Apple script to change a colour of an SVG prompting a message in finder to include the new HEX code, copy it in the clipboard with the new color - svg

I'm trying to do an apple script that can do the following:
I have an icon SVG called "bubble.svg" in a folder in a folder called "test" in the desktop.
Is it possible to create an apple script to change the hex colour of the icon so that when I will run the script it will prompt me a window to include the new HEX colour of the icon, and copy the svg with the new colour to the clipboard so that I can past it in application with the new colour?
I used the following code and get this error
on run
set theHex to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the new HEX color for the icon:" default answer "#FFFFFF")
set theFile to (choose file with prompt "Select the SVG file to modify:")
set theFileContents to read file theFile
set theFileContents to (do shell script "sed 's/#000000/" & theHex & "/g' < " & theFile)
set theFile to open for access theFile with write permission
write theFileContents to theFile starting at eof
close access theFile
set the clipboard to theHex
end run
In can include the new colour and the select the file, but then I get the following error
ERROR error "sh: Macintosh: No such file or directory" number 1
Can you help me?
Thank you!
I used the following
on run
set theHex to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the new HEX color for the icon:" default answer "#FFFFFF")
set theFile to (choose file with prompt "Select the SVG file to modify:")
set theFileContents to read file theFile
set theFileContents to (do shell script "sed 's/#000000/" & theHex & "/g' < " & theFile)
set theFile to open for access theFile with write permission
write theFileContents to theFile starting at eof
close access theFile
set the clipboard to theHex
end run


Applescript, add to bottom of text file

I'm running a script for each item of a list,
each time it's adding a line to the top of a text file, but I actually need to change that order, so it write behind the last one (at the bottom)
here is my current script
et dataBackupFile to (path to desktop folder as text) & "Repport Data.txt"
insertOnTop from informationOnThisAccount into dataBackupFile
on insertOnTop from theData into theFile
set fileDescriptor to open for access file theFile with write permission
if (get eof fileDescriptor) > 0 then
set theContent to read fileDescriptor as «class utf8»
set theContent to ""
end if
set eof fileDescriptor to 0
write (theData & theContent) to fileDescriptor as «class utf8»
close access fileDescriptor
return true
on error
close access file theFile
end try
return false
end try
end insertOnTop
set eof fileDescriptor to 0
write (theData & theContent) to fileDescriptor as «class utf8»
write (theData & theContent) to fileDescriptor as «class utf8» starting at eof

How to enter multiple line of code in CMD from VBA?

I want to open a cmd.exe and then execute a few lines of code.
I searched the web for some examples.
Code I tried modifying:
strToPrint = "Hello World!"
Shell "cmd.exe /K echo " & strToPrint, vbNormalFocus
I found How to write message to command window from VBA?
I tried multiple lines of coding, but the lines are executed in different command windows:
Sub CMD_VBA_Script()
Shell "cmd.exe /K echo Hello World!", vbNormalFocus
Shell "cmd.exe /K color 0a", vbNormalFocus
End Sub
I understand when I call the Shell two times, that it will execute two times.
My goal is to call the following script from VBA:
#echo off
title Matrix
color 0a
mode 1000
echo %random%%random%
goto a
How can I execute multiple lines of code from VBA in command prompt?
MyFile = "C:\cmdcode.bat"
fnum = FreeFile()
Open MyFile For Output As #fnum
Print #fnum, "#echo off"
Print #fnum, "title Matrix"
Print #fnum, "color 0a"
Print #fnum, "mode 1000"
Print #fnum, ""
Print #fnum, ":a"
Print #fnum, "echo %random%%random%"
Print #fnum, "goto a"
Close #fnum
' Run bat-file:
Shell MyFile, vbNormalFocus
' optional, remove bat-file:
Kill "C:\cmdcode.bat"
So in short. You need to create a bat-file that you run.
If you don't need the bat-file after it's done you can delete it with Kill
You can write something like this -
Call Shell("cmd.exe /c "cd C:\Users\username\local\temp\" & " && temp.vbs" & " && mkdir newfolder")
This executes 3 lines of command:
Change directory
Execute a vbs file
Make a new folder
It looks like you want to execute a Command Prompt Batch file - batches are stateful, so simply executing each line separately is not going to have the same effect as executing the batch as a whole.
Two other alternative approaches involve faking batch execution by instructing an interactive instance of cmd.exe to execute commands as-they're-entered by some automated process: either sending window messages, or piping into the cmd process' stdin stream. I do not recommend either of these approaches because of their inherent flakiness (i.e. dependency on undocumented behavior)
So the best approach would be to just execute a batch file as it's intended - you would need to write the batch to a temporary file first, and then execute it:
Using the code from here:
Dim tempFileName As String
tempFileName = CreateTempFile("SomeBatch.cmd")
WriteToBatchFile( tempFileName ) ' you will have to write to the temp batch file yourself here
Shell "cmd.exe /c """ & tempFileName & """", vbHide, True ' Run the batch file, then cmd.exe will terminate. The Shell function will block until cmd is closed
Kill tempFile ' delete the temp batch file
Use "cmd.exe /K" option, and '&' to connect multiple commands.
In C:\Users\%USERNAME%, create test.bat with two simple commands:
echo %PATH%
Here is the complete sample:
Sub Demo_Multi_Commands()
Cmd1 = "cd " & Environ("USERPROFILE")
Cmd2 = "test.bat"
Connector = " & "
Commands = "cmd.exe /K " & Cmd1 & Connector & Cmd2 & Connector & "systeminfo"
Debug.Print Commands
pid = Shell(Commands, vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
Environment: Windows 10 Enterprise, VBA 7.1

AppleScript : add variable to text file

I running an AppleScript, which is saving the variable I want in a textfile, here is my code :
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of myDateTime & " >> Users/kevin/Documents/data/data_Backup.txt"
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of myNote & " >> Users/kevin/Documents/data/data_Backup.txt"
It's doing what I want, but the each time I run the script, the new data are added at the button of the text, and the oldest data are at on top, how can I have the newest data on top instead?
data_backup.txt data 3 data 2 data 1
also can I add a count on the text
data_backup.txt data3 case3, data2 case2, data1 Case 1
You need the read/write commands of AppleScript to read the text, insert the new data at the beginning and write it back.
This is a handler which returns true on success otherwise false
set dataBackupFile to (path to documents folder as text) & "Data:data_Backup.txt"
insertOnTop from "foo" into dataBackupFile
insertOnTop from "bar" into dataBackupFile
on insertOnTop from theData into theFile
set fileDescriptor to open for access file theFile with write permission
if (get eof fileDescriptor) > 0 then
set theContent to read fileDescriptor as «class utf8»
set theContent to ""
end if
set eof fileDescriptor to 0
write (theData & theContent) to fileDescriptor as «class utf8»
close access fileDescriptor
return true
on error
close access file theFile
end try
return false
end try
end insertOnTop

UNIX ZIP(1L) doesn't include top Directory of Application

I made, better I rummage together an AppleScript that results encrypted zip Files. It works except for Applications. If I expand the Archiv it is not an Application anymore. How can I compress valid Applications?
tell application "Finder"
set theItem to ((choose file) as alias)
set itemPath to quoted form of POSIX path of theItem
set fileName to name of theItem
set theFolder to POSIX path of (container of theItem as alias)
set zipFile to quoted form of (theFolder & fileName & ".zip")
display dialog "Enter password" default answer "" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
set thePassword to (text returned of result)
end tell
set cmd to "zip -P " & thePassword & " -rj " & zipFile & " " & itemPath & " -x *.DS_Store"
do shell script cmd
Check the -y option for zip. It may be what you need.
From iPhone: Compressing .app files in command line (Mac OS X) removes CodeSigning

Trying to insert text in between quotes on a telnet script

Sorry new to coding Applescript so any help is appreciated.
I'm trying to create a script that pastes text from clipboard into the middle of a telnet command. The output needs to be in the same window and look kind of like this:
The quoted 12 digit number on line 13 is what I need to insert.
This is what I've coded so far but it's not working:
tell application "Terminal"
do script "telnet xxxx"
delay 1
do script "I8,A,001" in window 1
do script "Q102,024" in window 1
do script "q448" in window 1
do script "rN" in window 1
do script "S4" in window 1
do script "D15" in window 1
do script "ZT" in window 1
do script "JF" in window 1
do script "O" in window 1
do script "R71,0" in window 1
do script "f100" in window 1
do script "N" in window 1
do script "B264,65,2,UA0,2,4,56,B,\""
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Terminal" in window 1
keystroke "v" using {command down}
end tell
keystroke "\""
keystroke return
do script "\"A203,82,2,1,2,2,N,\"xxxxx\""
do script "P1"
keystroke return
end tell
end tell
As soon as I try to use Command V to paste it exits the Terminal window and pastes whats on the clipboard on the script instead and it wont let me tell it to stay in Terminal window 1.
You do not need to use command-v to get the clipboard contents into your Terminal window. Applescript can get the clipboard and then you just add it to the other part of your string before "do script". Something like this works... of course you don't need the first line of the code because the clipboard should already have that value.
set the clipboard to "100000000045"
set t1 to "B264,65,2,UA0,2,4,56,B,\""
set t2 to the clipboard
set t to t1 & t2 & "\""
do script t in window 1
This is what I ended up using to get it to work in case anyone else needs it:
tell application "Terminal"
do script "telnet xxxx"
delay 1
do script "I8,A,001" in window 1
do script "Q102,024" in window 1
do script "q448" in window 1
do script "rN" in window 1
do script "S4" in window 1
do script "D15" in window 1
do script "ZT" in window 1
do script "JF" in window 1
do script "O" in window 1
do script "R71,0" in window 1
do script "f100" in window 1
do script "N" in window 1
set t1 to "B264,65,2,UA0,2,4,56,B,\""
set t2 to the clipboard
set t to t1 & t2 & "\""
do script t in window 1
do script "A203,82,2,1,2,2,N,\"xxxxx\"" in window 1
do script "P1" in window 1
end tell
Thanks for the help regulus!
