Pushing a respository I initialised with git init inside another repository to github - node.js

I am currently doing course called fullstackopen for which I created a repository on Github called fso and cloned it locally using ssh. Inside fso, I created directories for different parts(part1, part2) and created react projects inside them (using create-react-app). I pushed them to github without any problems.
For part3, the course asked to create a new repository for the backend(node js). I created this repo inside fso/part3 using git init and initialised a node app called phonebook. Now, when I tried to push it to Github, I got this:
enter image description here
So, I added my github repo using:
git remote add origin
After this when I tried to push again, I was prompted for my username and password but support for password authentication has been removed. I tried pushing using personal access tokens and got this:
enter image description here
Can I run the following in my part3/phonebook (phonbook-backend) directory?
git pull origin master git push origin master
I'm not sure if this would work, I dont want to lose my work.
Edit: i tried git pull origin main --allow-unrelated-histories and got this
pushing after this results in the same error
this is what my directory structure looks like locally. Im trying to push part3 to my github repo

Your last error is 'updates were rejected because the remote contains work'
This happens when your repository gets initialized with additional files like README or GITIGNORE. To resolve this, first you need to pull your changes from server, so you can use below command:
'git pull origin main --allow-unrelated-histories'
Then you can push your changes to server using below command:
'git push -f origin main'


Sourcetree existing repo has no brances and cannot create one

I have an existing repo which I connected to my gitlab via ssh
I am just trying to create my branch in sourcetree so that i push my changes there but in getting an error "not a valid object name master"
is there any part that i skipped because my created repository cant create new branches? thanks for reading any help will be great.
TLDR: created and linked via gitlab repo in sourcetree with an existing one, cant create branch to push
Check first if you are creating your branch from an empty repository: there should be at least one commit.
If the repository is not empty, check if:
your remote GitLab repository expects a default branch 'main'
your local repository uses master as its main branch
If it is the case, rename your local branch
cd /path/to/local/repository
git branch -m master main
And make sure any future local repository starts with main:
git config --global init.defaultbranch main
Try again your branch creation in SourceTree.

through jenkins triggered python3 script which utilizing gitpython git.Repo not showing all branches

I have a repo having multiple branches. I am able to access all branches in my local through gitpython. However the same code i used to create gitpython's git.Repo() to create repo object but repo.branches showing only master [] though i can check manually in jenkins/workspace terminal the repo having all the branches. Can anyone help me in understanding What could be the issue?
from git import Repo
clone_my_repo("myrepo") #my function to clone the repo working fine both locally and through jenkins
module = Repo("myrepo")
[<git.Head "refs/heads/master">]

Merged code from repo not updating in production server after push

I have a post-receive hook in my server.
I also have a remote repo(origin) (branch:stage) where another developer pushes to.
I pull the commits and push them to production from my local computer.
I recently created a new branch(feature) from the latest head of the existing branch(stage), added some code and pushed the feature branch to remote repo. I merged the new features from feature branch to stage branch.
Then I pulled from the remote repo to local.
Now, I pushed the stage branch to production.
My post-receive file consists:
git --work-tree=/path/to/project --git-dir=/path/to/project.git checkout -
f stage
My head in the remote repo after merge is currently at ae228b9.
And, at the remote production hook's latest logs also points to ae228b9.
The problem is that the code from the merge are not seen in the production server.
Do I have to do something else to get the merged code to production?
After I pulled from origin and pushed to production, I tried changing the new files locally, committed them and push to the server. But, the changes are not reflected in the server.
Also, I uninstalled apache php mysql and installed them again. Before the unistallation/installation, the home page was showing in server but the routes were not working(404 error) but the git hook was working. After the unistallation/installation, the git hook stopped working
I created a new hook with the same code as above. Now during the push I get:
remote: error: unable to unlink old '.gitignore' (Permission denied)
remote: error: unable to unlink old '.htaccess' (Permission denied)
remote: fatal: cannot create directory at '.idea': Permission denied
I tried the following code inside my project folder and project.git(hook) folder:
sudo chmod -R ug+w .;
unable to link
after which the push is a success but the changes are not reflecting.
I solved this by deleting the contents of the project folder and pushing again with some new changes.
I faced the same issue(Azure deployment)
There are two ways to ways to handle this -
Increase timeout setting (but deployment may stuck some times)
Push new changes (redeployment)
I prefer 2nd option.

How can you reference a submodule in openshift

I've got an account with OpenShift which provides a git repository for each project you to work in. I've got one main project and two smaller projects resulting in a total of 3 git repositories.
I have just started to use the two smaller projects in the main project and seen that git can use the submodule command. I've added them both to the custom directory like so:
git submodule add ssh://...#app.rhcloud.com/~/git/app.git/
git submodule add ssh://...#api.rhcloud.com/~/git/api.git/
which has produced a directory structure like so:
app ------ full of tasty files
api ------ full of tasty files
Within the .gitmodules file I have
[submodule "custom/api"]
path = custom/api
url = ssh://...#api.rhcloud.com/~/git/api.git/
[submodule "custom/app"]
path = custom/app
url = ssh://...#app.rhcloud.com/~/git/app.git/
Which is exactly what I want. It all works locally.
git add --all
git commit -m "new submodules"
git push
The issue is when I run the git push, it comes back with this error:
remote: Host key verification failed.
remote: fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
remote: Please make sure you have the correct access rights
remote: and the repository exists.
It looks like I need to add the ssh key of the main project to the two smaller projects so that I can ssh. Does anyone know how I can do this or have a better way of including submodules in OpenShift?
Thanks for the help in advance.
It looks like I need to add the ssh key of the main project to the two smaller projects so that I can ssh
At the parent (main) repo level, this shouldn't be the case: all the push does is to push the .gitmodules, and 2 gitlinks (special entries in the index) representing those 2 submodules.
It is more likely that the push doesn't find the proper .ssh/known_hosts, or the public/private ssh keys in order to push back to the app.rhcloud.com upstream repo: See "SSH connection problem with “Host key verification failed…” error" and "The authenticity of host can't be established".

git repo description is not updating

In my gitolite.conf file I've added a bunch of config gitweb.description lines but I dont see the changes when I view gitweb. If I look in the repos on the server the description hasn't been updated.
How do I get them to sync up?
Normally, the update happens on pushing that gitolite-admin repo back to the gitolite server, through triggers.
You can manually trigger them on the server to see if that makes any difference:
gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE
Make sure the description is within a repo section:
repo myrepo
config gitweb.description = some description
Double check the content of the projects.list file, and that your GIT_HTTP_BACKEND is well set.
