading about Sharepoint lists and that seems promising, but I thought I'd ask here for the best way to go about this - provided it's even possible.
I guess a good first step would be how to create a report in Sharepoint?
I'm going to assume you're using Sharepoint 2013 and Office 2013.
You have a couple options available to you with Excel and Access. Both methods I'll briefly describe can be automated. In either case, you will need Lists, as they can connect to Excel and Access as tables.
For the Excel route, simply choose the "Export to Excel" option in a SharePoint list. This will create an Excel version of your list, but it's more than a static workbook--that workbook retains a one-way link from SharePoint to Excel, so you can refresh the spreadsheet to reflect the most up-to-date version of your SharePoint list. Furthermore, you can link multiple Lists to a single workbook--you'll have to export each list to Excel individually, but each worksheet will still retain its link to its respective list after you consolidate the spreadsheets into a single workbook. You can save this workbook wherever you like, it'll still keep the link. I personally like to set my linked workbooks up with macros that automatically refresh the spreadsheet whenever file is opened, but that's just me. The reason you might consider this option would be to avoid having to recreate the work of creating graphs and whatever other analytics you're doing--you may well be able to set yourself up such that the graphs and analytics pull live from the table that's coming in from SharePoint.
*Do note that changes you make to list data in Excel isn't sent back to SharePoint--this is done to protect your list.
For the the Access route, you can import a list into Access as a table. This option creates a dynamic link to your SharePoint list the same way the Excel option does--the link is one-way and what you do in Access won't be sent back to SharePoint. You can create queries and reports as you normally would after the table is imported.

Formatting Excel Document in Qt

I am using Qt 4.5 and Windows XP. I need to create an Microsoft Excel Document that has data (some labels and values) from the Qt application. I need to format those data with some fonts,bold,italics,color, background color etc., Besides ordinary data, there will be Picture files (JPG) also. I need to add those into the Excel. I know retrieving values from Excel using QAxWidget, QAxObject. But I don't have a clue about the formatting options that can be applied to cells through Qt and adding images as well?? Any help regarding this are welcome.
There are a few options:
Use a cross platform library
xlslib is one such library
Use the Excel Object model directly If your program will run on a
machine that has office installed
you can use COM or ActiveX to tie into the
Excel object model to create the
workbooks. Excel has a rich and
complete object that will let you do
most operations.
Write to an intermediate database Write the QT
data to some type of database and
pull the data using Excel. This
route requires in depth Excel
knowledge and a database.
Write out an XML format that Excel can understand
Excel 2003 can understand
SpreadsheetML. Simple formatting
should be straight forward to construct an XML
document for. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb226687(office.11).aspx
Excel 2007 can
understand OpenXML. I have not worked
with it, but I understand it is more
complicated (i.e. more feature rich) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa338205.aspx
