git repo description is not updating - gitolite

In my gitolite.conf file I've added a bunch of config gitweb.description lines but I dont see the changes when I view gitweb. If I look in the repos on the server the description hasn't been updated.
How do I get them to sync up?

Normally, the update happens on pushing that gitolite-admin repo back to the gitolite server, through triggers.
You can manually trigger them on the server to see if that makes any difference:
gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE
Make sure the description is within a repo section:
repo myrepo
config gitweb.description = some description
Double check the content of the projects.list file, and that your GIT_HTTP_BACKEND is well set.


Pushing a respository I initialised with git init inside another repository to github

I am currently doing course called fullstackopen for which I created a repository on Github called fso and cloned it locally using ssh. Inside fso, I created directories for different parts(part1, part2) and created react projects inside them (using create-react-app). I pushed them to github without any problems.
For part3, the course asked to create a new repository for the backend(node js). I created this repo inside fso/part3 using git init and initialised a node app called phonebook. Now, when I tried to push it to Github, I got this:
enter image description here
So, I added my github repo using:
git remote add origin
After this when I tried to push again, I was prompted for my username and password but support for password authentication has been removed. I tried pushing using personal access tokens and got this:
enter image description here
Can I run the following in my part3/phonebook (phonbook-backend) directory?
git pull origin master git push origin master
I'm not sure if this would work, I dont want to lose my work.
Edit: i tried git pull origin main --allow-unrelated-histories and got this
pushing after this results in the same error
this is what my directory structure looks like locally. Im trying to push part3 to my github repo
Your last error is 'updates were rejected because the remote contains work'
This happens when your repository gets initialized with additional files like README or GITIGNORE. To resolve this, first you need to pull your changes from server, so you can use below command:
'git pull origin main --allow-unrelated-histories'
Then you can push your changes to server using below command:
'git push -f origin main'

How to deploy an heroku application and ignore a file?

I am building a web application for an online "build your own" card game. In the application, I have a cards.json file that holds custom card data. This file is changed with fs whenever a user creates a card. Whenever I push local changes, the cards.json file gets overwritten on deploy. That means all the remote data gets lost on every deploy. How can I include a cards.json file remotely but not change the file whenever I push changes using git push heroku master?EDIT: I guess for clarification reasons, I have tried using a .gitignore as well as removing the file from the staging area. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the issue is that when the application is deployed the file is overwritten there.
So I just found out that the data created during runtime will always be deleted/reset.
I guess the best fixes for anyone else who has this same issue are:
a) Look into Databases and Heroku Add-ons, or
b) This is very workaround, and there might be better ways to do it, but:
// Go into a new directory, and use
$ heroku ps:copy <FILENAME> --app <APPNAME>
// Then, copy+paste the data from this file into your main repo.
/* Now, each time you do this, you need to make sure you delete that file from the
* extra directory you created as ps:copy only works when the file doesnt exist locally.
I think git fetch doesn't work in this instance, as it only pulls that unchanged file, rather than the changed one from the dyno.
Look up the .gitignore file in git, seems to me that's exactly what you're looking for.
If it doesn't recognize .gitignore properly at first:
git add [uncommitted changes you want to keep] && git commit
git rm -r --cached .
git add .
git commit -m "fixed untracked files"
In .gitignore add the cards.json along with the path .
eg. src/test/resources/testdata/cards.json

Remote trigger for (re)build CI Gitlab

I'm trying to use a remote trigger for (re)building in ci.gitlab. For explaining this, I made up this scenario:
2 repository, "lib" and "app1"
app1 will successfully build only if lib is included (solved simply by .gitlab-ci.yml)
I need to trigger the build of app1 (only for the master branch, in best-case) on commit (or merge request) of lib
I tried to figure it out using web hooks, but I wasn't able to find a url for Is this possible in a gitlab environment?
You can do this with newly added triggers functionality.
In your CI's project, find the section "Triggers". Add a trigger and use its token like this:
curl -X POST \
-F token=TOKEN \{project_id}/refs/REF_NAME/trigger
we have the same problem, and the way we solved it is by pushing and subsequently deleting a tag.
The assumption is that you manage the machine with Gitlab-CI runner. First, clone the main repository, app1 for you. And in lib's .gitlab-ci.yml add the steps:
- cd /path/to/app1_repository
- git pull
- git tag ci-trigger master
- git push origin ci-trigger
- git push --delete origin ci-trigger
- git tag -d ci-trigger
Make sure that you have the option Tag push events checked in your Gitlab Services settings for Gitlab-CI.
This solution has drawbacks:
Gitlab-CI runner must have write permissions to the repository, so it won't work for shared runners
git history will be bloated with all this tagging (especially Gitlab UI)
I opened an issue for this ( so let's hope they add this functionality to the API (

gitolite_admin hooks and mirroring

I'm wondering is there a simple way to install hooks for certain repo using gitolite_admin.
Let's imagine i want to have post-update hook for repo awesome using gitolite_admin repo cloned to my workstation...
repo awesome
RW+ = deployer
contents of post-update:
echo "Post receive-hook => updating Redmine repository"
sudo -u deployer perl -we '`cd /home/deployer/repo/awesome.git && git fetch -q --all`'
You could also look at "repo-specific environment variables"
A special form of the option syntax can be used to set repo-specific environment variables that are visible to gitolite triggers and any git hooks you may install.
For example, let's say you installed a post-update hook that initiates a CI job. By default, of course, this hook will be active for all gitolite-managed repos. However, you only want it to run for some specific repos, say r1, r2, and r4.
To do that, first add this to the gitolite.conf:
repo r1 r2 r4
option ENV.CI = 1
This creates an environment variable called GL_OPTION_CI with the value 1, before any trigger or hook is invoked.
Note: option names must start with ENV., followed by a sequence of characters composed of alphas, numbers, and the underscore character.
Now the hook running the CI job can easily decide what to do:
# exit if $GL_OPTION_CI is not set
[ -z $GL_OPTION_CI ] && exit
... rest of CI job code as before ...
Of course you can also do the opposite; i.e. decide that the listed repos should not run the CI job but all other repos should:
repo #all
option ENV.CI = 1
repo r1 r2 r4
option ENV.CI = ""
That feature is fairly recent (started in commit 999f9cd39, but in this case, completed in commit 63865a16 June 2013 for 3.5.2).
But even you don't have that version, there are other ways to do this using option variables, as the last part of that section explains.
Before this feature was added, you could still do this, by using the gitolite git-config command inside the hook code to test for options and configs set for the repo, like:
if gitolite git-config -q reponame gitolite-options.option-name
And you can use git config variables in the same way.
Or you can use group membership -- see the comments against function "in_group" in "" for details.
# in_group()
# return true if $ENV{GL_USER} is set and is in the given group
# shell equivalent
# if gitolite list-memberships $GL_USER | grep -x $GROUPNAME >/dev/null; then ...
In addition to sitaram's answer, the recent (August 29th, 2013) commit 62fb31755a formerly introduce repo specific hooks:
it's basically just creating a symlink in <repo.git>/hooks pointing to some file inside $rc{LOCAL_CODE}/hooks/repo-specific (except the gitolite-admin repo)
You cannot specific a hook for gitolite-admin though.
And you hook is only one of the three following authorized hooks:
That means you can:
store your repo specific hooks in your gitolite-admin/hooks/repo-specific/xx
declare those your in the gitolite-admin local options on the server.
First enable those hooks:
# allow repo-specific hooks to be added
# 'repo-specific-hooks',
Then declare the hooks on the server gitolite-admin repo:
gitolite git-config gitolite-options.hook=reponame hookname scriptname
(with a tab or \t between reponame hookname scriptname)
Original answer:
As mention in the gitolite man page on hooks
if you want to install a hook in only a few specific repositories, do it directly on the server.
(otherwise, you would be managing hooks for all git repos through gitolite-admin/common/hooks)
That being said, you could take advantage of VREF in gitolite V3.x, which are update hooks: those can be set for some repos and for some user, like any other rule.
You could then:
make your VREF script leave a 'flag' (a file) in the appropriate bare git repo being updated
make a common 'deploy' post-update hook, which would first look for that flag, and if found, deploy the repo (and remove the flag).
a post-update hook managed through gitolite-admin can only be common to all git repos (not what you want)
only VREFs can be associated to repos and users through gitolite.conf
The solution above tries to take those two facts into account to achieve what you are looking for: a deploy script running only for certain repos and managed through the gitolite.conf config file of the gitolite-admin repo.
Here are step by step instructions to complement #VonC's answer
gitolite hook for specific repository

gitolite emailprefix GL_REPO not expanded

I am using gitolite v2.2 on Ubuntu 12.04.
The GL_REPO variable does not get expanded for emailprefix.
In my gitolite.conf file I have this:
repo #all
config hooks.mailinglist = xxx#somewhere
config hooks.emailprefix = "[%GL_REPO] "
config hooks.emailmaxlines = 1000
repo testing
RW+ = #all
I am getting email when I push changes to the testing repo, but the subject line looks like this:
[%GL_REPO] branch master updated.
Is there a typo in my configuration, a setting I missed, or is this a problem in v2.2?
The substitution of the variable GL_REPO in gitolite.conf file is only documented in gitolite v3 (or 'g3') pages:
Admin conf
"git-config" keys and values
the conf/gitolite.conf file
For g2 (gitolite V2.x), it is only mentioned (and expanded) for gitolite hooks.
Upgrading to v3 is therefore the way to go, since it won't affect any of your existing bare repos: see the migration page.
