"GET" name search does not return desired customer result using the HighRise API - basecamp

See these 2 videos which explain the real problem:
I have a NEW customer with the name "Greg Nel". When I want to create OR if I want to search for this customer in HighRise using their API, it returns the result "Gregory Snell" which is a different person BUT in his name it contains all the same letters of the NEW customer.
How can I write this GET request to get the correct result?
I have tried these with no good results:
/people/search.xml?term=Greg Nel
/people/search.xml?term="Greg Nel" (using quotes)
I expect the API to return me the result of either:
-Null (if the exact search term is NOT found), or
-the correct result which would be the profile ID data of the customer that I am looking for


How to pass value from one intent to another in bixby

My app is giving user types of news based on the input. For ex: If user is saying what is happening in sports, so I give user sports news in the form of compound card. Now if user is saying that "Show me similar news", so all i need to do is pass the category id of that news to my other file and process that category id to get more same type of news. I am unable to pass the category id.
My news details file is NewsSearch.model.bxb and input i have taken is categoryName, which I convert into id and pass it to my api.
My similar News file is SimilarNews.model.bxb and input is categoryId, which I am supposed to pass to my api to get the same category news.
How to pass categoryId from NewsSearch.model.bxb to SimilarNews.model.bxb?
This is similar to a Continuation. If NewsSearch concept is not marked as transient, you can create an Action SearchSimilarNews that will take NewsSearch as the input. Since this is a followup query, NewsSearch will be available to the Planner from a historical perspective and will therefore be automatically passed into the input.
You may want to look at the Continuation sample capsule for more ideas https://github.com/bixbydevelopers/capsule-samples-collection/tree/master/continuation-for-training

Using Graph API to query SharePoint list items and expand user field

I'm trying to query for some SP list items, all is working fine except I can't seem to expand a custom column of type Person.
I can see the createdBy and lastModifiedBy expanded and even includes the AAD user id, which is great and also leads me to think what I want is possible!
But mine is a custom column.
I'm running this and can only seem to get the SP user list id and the user's display name...neither of which are much use.
Ideally I'd like to get the AAD user id as per createdBy and modifiedBy field, but the email would suffice.
Otherwise the only way I can see is to query the User Information List (using the UserLookupId) to get the email?
This appears to be correct assumption:
Otherwise the only way I can see is to query the User Information List
(using the UserLookupId) to get the email?
for non-system user fields, it is indeed a way to go, but there are some distinctions whether user field is multi-valued or single-valued.
If Approvers is a multi-valued user field, then the following query:
returns email and id properties along with displayName property for user field value.
While for single-valued user field only id (available via {userfield}LookupId property) and displayName properties could be requested via items endpoint, for example:
So, indeed User Information List needs to be utilized to request additional user properties, for example:
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/root/lists('User Information List')/items/{item-id}/?$expand=fields($select=Email)
where item-id corresponds to user field lookup id
This was my experience modifying the
Build Angular single-page apps with Microsoft Graph. In the examples below, I changed my id's out with the default text.
Here is
The Finished Project on thier github
In Graph Explorer, this worked. You can verify it at the Microsoft Graph Explorer.
In the app/graph.service.ts in the app, this did not work. Even though you would expect it to based on the graph explorer.
Changing the app/graph.service.ts api call worked.
The result looked like this:
fields: {
#odata.etag: ""d6f5b6ea-9f90-452d-98ba-e838f58d3359,1"",
id: "20"
Here's an example site id:
Here's an example list id.
The end url won't have any {} in it.

Dialogflow(Api.Ai) Doesn't recognize custom entity

I have been working lately with Dialogflow to make chatbots to do some simple tasks. For instance with webhooks and youtube api where the user ask to show him a video and then the bot just answers with the youtube video url.
Show me Neil young harvest moon
Here you go : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2MtEsrcTTs
I do this by using a custom Entity I called "YoutubeQuery" I checked "Allow Automated expansion" and unchecked "Define Synonyms" then I just added 2 values "Kavinsky Night Call" and "Indigo Night Tamino"
In my Intent I just made a couple of training phrases like these:
And everything works.
Now my issue is with a new Agent which I called Orders
I want just to get Order Id's from the firestore database, but before getting there I'm running in kind of a huge problem
I defined the order's ID entity just like the one with the youtubeQuery. And I added some example Order ID's , I want them all to Start with OD and have 4digits after example (DX0001,DX0009,DX9999)
Afterwards I made the intent
Now unless I give the EXACT order ID's from the traininphrase or the ID examples I defined in the Entity it will always give me a response with an empty parameter OrderID
I start my intent by saying "my order" then I get prompted with "What is your ID?
So when I give an ID that has not been used in the training phrases of the Intent I get an empty value in the parameters like this:
But when I give an ID that has been used in the training phrases like for instance the first one DX0808 it does work...
How can I make this work without adding all the possible order id's ranging from DX0001 to DX9999 in the training phrases or the entity.
I mean it does work for my youtube query, I can put anything there it does "catch" the value. Any help please?
It looks like the required parameter is the problem here, my suggestion would be to:
Create intent to get the order id in one sentence without reprompt (turn off required on the order id) and id is always present, ex: "my id is DX0402". Include training response where only ID is provided like "DL3932", ex. below:
Set other intent for scenario when customer wants to provide the id but it is missing, for ex. customer says: "my id" and make your bot ask for the id as an response ex. "ok, provide me your id"
If you do it, in case user doesn't provide the id, intent 2 will be triggered and after id is provided you'll trigger intent 1.
Hope this makes sense.

Dialogflow: Determine product name or Select a product from a list which are fetched using a webhook

I am trying to build a bot(custom UI in my website) where a user will enter a product name to view the details of it and I will provide a link to the product full details page. I have a situation where if the user enters a name and there are multiple results from my database, I want to show him those products as quick replies so that he can select one from them.
How do I recognize that the user has entered the product name and anything else? I can use #sys.any, but all small conversation will also go there, which will be of no use.
The same problem occurs when I display him a list of products with matching name. But now when the user clicks on any of the button I am taking him to a custom follow-up intent where I have entered the template for a product entity. But, dialogflow only recognizes the products that have been defined in the entity(listed few products and checked auto expand).
I have tried using #sys.any instead, but the intent is called for any string the user types in. Lets say, the user does not respond and after a while he types in "hi", my intent with any is being called. How do I overcome this situation?
So far as I understand, I can see two ways to solve this query. First, using an entity & defining your product list over there for bot to understand user responses (which you have done) but this will become an overhead when you have a list of say 1000/more products. Second way, you can continue using #sys.any & define a parameter, write a webhook where you validate user entered response to product list in database & check if it is present over there, if yes, show product details or say, entered response is incorrect.

How to get keyword type (Organic or Paid) from Google Analytics Reporting API

I am using Google Analytics Core Reporting API. I have a little confusion that I want to discuss.
First I want to get keyword which User has searched to reach on my site. I have used ga:keyword. I have also seen one other dimension which is ga:searchKeyword. Which one of these will give me desire result?
Second I want to get keyword type is it organic or paid? If I will use ga:medium then will it give me type of searched keyword?
BTY using following function to get results
private function getResults(&$analytics, $profileId,$data) {
$optParams = array(
'dimensions' => 'ga:visitCount,ga:browser,ga:fullReferrer,ga:keyword,ga:country,ga:campaign,ga:medium'
return $analytics->data_ga->get(
'ga:' . $profileId, $data['start_date'], $data['end_date'], 'ga:visits',$optParams);
Please guide me.
Best Regards,
ga:searchKeyword is only for keywords from your internal site search. ga:keyword and ga:medium will give the desired result.
According to the documentation, ga:keyword tracks:
When using manual campaign tracking, the value of the utm_term campaign tracking parameter. When using AdWords autotagging or if a visitor used organic search to reach your property, the keywords used by visitors to reach your property. Otherwise the value is (not set).
ga:medium can be used to tell organic search and paid clicks apart. It tracks:
The type of referrals to your property. When using manual campaign tracking, the value of the utm_medium campaign tracking parameter. When using AdWords autotagging, the value is ppc. If the user comes from a search engine detected by Google Analytics, the value is organic. If the referrer is not a search engine, the value is referral. If the visitor came directly to the property, and document.referrer is empty, the value is (none).
