Keras: Does weighted_metrics consider sample_weight or class_weight - keras

I have an unbalanced dataset. Therefore, I use class_weight for my model. At the same time, I want to weight newer data more than older data. Therefore, I use sample_weight, too.
I wanted to specify weighted_metrics in the compile function. But the Keras documentation says the following about this argument:
List of metrics to be evaluated and weighted by sample_weight or
class_weight during training and testing.
I use both parameter, but the documentation says sample_weight or class_weight. Which one is used now? I could not find out looking at the Keras github repository ( Or are both used in my case?


How to use class weights for GaussianNB and KNeighborsRegressor in sklearn?

I have a highly imbalanced data set from which I want to get both classification (binary) as well as probabilities. I have managed to use logistic regression as well as random forest to obtain results from cross_val_predict using class weights.
I am aware that RandomForestClassifier and LogisiticRegression can take class weight as an argument while KNeighborsRegressor and GaussianNB do not. However, for KNN and NB in the documentation it says that for that I can use fit which incorporates sample weights:
fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None)
So I was thinking of working around it by calculating class weights and using these to create an array of sample weights depending on the classification of the sample. Here is the code for that:
c_w = class_weight.compute_class_weight('balanced', np.unique(y), y)
for i in range(len(y)):
if y[i]==False:
Not sure if this workaround makes sense, however I managed to fit the model using this method and I seem to get better results in terms of my smaller class.
The issue now is that I want to use this method in sklearn's
however I am not managing to pass sample weights through cross validation.
I have 2 questions:
Does my workaround to use sample weights to substitute class weights make sense?
Is there a way to pass sample weights through cross_val_predict just like you would when you use fit without cross validation?
please see the response for this post for the description of sample and class weights difference. Ingeneral if you use class weights, you "make your model aware" of class imbalance. If you use sample weights you make your model aware that some samples must be "considered more carefully" or not taken into account at all.
fit_params argument should do the job, see here:
fit_params : dict, defualt=None - parameters to pass to the fit method of the estimator.

Keras "acc" metrics - an algorithm

In Keras I often see people compile a model with mean square error function and "acc" as metrics.
model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='mse', metrics=['acc'])
I have been reading about acc and I can not find an algorithm for it?
What if I would change my loss function to binary crossentropy for an example and use 'acc' as metrics? Would this be the same metrics as in first case or Keras changes this acc based on loss function - so binary crossentropy in this case?
Check the source code from line 375. The metric_fn change dependent on loss function, so it is automatically handled by keras.
If you want to compare models using different loss function it could in some cases be necessary to specify what accuracy method you want to grade your model with, such that the models actually are tested with the same tests.

Monitor F1 Score (or a custom metric in general) in a keras callback

Keras 2.0 removed F1 score, but I would like to monitor its value. I am using a sequential model to train a Neural Net.
I defined a function, as suggested here How to calculate F1 Macro in Keras?.
This function works fine only if used it inside model.compile. In this way I see its value at each step. The problem is that I don't want just to see its value but I would like my training to behave differently according to its value, using the callbacks of Keras.
If I try to insert my custom metric in the callbacks then I get this error:
'function object is not iterable'
Do you know how to define a function such that it can be used as an argument in the callbacks?
Callback of Keras will enable us to retrieve the model at different period, based on the metric which we keep track of. This will not affect the training procedure of the model.
You can train your model only with respect to some loss function. For example, cross entropy for classification problem. The readily available loss function in keras are given here
Precision, recall or f1-score are not differentialable functions. Hence, we cannot use that as a loss function for model training.
May be, if you want to tune your hyperparameter (such as learning rate, class weights) for improving f1 score, then you can be do that.
For tuning hyper parameters you can use hyperopt, tutorials

Pytorch: Intermediate testing during training

How can I test my pytorch model on validation data during training?
I know that there is the function myNet.eval() which apparantly switches of any dropout layers, but is it also preventing the gradients from being accumulated?
Also how would I undo the myNet.eval() command in order to continue with the training?
If anyone has some code snippet / toy example I would be grateful!
How can I test my pytorch model on validation data during training?
There are plenty examples where there are train and test steps for every epoch during training. An easy one would be the official MNIST example. Since pytorch does not offer any high-level training, validation or scoring framework you have to write it yourself. Commonly this consists of
a data loader (commonly based on torch.utils.dataloader.Dataloader)
a main loop over the total number of epochs
a train() function that uses training data to optimize the model
a test() or valid() function to measure the effectiveness of the model given validation data and a metric
This is also what you will find in the linked example.
Alternatively you can use a framework that provides basic looping and validation facilities so you don't have to implement everything by yourself all the time.
tnt is torchnet for pytorch, supplying you with different metrics (such as accuracy) and abstraction of the train loop. See this MNIST example.
inferno and torchsample attempt to model things very similar to Keras and provide some tools for validation
skorch is a scikit-learn wrapper for pytorch that lets you use all the tools and metrics from sklearn
Also how would I undo the myNet.eval() command in order to continue with the training?
myNet.train() or, alternatively, supply a boolean to switch between eval and training: myNet.train(True) for train mode.
I know that there is the function myNet.eval() which apparantly switches of any dropout layers, but is it also preventing the gradients from being accumulated?
It doesn't prevent gradients from accumulating.
But I think during testing, you do want to ignore gradients. In that case, you should mark the variable input to the network as volatile=True, and it will save some time and space used in forward calculation.
Also how would I undo the myNet.eval() command in order to continue with the training?

What does the CV stand for in sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegressionCV?

scikit-learn has two logistic regression functions:
I'm just curious what the CV stands for in the second one. The only acronym I know in ML that matches "CV" is cross-validation, but I'm guessing that's not it, since that would be achieved in scikit-learn with a wrapper function, not as part of the logistic regression function itself (I think).
You are right in guessing that the latter allows the user to perform cross validation. The user can pass the number of folds as an argument cv of the function to perform k-fold cross-validation (default is 10 folds with StratifiedKFold).
I would recommend reading the documentation for the functions LogisticRegression and LogisticRegressionCV
Yes, it's cross-validation. Excerpt from the docs:
For the grid of Cs values (that are set by default to be ten values in a logarithmic scale between 1e-4 and 1e4), the best hyperparameter is selected by the cross-validator StratifiedKFold, but it can be changed using the cv parameter.
The point here is the following:
yes: sklearn has general model-selection wrappers providing CV-functionality for all those classifiers/regressors
but: when the classifier/regressor is known/fixed a-priori (to some extent) or sometimes even some CV-model, one can gain advantages using these facts with specialized code bound to one classifier/regressor resulting in improved performance!
CV already embedded in optimization-algorithm
Efficient warm-starting (instead of full re-optimization after just the change of one parameter like alpha)
It seems, at least the latter idea is used in sklearn's LogisticRegressionCV, as seen in this excerpt:
In the case of newton-cg and lbfgs solvers, we warm start along the path i.e guess the initial coefficients of the present fit to be the coefficients got after convergence in the previous fit, so it is supposed to be faster for high-dimensional dense data.
May I also refer you to this section in scikit-learn documentation which I beleive explains it well:
Some models can fit data for a range of values of some parameter
almost as efficiently as fitting the estimator for a single value of
the parameter. This feature can be leveraged to perform a more
efficient cross-validation used for model selection of this parameter.
The most common parameter amenable to this strategy is the parameter
encoding the strength of the regularizer. In this case we say that we
compute the regularization path of the estimator.
And logistic regression is one such model. That's why scikit-learn has the dedicated LogisticRegressionCV class that does this.
There are some things left out on other answers, e.g. about gridsearch functionality. See the docs:
cross-validation estimator
An estimator that has built-in cross-validation capabilities to automatically select the best hyper-parameters (see the User Guide). Some example of cross-validation estimators are ElasticNetCV and LogisticRegressionCV. Cross-validation estimators are named EstimatorCV and tend to be roughly equivalent to GridSearchCV(Estimator(), ...). The advantage of using a cross-validation estimator over the canonical estimator class along with grid search is that they can take advantage of warm-starting by reusing precomputed results in the previous steps of the cross-validation process. This generally leads to speed improvements. An exception is the RidgeCV class, which can instead perform efficient Leave-One-Out CV.
